Reasons Why Outkast Will Never Be Seen As GOAT Contenders By Most Real Heads

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
So yes most hardcore hip hop heads definitely dont fukk with them like that let alone put them in the goat hip hop group discussions :francis:

But they definitely are a goat hip hip group

but if you admit that heads don't rock with them like that, how can you turn around and call them a goat group?

on what grounds? you cant just say that theyre a goat group just because.
that does a disservice to all of the more deserving groups. ITS NOT RIGHT.

people are better off just calling them one of their favorite groups. otherwise, this opens up a whole nother can of worms.

Gold thread & great discussion all the way through :ehh:


Wacky D

May 10, 2012
You're going to act like this thread didn't get a 1 star or the posts that disagreed with you received more daps than you by a wide margin.

whats your point?

dude said NOBODY agrees. and that's a blatant lie. stop trying to move the goal-post.

ive gotten and im still getting more than enough support needed for me to keep this thread going. anyone who tries to claim otherwise is full of chit.
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Jun 17, 2012
whats your point?

dude said NOBODY agrees. and that's a blatant lie. stop trying to move the goal-post.

ive gotten and im still getting more than enough support needed for me to keep this thread going. anyone who tries to claim otherwise is full of chit.

Your inital post got like what 15 daps. There's posts that disagreed with you that got double, triple, quadruple the amount of daps. On top of that, it got one starred. The point is, an overwhelming majority STRONGLY DISAGREES with the premise of this thread. There is no support for your premise, because most of the reponses are you upping the thread or you replying to posts disagreeing with you.


Jun 17, 2012
1. this is the argument that is used by people who don't get out.
2. what? lol
3. are you dumb?
4. theres a lot of people that I never got into. people that are actually goat candidates. I call outkast out because theyre fughazi and don't have the proper credentials.
and nah, 95% of the time I see them propped up offline, is by media. that's the problem.

1. It's not an argument. Those are facts. Regardless of what you think about it. You can't disprove it, unlike the premise of this thread, which has been debunked by numerous posters.

2. So once again, you have no rebuttal. What's even funnier is that you say people have no response other than hurling insults, but that's what you're doing with #3.

4. You "call out" Kast because you obviously have something personal against the group. No normal person ups a five year old thread to prove something to a bunch of people you don't even know. And even you're admitting that you've seen/heard them propped up offline even if it's "5%", that "5%" is what you're really upset about. You're using this thread and every opportunity you see them propped up to vent your frustrations and disdain for the group because you feel they don't deserve the props.

ive already mentioned arista plenty of times in this thread already. its just quicker to type laface. stop looking for a loophole. you know what I meant.

and your dumbass is proving my point with the bolded.

calling you "lil dude" has nothing to do with age. lol. what are you talking about? see this is why youre not qualified to speak on things like impact, and artists being factors & such. the social aspect of the culture is foreign to you. don't worry, most outkast stans are in the same boat, so youre not alone.

Breh you have no credibility to call anyone dumb when you're in here talking about "its just quicker to type laface". I've never seen anyone come up with a lamer attempt to avoid a discussion that that. Then you're going on to say that I knew what you meant. You meant nothing because you just simply jumped ship due using laziness as your excuse. You don't know what you're talking about.

Breh, you have the social skills of a five year old who makes up a game. When you can't come up with a response, you resort to name calling or telling the poster they can't comprehend, they weren't there, or you question their cultural knowledge.

Magnum P.I.M.P.

Tumultuous Splendor
Jun 12, 2014
Orca's c*nt
1. It's not an argument. Those are facts. Regardless of what you think about it. You can't disprove it, unlike the premise of this thread, which has been debunked by numerous posters.

2. So once again, you have no rebuttal. What's even funnier is that you say people have no response other than hurling insults, but that's what you're doing with #3.

4. You "call out" Kast because you obviously have something personal against the group. No normal person ups a five year old thread to prove something to a bunch of people you don't even know. And even you're admitting that you've seen/heard them propped up offline even if it's "5%", that "5%" is what you're really upset about. You're using this thread and every opportunity you see them propped up to vent your frustrations and disdain for the group because you feel they don't deserve the props.

Breh you have no credibility to call anyone dumb when you're in here talking about "its just quicker to type laface". I've never seen anyone come up with a lamer attempt to avoid a discussion that that. Then you're going on to say that I knew what you meant. You meant nothing because you just simply jumped ship due using laziness as your excuse. You don't know what you're talking about.

