They were getting major play since SPCM
I was in 8th grade when they came out, i grew up in Chicagoland and spent my summers in ATL and Florida where my fam is at.
Players Ball and the title trac got heavy spins on the biggest hiphop stations in Chicago since day one. They got love from the Midwest from the start. And it was nikkas, yt ppl didnt even know about them untl Stankonia which was 5 years later.
I was in ATL the summer of 93 staying with my auntie when they started buzzing and it was def a grass roots thing not no industry plant. I would be down in Decatur getting my hair cut and Outkast would always be hear nikkas yellin hoody hoo out in the street so it wasnt no weirdo alternative nerd rap. Regular ppl could relate to shyt like Get Up Get Out and Crumblin Erb bc it was
problem is, youre reading with your heart, instead of reading with your eyes. yet you claim im the one that's emotional.
if you actually did some reading before jumping out the window, you would know:
I never said they were industry plants.
I never even really dissed outkast, period.
I just said they weren't goat level. and youre not doing a good job of proving me wrong.
I even called them legends. im actually the main one saying SPCM was their peak. and it looks like you agree with me, seeing that your entire post is based around their '93-95 1st album run.
youre not describing a goat group here. you just described a group that had a nice lil run of popularity. theres about 100 groups I can attach a similar resume to.
youre not telling me anything I don't already know here. you typed all this for nothing, on the grounds that you assumed I stated that they were wack industry plants or some other chit that I never said.
yea they got spins. they got play. but when did they ever shut chit down??
where was their movement?
what are their goat credentials?? im still waiting.
I cant speak on the East Coast or the West but the South and Midwest fukkd with them heavy
If ppl in your town didnt listen to em, that doesnt prove shyt. Ppl didnt really fw Mobb Deep too heavy in Chicago but i would never downplay their accomplishments
why do yall keep trying to make this about east & west?? especially when we're talking about a backpack/neo-soul group.
lol. what do yall be thinking?
I never said they didn't get any play in my town. youre putting a lot of words on my keyboard. SHEESH.
mobb deep doesn't belong in any goat conversations either. I don't know why yall keep bringing them up in here, like I care.