Do more research on the name Jehovah...a Hebrew name taught to you by who?...
"Now let’s look back at our three names of God.
The term Elohim has always meant “God,” but is not germane to our discussion of your question.
The issue of Jehovah is derived from the other two primary names of God.
The term
Yahweh is always translated by the word “Lord.” But we must understand that
every time a Rabbi or any Jew was reading any portion of the Old Testament and came upon this written word “YHWH”, he orally said “Adonai,” not “Yahweh.” The reason for this is that the Jews considered the written term YHWH so sacred that it should never be spoken or expressed with the lips.
Now, where does “Jehovah” come from? Well, what were
the Massoretes to do when they
were adding their vowel-system to the written Hebrew text and they came upon the word, “YHWH?” Since
no Jew had ever heard or known the true pronunciation of this most sacred of names for the Hebrew God, they put there the identical vowel-pointings which are rendered for Adonai!
In reality,
the Jews were just doing what they had always done: they
spoke “Adonai” every time they read “YHWH” in the text.
The vowel sounds in Adonai are “OH” and “AH.” Thus, “Yahweh” becomes “YHO VAH” (rendered in English as “Jehovah”).
Most scholars have concluded that the term “YHWH” is actually based upon the “to be” verb in Hebrew, “HYH” (HAYAH). The future tense of this verb is YHWH (Yahweh).
They refer back to the passage in Exodus where God is actually asked His name. Moses says, “Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I shall say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you.’ Now, they may say to me, ‘
What is His Name?’ What shall I say to them?” And
God said to Moses,
“I AM WHO I AM;” and
He said, “
Thus you shall say to the Sons of Israel,
I AM has sent me to you.'”
hope this answers your question.
You can see from this explanation that
the issue was not that someone translated it wrong. It was done with reverent intention. I hope this answers your question adequately."
Jimmy Williams, Founder
Probe Ministries