Real Talk: Black Women Who Date White Men Are Terrible Human Beings


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Of all the races I tried to get at white chicks are the easiest to me.

Shame I don't care much for white chicks. :manny:

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
the reasonn bw/wm works, is because magically the black american girls turns submissive and obedient when she gets a white counter part. she gets on her best behavior, youd think she turned african all of a sudden. be having me like :wtf:

ive seen females turn 180. Im one of the chillest dudes, she naggin every day, soon as she gets a white bf, she dont say a word. they know white men dont take that chimpout. you flip out and get in his face one time, he's cutting you off right there and then, might even call the cops and have you out the house same hour.

this is what we need to start doing when black women start actin like dudes. we tolerate too much from them.
Apr 11, 2013
lol, aight ma. And I'm not mid 20's I'm 28. Idk, maybe that's young to you but my experiences are reality. You can say that white men / black women relationships are the best and greatest thing on Earth - but I'm going to disagree.

Thing is I NEVER said this^^^. What I said is black women/white men unions are some of the most stable and I used data to back up my words.

P.S. I'm also 28...going on 29 this week!

Same way I do when black men blast black women. You think there is no truth to what these men say about black women??

There may be truth to it, but black women should NOT be the main factor (or even a factor) in why you as a black man are dating/marrying Ming Su and 'em. Arguably, one can argue that such unions aren't genuine and thus why they don't last.

There are issues with educated black women and with rat bithces. I still don't condone them hyping up white women as some type of saviors for black men.

Believe me, I think black women have come to see this^^for the joke that it is because black men's unions with non-black women don't last very long. So, for all the hyping that they do, it seems they are incapable of maintaining their relationships with their "saviors" or any race women for that matter.

lol @ you about to marry a french white guy. IF you were a real black women who dated black men and wasn't campaigning on the "black women should get some pink d1ck" campaign... then that comment and those stats would be relevant.

The only thing that stopped me from marrying him is my life here in the US. He wanted me to move to France. We clearly were on two different wavelengths and paths in this world. I met my husband soon after we broke up.

I don't need to prove my "realness" to you. I believe black women should do what it best for them...regardless of race. If that is "campaigning" to be it. In my world, love is colorless. Life is too damn short to worry about bullshyt like race. That goes for black men and black women.

The reality is, social economic statues plays the most important role in bringing people together and culture is second. Take any major university or any large company and you can see how people naturally link up and make friends. Exceptions to the rules don't make the rules.

Culture may be a factor but it is becoming an insignificant factor in this world. People in this day and age, and especially future generations are not going to let something like culture stand in the way of their personal happiness. It is just not going to happen.

Folks in this day and age are not inclined to "keep it black" like grandma and 'em.

White men marry nearly 10 times (over 50 million) more white women than black women and 4 and 5 times more women of other non-white races. White men in general (idk y) have an Asian fetish nearly 1000x more than simple black girl attraction.

Once again, I don't know a singe black woman who is checking for ALL men of any race. It only takes ONE. Again, black women are 6% of the population. We are not a large group. It doesn't take ALL or MOST of any group to knock off the black women who are interested in dating any race and who are available (i.e., those not tied down by kids, divorce, widows, etc).

Black men are sitting at 80% being most attracted to black women. Black women are almost all attracted to black men and that is why it's strange to see, in this world, the black women with other races More than Any Other Combo.

I don't think so.

I think the main problem is a whole lot of people like yourself, who are NOT black women, stay trying to speak for black women and tell US what WE find attractive.

Other black women, who are only down for dating black men, stay trying to speak for ALL black women as well. Then people like "Marcuz" take their words and use it to say, "See, I knew black women weren't loyal to black men" when a black woman exercises her right to date/marry who the hell she wants.

The truth of the matter is you don't know MOST or ALL black women to say who/what we find attractive. Simply because someone marries or dates someone that shares their race doesn't mean they exclusively find that race attractive.

For so long, black women (and white men) have been shamed into not openly voicing an attraction to each other by politics, history, white supremacy, white women and black men. Those days are coming an end.

The days of black men speaking for white men ("White men don't find black women attractive") and speaking for black women ("Black women ONLY find black men attractive") are coming to an end. And this scars the shyt out of certain groups of people who want to keep things just the way they are with black men monopolizing black women and black women being miserable due to lack of quality and quantity in their dating pool. We are basically seeing a reversal of white men trying to monopolize white women back in the day.

I've traveled the world as well - and the black girl with other races thing is about as rare as albinism. It's cool, like I said, if black women just happens to run into some random European on her travels.. but that's is completely different than being the Type of Black Women that you are promoting.

Again, you are a BLACK MAN trying to tell me and other black women our experiences overseas. It doesn't make any sense. Stop talking about what you apparently cannot speak on because YOU ARE NOT A BLACK WOMAN. Black women are all over the internet talking about the dating scene aboard. It is not limited to your worldview.

And seriously.. I'm trying to tell you black chicks with two masters degrees or working on the Yale Law degree is essentially the same as the hoodrat. Of course I'm not gonna wife the hoodrat- her cultural tendencies makes her undesirable for that, but dating wise.... the Yale grad is the same bytch in a different package.

Tell me dumbarse, is the black man that graduated from Harvard, who has his shyt together the same as Pookie and Ray Ray???? Are they the same NINJA??? Are they the same type of NINJA??? Do you think they hold the same desirability value??? NOOOOO!