Breh, you have the social skills of a five year old who makes up a game. When you can't come up with a response, you resort to name calling or telling the poster they can't comprehend, they weren't there, or you question their cultural knowledge.


Jun 17, 2012
Reading through this thread, the common denominator is that the OP avoids legit arguments and attributing it to poor comprehension or being socially and culturally detached Kast fans. Mind you, a lot of the posters that are disagreeing with him aren't Kast fans. There's a poster that said that they were cool with him and still disagreed. The most dapped post in the thread is one saying "you typed all that for this one *". 109+ daps vs. 18+ daps the OP received. Another post that states "they have verses/songs/albums/movies/interludes/covers that shyt on your favorite artists shy *". 44+ daps vs. 18+ daps the OP received.


"Who's the best: Pac, Nas and Big?"
Dec 8, 2015
1. It's not an argument. Those are facts. Regardless of what you think about it. You can't disprove it, unlike the premise of this thread, which has been debunked by numerous posters.

2. So once again, you have no rebuttal. What's even funnier is that you say people have no response other than hurling insults, but that's what you're doing with #3.

4. You "call out" Kast because you obviously have something personal against the group. No normal person ups a five year old thread to prove something to a bunch of people you don't even know. And even you're admitting that you've seen/heard them propped up offline even if it's "5%", that "5%" is what you're really upset about. You're using this thread and every opportunity you see them propped up to vent your frustrations and disdain for the group because you feel they don't deserve the props.

Breh you have no credibility to call anyone dumb when you're in here talking about "its just quicker to type laface". I've never seen anyone come up with a lamer attempt to avoid a discussion that that. Then you're going on to say that I knew what you meant. You meant nothing because you just simply jumped ship due using laziness as your excuse. You don't know what you're talking about.

Breh, you have the social skills of a five year old who makes up a game. When you can't come up with a response, you resort to name calling or telling the poster they can't comprehend, they weren't there, or you question their cultural knowledge.
Oh shyt:wow:


Jun 17, 2012
i didnt have a problem with them until the past 8 years when the media started revising history in their favor, and suddenly all these little internet dudes started claiming outkast as goat group contenders out of nowhere.

So you're saying that the media started revising history in the favor in 2004. The cover below is from a December 2000 issue of XXL:


^^^ 11.5 years before this thread was made. The Source had BOTH ATLiens and Southernplayalistic in it's list of 100 Greatest Hip Hop albums of all time. Kast was critically acclaimed out the gate. Nobody rewrote history in favor. They were making history from 1994 forward. The only one re-writing history is you.


Jun 17, 2012
how am I biased? I'm just stating how they were received by that point.

outkast themselves were complaining about their lack of popularity with the core rap audience on that very album. do you kast stans even listen to their music? or do yall just gas them up because of what they stand for, and the fact that yall can relate to them?.......see now we're getting to the meat & potatoes of this chit.

I don't care about whatever admiration or respect yall give to them on here. my gripe is when yall start revising history. how hard is this to understand?

You're biased because you're presenting one-sided arguments as fact.

OutKast were not complaining about the lack of popularity with the core rap audience. They weren't complaining at all. The skit you're referring to addresses people that didn't like the transition from Southernplayalistic to ATLiens. Even in the skit, the dude that was no longer into them didn't "get it" because he based his perception on appearance. That dude ain't really understand the music, which is something Big Rube addressed on their debut. Obviously dude thought they were all about "slammin' Cadillac dos" and wasn't feeling it when they came with ATLiens. It had nothing to do with their "lack of popularity with the core rap audience".
Mar 27, 2014
So you're saying that the media started revising history in the favor in 2004. The cover below is from a December 2000 issue of XXL:


^^^ 11.5 years before this thread was made. The Source had BOTH ATLiens and Southernplayalistic in it's list of 100 Greatest Hip Hop albums of all time. Kast was critically acclaimed out the gate. Nobody rewrote history in favor. They were making history from 1994 forward. The only one re-writing history is you.

:mjgrin: Sweet vindication

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
Your inital post got like what 15 daps. There's posts that disagreed with you that got double, triple, quadruple the amount of daps. On top of that, it got one starred. The point is, an overwhelming majority STRONGLY DISAGREES with the premise of this thread. There is no support for your premise, because most of the reponses are you upping the thread or you replying to posts disagreeing with you.