Please get some logic. Your points don't make any sense. It is MORE than economics involved here.

If I cheat on a real black women, all that education n shyt goes out the window and she just ghetto and ratchet as fukk. Even when I was in the military I saw the 'black' come out of chicks that I didn't even know had it in them. All that shyt is just social economic packaging. People are people. Most people at my job would be shocked and appalled if they knew that I thought the way I think and act the way I act with my nikkas outside of work.

Again, your definition of "real" is of no consequence here because you equate being "real" with attitude, culture and who someone dates, which is stereotypical at best.

My entire point is DESIRABILITY is not created equally. The on-point, college educated, cultured, in-shape, worldly, pretty chick has options. Tameka from the hood does not. So, these two don't share the same level of desirability. On-point sisters options are NOT limited to black men.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Hmmm I do wonder if these black girls who ended up going with a white guy standards for white men are the same for their standards for black men.

Like let's say a black chick who when checking out black males only went for those above average looking yet shytty personality black guys and had it rough yet when they jumped over to white guys they looked for and went with a average looking yet good personality white guy.

Black chicks who do that would make the stats kind of faulty. :manny:

the next guy

May 2, 2012
1)kermit stop it
2)black women have higher standards in general. less of them will go out with white guys. you should be focused on everyone in nba and nfl and mlb married to white chicks. that's a bigger and real issue.


Jun 4, 2012
Thing is I NEVER said this^^^. What I said is black women/white men unions are some of the most stable and I used data to back up my words.

P.S. I'm also 28...going on 29 this week!
So basically you have no excuses.. you grew up during my time. I also will turn 29 soon. And realistically, you say love is colorless and all that shyt.. but I'm a black dude who is ur exact same age, probably similar background as you.. if we met, we wouldn't even be talking about this shyt and more than likely you wouldn't be thinking about a white guy if I decided I wanted to engage in convo w you. If I decided to stay faithful to you(which I probably wouldn't) you would be telling all ur homegirls how u love ur black man. lol.
There may be truth to it, but black women should NOT be the main factor (or even a factor) in why you as a black man are dating/marrying Ming Su and 'em. Arguably, one can argue that such unions aren't genuine and thus why they don't last.
ok. but..... You can't hype black women/pink penis love and then diss those multicultural p*ssy chasing brothers.
Believe me, I think black women have come to see this^^for the joke that it is because black men's unions with non-black women don't last very long. So, for all the hyping that they do, it seems they are incapable of maintaining their relationships with their "saviors" or any race women for that matter.
OK, but there are some personality characteristics that black women have more than other races of women (on average). Even someone like myself can see that shyt... It's very easy to deal w asian or white women after dating black women your entire life.
The only thing that stopped me from marrying him is my life here in the US. He wanted me to move to France. We clearly were on two different wavelengths and paths in this world. I met my husband soon after we broke up.
So you're husband is white?? ummmm ok.
I don't need to prove my "realness" to you. I believe black women should do what it best for them...regardless of race. If that is "campaigning" to be it. In my world, love is colorless. Life is too damn short to worry about bullshyt like race. That goes for black men and black women.
well... that's you're world. In the real world, interracial couples get funny looks. I really don't care about all that... but I'm not gonna be fake and say I don't see a bad black chick with a craker and think it looks weird. And I have guys in my fam married to white ladies and I don't really care about it. It's not even hate... but just from knowing the white guys I know, it doesn't seem that it would be a good match up for a black women. Maybe it's territorial. I was in the military, u never wanted some random guy coming to pull some bad bytch in ur unit.. regardless of race. in certain neighborhoods it's the same way. Besides the long history of black women being raped by white men, in Mass, isn't something in our too distant past. And Also, when you consider the amount of white guy - black girl porn sites (and how they are never normal but always disrespectful and c00n like).. I start to become suspect that even when there is love there is an underlying fetish aspect. Also - Sarah Baartman.
Culture may be a factor but it is becoming an insignificant factor in this world. People in this day and age, and especially future generations are not going to let something like culture stand in the way of their personal happiness. It is just not going to happen.

Folks in this day and age are not inclined to "keep it black" like grandma and 'em.
Folk in this day in age are the most c00neristic and lost than we've been since slavery. We kill each other in mass and we hate each other more than cacs do.. so the way we are today isn't something to promote.
Once again, I don't know a singe black woman who is checking for ALL men of any race. It only takes ONE. Again, black women are 6% of the population. We are not a large group. It doesn't take ALL or MOST of any group to knock off the black women who are interested in dating any race and who are available (i.e., those not tied down by kids, divorce, widows, etc).
I don't think so.
I think the main problem is a whole lot of people like yourself, who are NOT black women, stay trying to speak for black women and tell US what WE find attractive.
:stopitslime: Because of the environments and social economic status and influences of a large part of my fam.. most of my own female cousins date mainly white guys. They claim to like any race, but none are even checking for things not white. It's crazy and lost- but they represent a minority. Just by happenstance most black women aren't going to date outside the race now or in the near future... And in the far future there really won't be any white guys to date, so this won't even be a conversation. Actually, women like you might be doing the world a great service :lupe:
Other black women, who are only down for dating black men, stay trying to speak for ALL black women as well. Then people like "Marcuz" take their words and use it to say, "See, I knew black women weren't loyal to black men" when a black woman exercises her right to date/marry who the hell she wants.

The truth of the matter is you don't know MOST or ALL black women to say who/what we find attractive. Simply because someone marries or dates someone that shares their race doesn't mean they exclusively find that race attractive.
There may be a few Brad Pitts, but unless the white guy is a dime piece dude with some type of swagger.. most black girls aren't gonna get it wet for him. The majority of black women go black and there's nothing wrong with that.
For so long, black women (and white men) have been shamed into not openly voicing an attraction to each other by politics, history, white supremacy, white women and black men. Those days are coming an end.
:mindblown: What?!? lol, black men for most of American history have been shamed into being nonsexual.. and have even been killed for looking towards a white women. The white guy at work who you believe is sooooo liberal about this- is posting online right now some hateful shyt about black guys and crime, or black guys and (some stereotype) - but of course not talking shyt about black women. Black women fukking white men is as American as Apple Pie and burning churches filled with blacks. From Brazil to the USA white men have got off on smashing or raping black women as their number one hobby for most of our american history. Even racist white men and slave owners got soo much black p*ssy that it's part of the reason White women today are Soo easy to deal with- They were forced to just get used to the smashing their husbands did. The only black sex that has been shunned has been black men with ... anyone. Even Uncle Ben's rice didn't show pass his waist on the damn box to emasculate black men. White guys hung black women, but hung and cut the penises off black men in front of children to get young minds to stereotype and fear the black male sexuality. The Sally Hemings story has been spinning so much in media it's ridiculous.. the only thing that the media pushes (historically) for black men is = To Kill a Mockingbird. Black men crave the holy white women.. black women are sexual objects created for exploitation. I found out about something called Ghetto gaggers from The Coli.. it's the same shyt just modernized.
Again, you are a BLACK MAN trying to tell me and other black women our experiences overseas. It doesn't make any sense. Stop talking about what you apparently cannot speak on because YOU ARE NOT A BLACK WOMAN. Black women are all over the internet talking about the dating scene aboard. It is not limited to your worldview.
The dating scene abroad is more diverse. But it's more so for black men.
Tell me dumbarse, is the black man that graduated from Harvard, who has his shyt together the same as Pookie and Ray Ray???? Are they the same NINJA??? Are they the same type of NINJA??? Do you think they hold the same desirability value??? NOOOOO!
lol, no. But the reversal of a women is the same.. tbh. I'm sorry but it's just what it is... The women from grad school just have better packaging and are more presentable to your mother... deep down inside all chicks are the same
Please get some logic. Your points don't make any sense. It is MORE than economics involved here.
Again, your definition of "real" is of no consequence here because you equate being "real" with attitude, culture and who someone dates, which is stereotypical at best.
I don't limit real to a caricature. I was just told by a nikka I haven't seen in a long time that I was talking white.. lol. So naw I'm not about that stereotype life.. However, I'm not about that no love for the black man life either.
My entire point is DESIRABILITY is not created equally. The on-point, college educated, cultured, in-shape, worldly, pretty chick has options. Tameka from the hood does not. So, these two don't share the same level of desirability. On-point sisters options are NOT limited to black men.
Tameka from the hood can get in shape and get wifed up by a wealthy businessman and have her nursing degree paid for - I've seen it happen. I've also seen educated black women live alone and be alone because they just aren't pretty enough or they are just wack bytches or are too picky in mates. Maybe it's just me, but I don't even put weight in all that education and worldly sh1t. Most educated people are narrow-minded about the conditions of the poor and feel more self-important than the masses.. Those aren't desirable qualities to me.

Also, just curious... can a black women express black consciousness or speaking about racism and CACs if she's with a white guy??:ld:
  • Dap
Reactions: GZR
Apr 11, 2013
So basically you have no excuses.. you grew up during my time. I also will turn 29 soon. And realistically, you say love is colorless and all that shyt.. but I'm a black dude who is ur exact same age, probably similar background as you.. if we met, we wouldn't even be talking about this shyt and more than likely you wouldn't be thinking about a white guy if I decided I wanted to engage in convo w you. If I decided to stay faithful to you(which I probably wouldn't) you would be telling all ur homegirls how u love ur black man. lol.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Men who refer to women as "bytches" don't appeal to me. :huhldup:

ok. but..... You can't hype black women/pink penis love and then diss those multicultural p*ssy chasing brothers.

I didn't do this^^^ You did. I have stated over and over again I don't give a rat arse who/what black men long as they leave black women the hell out of it.

OK, but there are some personality characteristics that black women have more than other races of women (on average). Even someone like myself can see that shyt... It's very easy to deal w asian or white women after dating black women your entire life.

Only one problem: They don't seem to want to deal with you but so long. :merchant:

There is ONE common component in failed relationships between BW/BM, WW/BM and AW/BM and that is the black man.

As I have already pointed out, black women seem more than capable of sustaining relationships...when the men aren't black. The opposite doesn't seem true...even when the women are black. So, obviously even with those "easy to deal with women" you, black men are coming up short.

So you're husband is white?? ummmm ok.

I have never disclosed the race of my husband on this forum...and I never will.

well... that's you're world. In the real world, interracial couples get funny looks. I really don't care about all that... but I'm not gonna be fake and say I don't see a bad black chick with a craker and think it looks weird. And I have guys in my fam married to white ladies and I don't really care about it.