LOL. you claim that theres no support to my premise, but ive sat back and watched numerous people son you for pages, without me even chiming in most of the time.

and that's not even my most-dapped post. but whatever. I'm not into daps and all that little internet chit. i mean, i appreciate the daps, and i always dap others, even if i don t agree with them, but that chit dont make or breaky my posts. and overall, the whole point of this exchange is for you dudes to STOP LYING. saying "nobody agrees with you" when youre arguing with someone else besides me half the time, is the most low-level form of a desperation post.

and yea, outkast is obviously a top 2 favored group on this board. that's pretty much the whole point of the thread, smart guy.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
Breh, that's not what you were implying with this thread. You have posts trying to discredit them as legit Hip Hop acts altogether. That's beyond saying they are overrated. You didn't simply call them overrated, you tried to pass your opinion of them off as fact by framing the statement as one generally held by "real" Hip Hop heads. Then you proceeded to argue that them being "GOAT contenders" is an Internet thing based on media hype. If that was the case, why are you on the Internet arguing that they aren't "GOAT contenders"?

What I'm seeing with OutKast is the same thing I see with Jay Z. You have people that view Jay Z as overrated so they'll make these arguments to discredit his standing in Hip Hop:

- Reasonable Doubt isn't a classic because it wasn't viewed as such until Jay blew in 1998

- Jay Z wasn't poppin' in 1996

- Jay Z never was "the man" in any singular year, he just managed to outlast his contemporaries

- Jay Z wouldn't be where he is if he didn't marry Beyoncé

- Jay Z's commercial success and media hype is the reason why he's viewd as GOAT

- Jay is where he's at because he rode waves

^^^ I'm not making this comparison to start a separate argument. I'm making the comparison because anyone that is viewed as a GOAT anything will always have the "overrated" tag attached to them because it's all subjective. Many will always disagree on a GOAT. Those that strongly disagree will view said GOAT as overrated and come up with reasons to justify that viewpoint no matter how outlandish or bogus it is. You fall into the latter category.

I never discredited them as a legit hip-hop act at all. youre getting me confused with some of the numerous other people that youre in here arguing with.......even tho, you like to claim that youre just arguing with me.:mjlol:

what I discredit is their sales, because their numbers were always boosted by sales outside of the genre, hence the reason why their impact never matched the amount of retail sold.

you can never compare outkast to a jay-z. LOL. that's laughable.
for starters; this analogy is way off, seeing that jay & outkast didn't come from the same situation.
- jay-z was indeed poppin in '96. he was an independent street artist, who still made noise commercially, and managed to be a bigger factor in the game than outkast, who were signed to laface/arista. not only in '96, but from their inception.
- reasonable doubt was indeed classic in the streets up north. and he went gold and had hit records. he did what he was supposed to do.
- jay was the clearly the man in 2000-2002. and why would you even bring up this argument? when was outkast ever anywhere near being them dudes?
- in hip-hop, jay was bigger before he married beyonce
- jay is not in my top 5, and I cant stand the guy nowadays, but youre short-changing him. if its all about commercial success & media hype, then a lot of different names would be in that conversation.
- no argument against the wave-riding.

its not about just having the overrated tag attached to you because youre up there in goat convos. this thread is about a group that doesn't belong in such convos, and the fact that the majority of their fans that are pushing for them, quite frankly aren't hip to what was and is going on, and don't really belong PERIOD. I remember a time when most of these L7s wouldn't even be hip-hop fans. youre one of them, by the way. GET MAD CHUMP.
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Wacky D

May 10, 2012
So you're saying that the media started revising history in the favor in 2004. The cover below is from a December 2000 issue of XXL:

^^^ 11.5 years before this thread was made. The Source had BOTH ATLiens and Southernplayalistic in it's list of 100 Greatest Hip Hop albums of all time. Kast was critically acclaimed out the gate. Nobody rewrote history in favor. They were making history from 1994 forward. The only one re-writing history is you.

we already covered this. youre going in fairness, you may not have been involved with that, so its cool.
but we already know that hip-hop journalists were on their top since day one. that's one of the main reasons why they got booed at the source awards. not just because theyre from the south, like theyre trying to paint it as in hindsight. chit, they even tried to give SPCM 5 mics out the gate.

I'm talking about mass media pushing hard for their legacy. not just the magazines & their lil chit.

but you live thru media, so its a waste of time going back n forth about this with you.

:mjgrin: Sweet vindication


read the comment above.

and don't think I didn't see your rebuttal from the other day. I'm going to get to that later, playboy.:birdman:

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
The irony in OP saying he was listening to Outkast before the "hipsters" on here....

Methinks OP doesn't understand the definition of hipster as how it pertains to music.

youre right. I prolly don't.

I only know about hipsters through what yall be saying on here.