I never denied interracial couples get "funny" looks, which are largely based on prejudice, racism and ignorance.

The reason why the bad black chick with the white man bothers you while the white girl with black man doesn't is because you perceive the white man as a threat...plain and simple.

It's not even hate... but just from knowing the white guys I know, it doesn't seem that it would be a good match up for a black women.

Yet again these unions are some of the most stable. You may not THINK it is a good match, but apparently the available data on these unions doesn't agree with you.

Maybe it's territorial.

No, it is fear of a perceived threat and fear of sexual competition.

I was in the military, u never wanted some random guy coming to pull some bad bytch in ur unit.. regardless of race. in certain neighborhoods it's the same way.

That "bad bytch" doesn't belong to you. You have no right to outsource your feelings to her and the men she is interested in being with.

Besides the long history of black women being raped by white men, in Mass, isn't something in our too distant past. And Also, when you consider the amount of white guy - black girl porn sites (and how they are never normal but always disrespectful and c00n like).. I start to become suspect that even when there is love there is an underlying fetish aspect. Also - Sarah Baartman. {/quote]

And here comes the selective :cape:

It's a's a it's "Cap N Save a Sister From those Evil White Men While Ignoring The Reality that a Black Woman Is TEN TIMES MORE LIKELY TO BE RAPED, BEAT AND ROBBED BY A BLACK MAN THAN ANY NON-BLACK MAN!!!!"

*Cue the theme music*

First thing: There is just as much racist stereotypical porn involving black men on the internet. Amazing how you morons on this site can ignore that fact.

Second thing: Fetishes are things that are rare NOT common. To say that ALL or most white men/black women relationships/marriages center around fetishes is bullshyt.

Sara Baartman is NOT alive today in today's world. In today's world a black woman is MORE likely to be degraded by a black man than any white man.

You ninjas are two-faced and the world knows it.

It seems you believe black men should have a monopoly on the degradation of black women as well.

I don't see you out here playing :cape: when black men (the people MORE likely to do it) are the individuals degrading, belittling and screwing over black women. In fact you subscribe to a, "no capping" motto when it's a black man doing the degrading.

So, why the phuck do you raise your voices HYPOCRITICALLY to speak about black women being so-called degraded by white men??? Why the hell do you morons using PORN to compare real life situations??? I think we all know the true motivation behind this "shaming" tactic and once again it goes back to fear of sexual competition.

Folk in this day in age are the most c00neristic and lost than we've been since slavery. We kill each other in mass and we hate each other more than cacs do.. so the way we are today isn't something to promote.

Sorry, but people expressing their desire and attraction to non-black folks doesn't move me or make me want to belittle them. That is their business.

:stopitslime: Because of the environments and social economic status and influences of a large part of my fam.. most of my own female cousins date mainly white guys. They claim to like any race, but none are even checking for things not white. It's crazy and lost- but they represent a minority.

Funny...the men who date white women in your fam... doesn't appear to bother you as much. Face your own issues and stop projecting them on others.

Just by happenstance most black women aren't going to date outside the race now or in the near future... And in the far future there really won't be any white guys to date, so this won't even be a conversation. Actually, women like you might be doing the world a great service :lupe:

Most of any race isn't going to date outside the race.

The issue appears to be this...

1). The best and brightest and many of the most desirable are hopping the fence.

2). When given the opportunity black women are not going to pass up a man who satisfies them just for the sake of keeping it black...sorry. Again, this is the 21st century.

The other truth to all this is that black women and white men are the fastest growing interracial union (notice I didn't say the most common). This union isn't slowing down or stopping.

There may be a few Brad Pitts, but unless the white guy is a dime piece dude with some type of swagger.. most black girls aren't gonna get it wet for him.

Here we go again with YOU, a black man, trying to speak for black women and what we find attractive. You need to stop trying to speak for black women and what we find attractive. It is NOT your place.

If you actually read some of the blogs in which black women list the men they find attractive the "wigga" type rarely makes the list. These women are listing Paul Walker, George Clooney and Matthew Mcconaughey.

I find it interesting that one of the main complaints rejected black men issue against black women is that we require swag for black men, but ignore it for white men....yet here you are stating that swag is a requirement for white men as well. Once again, STOP SPEAKING FOR BLACK WOMEN.

The majority of black women go black and there's nothing wrong with that. :mindblown:

There is also nothing wrong with a black woman admitting her natural attraction to non-black men...specifically white men.

What?!? lol, black men for most of American history have been shamed into being nonsexual.. and have even been killed for looking towards a white women.

Black men have free will to like and desire who they want TODAY (the period in history we are talking about). Please join me in the 21st century. Nobody is standing in the way of black men and non-black women. You will do whatever you want. You need to respect black women's right to do the same.

The white guy at work who you believe is sooooo liberal about this- is posting online right now some hateful shyt about black guys and crime, or black guys and (some stereotype) - but of course not talking shyt about black women.

Hate to burst your bubble, but black men do the same thing. Talk mad shyt about white men and don't say shyt about white women. You're perfectly content to rationalize your hatred of white men, while admiring the women their sperm produces. It is sick all the way around. :merchant:

Black women fukking white men is as American as Apple Pie and burning churches filled with blacks. From Brazil to the USA white men have got off on smashing or raping black women as their number one hobby for most of our american history. Even racist white men and slave owners got soo much black p*ssy that it's part of the reason White women today are Soo easy to deal with- They were forced to just get used to the smashing their husbands did.

Again, we are living in the 21st century where people CAN pick and choose who they deal with. And WTF to the bold statement.

The only black sex that has been shunned has been black men with ... anyone. Even Uncle Ben's rice didn't show pass his waist on the damn box to emasculate black men. White guys hung black women, but hung and cut the penises off black men in front of children to get young minds to stereotype and fear the black male sexuality.

Again, in our MODERN reality black men are free to do whatever the hell they want. And so too are black women. No amount of history is going to change our current reality. :comeon:

The Sally Hemings story has been spinning so much in media it's ridiculous.. the only thing that the media pushes (historically) for black men is = To Kill a Mockingbird. Black men crave the holy white women.. black women are sexual objects created for exploitation. I found out about something called Ghetto gaggers from The Coli.. it's the same shyt just modernized.

Are you kidding me? Black men's portrayal with white women/non-black women has been spinning for decades (even in black movies).

Again, Ghetto Gaggers is PORN...not real life. Have you also discovered all the stereotypical and racist porn featuring black men with titles like "Blacks on Blonds" "Black Thugs on Blonds" or "Black Mandingos on top of Blonds"?

^^This shyt is no more a representation of BM/WW relationships as Ghetto Gaggers is to BW/WM relationships. You illogical ninjas need to think harder...seriously.

The dating scene abroad is more diverse. But it's more so for black men.

The dating scene abroad is awesome. I would encourage all black women capable of traveling to discover it for themselves.

lol, no. But the reversal of a women is the same.. tbh. I'm sorry but it's just what it is... The women from grad school just have better packaging and are more presentable to your mother... deep down inside all chicks are the same

You have never meet ALL you cannot say we are the same.

I don't limit real to a caricature. I was just told by a nikka I haven't seen in a long time that I was talking white.. lol. So naw I'm not about that stereotype life.. However, I'm not about that no love for the black man life either.

Sorry, but some members of the black race don't deserve any love.

Tameka from the hood can get in shape and get wifed up by a wealthy businessman and have her nursing degree paid for - I've seen it happen.

If this is true...what the hell are you black men complaining about? Be happy with Tameka, who due to her circumstances are stuck with black men.

I've also seen educated black women live alone and be alone because they just aren't pretty enough or they are just wack bytches or are too picky in mates.

Or maybe they are single by choice? After all, no successful woman wants to waste her time on some aint shyt man who can tear down the castle she built. No thanks!

Maybe it's just me, but I don't even put weight in all that education and worldly sh1t. Most educated people are narrow-minded about the conditions of the poor and feel more self-important than the masses.. Those aren't desirable qualities to me.

No, it's not just you. Black men in general don't value education or anything else of value in this world...hence why these women are doing the best thing for themselves and seeking out men who DO value these things. Compatibility will beat culture each and every time.

Also, just curious... can a black women express black consciousness or speaking about racism and CACs if she's with a white guy??:ld:

Black women are more likely to speak out against racism and oppression than black men in this day and age (even when you the idiots on the receiving end of these things). Interracial marriage never stopped Eartha Kitt, Dorothy Dandridge, Diahann Carol, Lena Horne or a long list of black women from speaking against racism.

A black woman doesn't have to be with a black man to be conscious of racism, oppression, justice and general humanity.


Jun 4, 2012
I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. Men who refer to women as "bytches" don't appeal to me. :huhldup:
yeah, lol, because I refer to women as bytches when I encounter them in public.. and I tell women "bytches like you".... ok.

I didn't do this^^^ You did. I have stated over and over again I don't give a rat arse who/what black men long as they leave black women the hell out of it.

Only one problem: They don't seem to want to deal with you but so long. :merchant:

There is ONE common component in failed relationships between BW/BM, WW/BM and AW/BM and that is the black man.

As I have already pointed out, black women seem more than capable of sustaining relationships...when the men aren't black. The opposite doesn't seem true...even when the women are black. So, obviously even with those "easy to deal with women" you, black men are coming up short.
:whew: You're really big on dissing black men... gottdamn, lol.

Relationships don't last in general... black males aren't any less capable at successful relationships than anyone else. but- Of course everything is the black mans fault.

I have never disclosed the race of my husband on this forum...and I never will.
Whatever the race of you're husband.. hopefully he works with you to correct this bat shyt crazy mentality that you have.
I never denied interracial couples get "funny" looks, which are largely based on prejudice, racism and ignorance.

The reason why the bad black chick with the white man bothers you while the white girl with black man doesn't is because you perceive the white man as a threat...plain and simple.
lol, There isn't a white guy that's a threat.. I'm not blaming the white guy for wanting the black women... I look at the black woman and wonder if she genuinely just fell for that guy..... or if she thinks and behaves like you and is all about dissing black men and promoting retarded ideas and fantasies about relationships.

Yet again these unions are some of the most stable. You may not THINK it is a good match, but apparently the available data on these unions doesn't agree with you.
No, it is fear of a perceived threat and fear of sexual competition.
That "bad bytch" doesn't belong to you. You have no right to outsource your feelings to her and the men she is interested in being with.
It's not outsourcing... but everyone is entitled to opinions.... and realistically black men don't have sexual competition.. at least not on this planet. There are so many women.. that competition is low. And considering the fact that black women mainly chose black men.. where exactly is the threat?? You shouldn't confuse skepticism with insecurity.

And here comes the selective :cape:

It's a's a it's "Cap N Save a Sister From those Evil White Men While Ignoring The Reality that a Black Woman Is TEN TIMES MORE LIKELY TO BE RAPED, BEAT AND ROBBED BY A BLACK MAN THAN ANY NON-BLACK MAN!!!!"

*Cue the theme music*

First thing: There is just as much racist stereotypical porn involving black men on the internet. Amazing how you morons on this site can ignore that fact.
I don't ignore anything... I acknowledge how both black men and black women are perceived... hence the reason I ignore white bytches around the office. But lets be real... the shyt that is out there about black women and the disrespectful porn culture involving black women/WM is damn near an entire industry by itself.
Second thing: Fetishes are things that are rare NOT common. To say that ALL or most white men/black women relationships/marriages center around fetishes is bullshyt.

Sara Baartman is NOT alive today in today's world. In today's world a black woman is MORE likely to be degraded by a black man than any white man.

You ninjas are two-faced and the world knows it.

It seems you believe black men should have a monopoly on the degradation of black women as well.

I don't see you out here playing :cape: when black men (the people MORE likely to do it) are the individuals degrading, belittling and screwing over black women. In fact you subscribe to a, "no capping" motto when it's a black man doing the degrading.

So, why the phuck do you raise your voices HYPOCRITICALLY to speak about black women being so-called degraded by white men??? Why the hell do you morons using PORN to compare real life situations??? I think we all know the true motivation behind this "shaming" tactic and once again it goes back to fear of sexual competition.
I mentioned black women being so-called (lol, smh) degraded because I don't like it when any group does it. I mention history because the history was sooooo long.. and wasn't in the past like you think. some of that history is more recent than you want to acknowledge. You believe Sara Baartman isn't alive today but are too blind to see that there are parallels today that are promoted by white men. There are black men that promote the shyt as well... but let remember who is also encouraging and cutting the checks for that ignorance. And fetishes in regards to race aren't rare at all when it's involving white men. lol, The Asian fetish with white guys is very real... the black fetish is real, as well, and prominent- considering the small % of white guys who even consider seriously dating blacks.
Sorry, but people expressing their desire and attraction to non-black folks doesn't move me or make me want to belittle them. That is their business.

Funny...the men who date white women in your fam... doesn't appear to bother you as much. Face your own issues and stop projecting them on others.
The men who date Only white women essentially are the same as the black women who are on this dumb pro-white man campaign... both are lost.
Most of any race isn't going to date outside the race.

The issue appears to be this...

1). The best and brightest and many of the most desirable are hopping the fence.

2). When given the opportunity black women are not going to pass up a man who satisfies them just for the sake of keeping it black...sorry. Again, this is the 21st century.

The other truth to all this is that black women and white men are the fastest growing interracial union (notice I didn't say the most common). This union isn't slowing down or stopping.
lol, OK. But I disagree about the brightness and most desirable. First off who are u to make such a claim? Second, Most successful, beautiful, and educated black women are dating and marring black men. 3rd, most educated black women don't ignore the histories and realities of the situation.
Here we go again with YOU, a black man, trying to speak for black women and what we find attractive. You need to stop trying to speak for black women and what we find attractive. It is NOT your place.

If you actually read some of the blogs in which black women list the men they find attractive the "wigga" type rarely makes the list. These women are listing Paul Walker, George Clooney and Matthew Mcconaughey.

I find it interesting that one of the main complaints rejected black men issue against black women is that we require swag for black men, but ignore it for white men....yet here you are stating that swag is a requirement for white men as well. Once again, STOP SPEAKING FOR BLACK WOMEN.

There is also nothing wrong with a black woman admitting her natural attraction to non-black men...specifically white men.
when spike lee wanted to make a movie about black people having 'jungle fever'.. he made it about a black man smashing a white women. As much as you complain about black men talking about these white loving black women... The attacks from black women regarding the same subject is unparallelled and can not be matched. I took a white chick to a Mexican restaurant like 5 years ago and the looks from black girls was just ridiculous. 10x worse.. because there are so many good black women to go around... but there really aren't too many good black men to go around. Any hate we have on this subject we learned from black women and their reaction to us. Black women used to rarely ever consider white men. Black men have always dabbled in the multicultural p*ssy pot. And that black women backlash is nothing to fukk with.
Black men have free will to like and desire who they want TODAY (the period in history we are talking about). Please join me in the 21st century. Nobody is standing in the way of black men and non-black women. You will do whatever you want. You need to respect black women's right to do the same.
Hate to burst your bubble, but black men do the same thing. Talk mad shyt about white men and don't say shyt about white women. You're perfectly content to rationalize your hatred of white men, while admiring the women their sperm produces. It is sick all the way around. :merchant:

Again, we are living in the 21st century where people CAN pick and choose who they deal with. And WTF to the bold statement.
First off, you can't really deny history. Second you can't deny that history affects the present. 3rd. I don't admire any non-black women... I may have used non-black women as practice in the past... but I've never taken a nonblack women seriously.

Again, in our MODERN reality black men are free to do whatever the hell they want. And so too are black women. No amount of history is going to change our current reality. :comeon:

Are you kidding me? Black men's portrayal with white women/non-black women has been spinning for decades (even in black movies).

Again, Ghetto Gaggers is PORN...not real life. Have you also discovered all the stereotypical and racist porn featuring black men with titles like "Blacks on Blonds" "Black Thugs on Blonds" or "Black Mandingos on top of Blonds"?

^^This shyt is no more a representation of BM/WW relationships as Ghetto Gaggers is to BW/WM relationships. You illogical ninjas need to think harder...seriously.
Educate yourself on history and how it shape mentality. Also, I really haven't had time for porn in my life.. it's boring to me and dealing with real women is better imo. . .I really don't believe in porn and have only watched it when a girl mentions it... which is rare. So naw, I don't know about most black thug porn.. but I'm sure it exist- which is my point-- CACs look at both black men and black women in a certain light so campaigning to feed into those caricatures is wrong, imo.
The dating scene abroad is awesome. I would encourage all black women capable of traveling to discover it for themselves.
lol, :demonic:
the only black women I know who needed to discover it are the ones who need a superficial boost in confidence. This would be like me telling black men to go to Germany and discover it, lol.
You have never meet ALL you cannot say we are the same.
:hmm: Well Gallup polls don't interview every single person to get scientific statistical data and accurate predictions. I've been with a gross amount of women.. all over the place, and of different nationalities.. and different education levels. They are the same- with lil differences- and those differences truthfully only matter to them. Some are more presentable.. but most are great. There are a few evil ones, but for the most part women are great. When I say they are the same, I just mean you can build something w most of them.
Sorry, but some members of the black race don't deserve any love.
Everyone deserves love except the c00ns and the ones who make c00n statements.
If this is true...what the hell are you black men complaining about? Be happy with Tameka, who due to her circumstances are stuck with black men.
Don't confuse point out the fact with complaining. and Tameka isn't stuck... everyone can better themselves.
Or maybe they are single by choice? After all, no successful woman wants to waste her time on some aint shyt man who can tear down the castle she built. No thanks!
lol, this is a lie. I've pulled women who were on this BS. The moment a guy comes around who they Perceive as someone who is worth it... they get straight stuck on his nuts and turn full 'I want to be your main girl - mode on him.
No, it's not just you. Black men in general don't value education or anything else of value in this world...hence why these women are doing the best thing for themselves and seeking out men who DO value these things. Compatibility will beat culture each and every time.
Culture is usually part of compatibility. And that's a lie that black men don't value education... if that's the case why the hell would I have went through so much even risked my life in combat to get an education?? Why are there black men in universities. There are just as many black men who don't value it as any other group... but black men are the most targeted by things such as the prison industrial complex and racial politics - so the perception is that black men just don't give a fukk.. when in reality that isn't the truth for most black men.
Black women are more likely to speak out against racism and oppression than black men in this day and age (even when you the idiots on the receiving end of these things). Interracial marriage never stopped Eartha Kitt, Dorothy Dandridge, Diahann Carol, Lena Horne or a long list of black women from speaking against racism.

A black woman doesn't have to be with a black man to be conscious of racism, oppression, justice and general humanity.
Well a couple of the women you named have some pretty suspect relationships with multiple white men (like 20, lol) so I find them and their actions very suspect. I only give them a pass because they were probably attempting to conform and b accepted by their Hollywood circle. And I was just curious, because things are usually better when you're mate can fully understand how you may feel about an issue.


Final round
Jun 20, 2013
London, UK
i live in an area where the swirling dating trend is at an all time high. black women are literally throwing themselves at non-black men. i'll go as far as to recommend black women to non-blacks going through a drought, since it's easy pickings. even still, cacs are like ":whoa: i'm not really into black chicks. ".

Lol, I've done the same for a couple of my white friends, it really is ludicrously easy for a white guy to get in bed with a black girl nowadays. I find it particularly funny when the girl puts out with the hope of a relationship materialising eventually but it never comes:heh:
Or when a pseudo-relationship ensues but 6 months down the line she still hasn't met his parents but he's met her family many times:heh:

the reasonn bw/wm works, is because magically the black american girls turns submissive and obedient when she gets a white counter part. she gets on her best behavior, youd think she turned african all of a sudden. be having me like :wtf:

ive seen females turn 180. Im one of the chillest dudes, she naggin every day, soon as she gets a white bf, she dont say a word. they know white men dont take that chimpout. you flip out and get in his face one time, he's cutting you off right there and then, might even call the cops and have you out the house same hour.

this is what we need to start doing when black women start actin like dudes. we tolerate too much from them.

Sums up part of the issue nicely:myman:

From my experience here in the UK, many black girls have subscribed to a "white is right" mentality and will hold white men to lower standards than black men as well as be extremely docile in their relationships. Beyond that there is a growing mentality that being educated and being with a black man is a bad look and kinda ghetto, having a white man looks middle/upper class. You guys over in the US need to remember that we don't have a sizeable established black middle class in the UK like you do in the US.

The fact is black men have the position of being the only group of men whose women treat them worse than they treat other races of men as a matter of routine.:patrice:


May 2, 2012
And that^^^seems to be the problem for you ninjas. Whites men are walking off with some of the most "uber attractive chicks."

Do you honestly think men like this OP and the guy that keeps posting these youtube videos would open their mouths to say something against such unions if it wasn't true? If white men were walking off with Tameka from the hood they wouldn't say a thing. The reality is white men are walking off with the Sanaa Lathans and Lynn Whitfields.

most black men understand they wouldn't really have a chance with a sanna lathan regardless. i've noticed black men subconsciously accept that once a black woman reaches a certain status, black men are no longer a viable option for dating and relationships. Lynn Whitfields? come on, she's what? 60? anyways, collectively, black men don't get bent out of shape over black women IR dating. it just doesn't happen, y'all dating WM hasn't been shoved down our throats long enough for it to cause a complex.

As I stated, white men CAN come to the black community and pull some of the best and brightest....and that shyt phucks ninjas up.

they can, but they usually don't. if anything, they're cherry picking the already whitewashed black women in the burbs, or hooking up from online sites.

I live in Atlanta, Georgia. Ten years ago, the swirl was non-existent for black women here (and probably most parts of the south). That is NOT the case today.

that goes for everywhere though. 10 yrs ago, black women were still on that "we're loyal to our black men and we love them" bullshyt. in fact, that's exactly when the pioneer black women began their white man hunting -- i attribute it to myspace.

Black women are only 6% of the US population. Black women don't need ALL of any race to want us. It literally only takes ONE man of any race.

exactly, black women are only 6-7% of the population. if black women were so in demand, these non black men would have rushed the community and snatched them all up by now

Even when comparing the number of black women to black men you stupid ninjas FAIL to account for women who are gay, women are single and want to stay that way, women who are divorced and content to never marry again, widows etc. You also fail to account for the overweight single mothers you love to bash, who according to you are undesirable. They do play a part in the ratio of black men to black women as well. :steviej:

okay. :alright:

I happen to believe the numbers just about even out when you ^^^take these folks off the table. It also makes the quality of black women that white men are pulling all the more annoying for disillusioned black men (and this is evident even in some of the threads on this board).

black women can practically give themselves away and the numbers will never even out. in the real world out, in patriarchal communities, where men want children to look like themselves. having a black woman birth your child is counterproductive to that legacy building. but hey, keep hoping there's enough run off to where it doesn't matter.

The problem is I think black women are just smarter and better educated than black men (who honestly can't seem to grasp basic math concepts without someone pointing it out to them). Once again, black women in the US are 6% of the population.

It doesn't take ALL of any non-black race to knock the entire black female population in the US off the market (just pointing out facts...not saying it will happen). If only 3% of non-black men (White, Asian etc) are interested in black women that would take the whole entire US black female population off the market.

once again, that 3% doesn't seem to be interested. you want to run around saying BW are smarter and more educated but always falling for dumb shyt. i'll put it like this, that pedestal black women are hoping white men will put them on, will never happen. you all can go off on your island with white men, but you wont be validated or placed in the same spotlight as white women; which is what a lot of this is ultimately about.

Furthermore, I don't know a single black woman out here who is checking for ALL black men, ALL white men, ALL Asian men etc. Most black women, who are interested in dating/marrying, are looking for A MAN...not a whole race of men.

And once again, it ain't Tameka from the hood who is jumping the fence. The most cultured and educated are doing it. These are the women in the best position to do it. These are also the women likely to travel and while doing so likely to discover that a black woman with her shyt together in Europe IS in demand across the board (I've been to France, UK and Germany...I've seen the women/non-black men).

stop believing the propaganda, black american men with their shyt together have the same options, if not many more. only difference is they don't look back at black women and gripe about it. nikkas jump the fence and go on about their life.

So yes, the demographics represented by Scandal, Clutch and Beyond Black and White (i.e., the educated set) are right on the money. :takedat:

no, they are not right. they're just a bunch of so called 'educated' dumbasses though. if they were so smart, they'd realize black women will never be put on a true pedestal or spotlight, if it's not their own black men doing it. running to white men for praise usually results in black women getting spurned, only for these same black women to turn around and cry
that they weren't protected by black men.

i mean, really think about it:

these black women are so smart. they're championing for a beauty standard they're trying to do away with. wish i could understand what it's like for a black woman to raise the same light skinned girl she use to hate growing up. has to be a fukking trip, right? :heh:


Final round
Jun 20, 2013
London, UK
these black women are so smart. they're championing for a beauty standard they're trying to do away with. wish i could understand what it's like for a black woman to raise the same light skinned girl she use to hate growing up. has to be a fukking trip, right? :heh:
One thing I've noticed here in the UK is that there are quite a number of single black women with a mixed race child. In many cases it seems like these women have had these children for vanity reasons, I've even seen black women on Craigslist asking for white men to impregnate them and saying it is up to the man whether he wants to be a part of the resultant child's life or not:ohhh:

I'm guessing that white men won't be blamed for these children being raised by single mothers:lupe:


May 2, 2012
One thing I've noticed here in the UK is that there are quite a number of single black women with a mixed race child. In many cases it seems like these women have had these children for vanity reasons, I've even seen black women on Craigslist asking for white men to impregnate them and saying it is up to the man whether he wants to be a part of the resultant child's life or not:ohhh:

I'm guessing that white men won't be blamed for these children being raised by single mothers:lupe:

i've seen similar post on craigslist :leon:

the beauty is once they fukk up and raise the kid wrong, they can still turn around and blame black men for it. :ohlawd:

Street Knowledge

May 2, 2012
I have no problem with interracial dating but There's some black women who have this idea or mentality that you're only pretty/beautiful/desirable when white men want to date you or find you attractive