Real Talk: Black Women Who Date White Men Are Terrible Human Beings

Apr 11, 2013
i'm 100% certain the majority of black men don't even realize this for it to fukk someones head up :heh:

i've seen the cherry picking enough to know black woman's so called loyalty act is just that.

C'mon Marcuz. I think you need to give black men more credit. :shaq:

There is no one more aware of the quality of black women white men are pulling than bitter disillusioned ninjas. These men are at the bottom economically and they know it.

So, when they see a bad sister with her shyt together on the arms of a white man you best believe that green eyed monster we call jealousy comes roaring forward. Why? Because that white man and everything he represents just pulled one of the last things that they (disillusioned black men) feel belongs to them (however misguided this way of thinking is to the rest of us).

Believe me...they know what's up.

I love it when ninja bytches use fallacious arguments to make retard points because anyone with two eyes can see that it's a way of masking their True views.

Call it what you will...but the truth is the truth. :pacspit:

Most people chose people they can culturally identify with. It naturally happens this way. There are rare occasions that you bump into and match up with someone else outside you're race or cultural group. for example, I've hit white chicks like crazy, but I don't really like them at all.

Women and men are two different species. Men think with their d1cks. Women think with our hearts/emotions. And maybe this is why our interracial unions (BW/non-black man) last longer. Most of us don't fall in with non-black men based on some superficial bullshyt like sex or hair.

Black women, especially this younger generation, don't give two shyts about culture when faced with one's personal happiness. While it's true most people tend to date/marry within their race...I don't think the masses of black women out here are opposed to spreading the love when faced with a GOOD man (no race attached).

There isn't any "saving face" with me because I've never had a problem pulling black women, even the the "Most Cultured of the flock" as you so eloquently put it to place certain black women over others- to divide us further.

Sweetie, you can sit and think that "all black people are created equally" if you want, but I know better. Black women and men are divided based on class, education and everything else. Anyone with two eyes can see there is a certain type of black woman in demand in this world (hint: It ain't Tameka from the hood).

I'm a professional black guy so I pull white women w ease - despite The Coli racist view that places white women on some imaginary level when really American whites are the easiest on Earth.

If a white guy comes along and that connection naturally happens, that's fine. But we don't have to dig too deep to hear the comments about "black men are _____" or "I Only date white men". Those are the black women that have mental trauma that keeps them from most black men. Those aren't women being grown, those are women who are lost. Those aren't the ones that we should want anyway.

I don't think so. People have preferences. Just like black men can have a preference for Asians, Latinos women can have a preference for white men. Who or what someone else dates/marries in this world is no one's business.

For the record, most of the black women I know who date or married outside (and I know quite a few) the race NEVER exclusively dated out.

I personally don't have a problem with either group dating out. I just have a problem when black men throw black women under the bus while dating out and then find themselves surprised when that same mess is handed back to them.

Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
I'mma do me. :win:

but keep one eye open when


or :ufdup:
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Apr 11, 2013

You don't need to "worry" (I use that word loosely...because we all know you fear the sexual competition white men present...not my actual safety) about me. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. Furthermore, I'm married.

Black women/white men's interracial relationships are some of the most stable. Sad to say, the folks you should be warning are black women who exclusively deal with black men. Now those are the folks more likely to get screwed over. A black man is 20xs more likely to be a threat to black women in this day and age than any white man...

STUDY: More Than Half Of Black Girls Are Sexually Assaulted | Breaking News for Black America Insights.pdf

^^^Yeah...ain't no white man doing that shyt. :usure:

Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
You don't need to "worry" (I use that word loosely...because we all know you fear the sexual competition white men present...not my actual safety) about me. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. Furthermore, I'm married.

Black women/white men's interracial relationships are some of the most stable. Sad to say, the folks you should be warning are black women who exclusively deal with black men. Now those are the folks more likely to get screwed over. A black man is 20xs more likely to be a threat to black women in this day and age than any white man...

STUDY: More Than Half Of Black Girls Are Sexually Assaulted | Breaking News for Black America Insights.pdf

^^^Yeah...ain't no white man doing that shyt. :usure:

[ame=""]The Jonzun Crew - Lost In Space [Full Album HQ] - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]nas black girl lost - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Souls of Mischief "That's When Ya Lost" - YouTube[/ame]


May 2, 2012
C'mon Marcuz. I think you need to give black men more credit. :shaq:

There is no one more aware of the quality of black women white men are pulling than bitter disillusioned ninjas. These men are at the bottom economically and they know it.

i'm sorry but as someone who's noticed this for years, most nikkas could give a shyt what black women are doing. :heh: and the numbers aint even there for black women, it's way more of y'all than black men. the run off has to go somewhere and we don't even notice unless it's some uber attractive chick.

i live in an area where the swirling dating trend is at an all time high. black women are literally throwing themselves at non-black men. i'll go as far as to recommend black women to non-blacks going through a drought, since it's easy pickings. even still, cacs are like ":whoa: i'm not really into black chicks. "

y'all online clutchmag/beyondblackwhite chicks have gotten too high off your own propaganda. as a collective, black women aren't doing as spectacular as you'd have us believe. y'all watch scandal and see a few celebs with white men and all of a sudden think you're in high demand. come on now, that's just as delusional as these nikkas who think they're in demand because of these black entertainers w/white women.
Apr 11, 2013

You keep posting this dumbarse videos as if they actually dispute something I've said...They don't. :steviej:

i'm sorry but as someone who's noticed this for years, most nikkas could give a shyt what black women are doing. :heh: and the numbers aint even there for black women, it's way more of y'all than black men. the run off has to go somewhere and we don't even notice unless it's some uber attractive chick.

And that^^^seems to be the problem for you ninjas. Whites men are walking off with some of the most "uber attractive chicks."

Do you honestly think men like this OP and the guy that keeps posting these youtube videos would open their mouths to say something against such unions if it wasn't true? If white men were walking off with Tameka from the hood they wouldn't say a thing. The reality is white men are walking off with the Sanaa Lathans and Lynn Whitfields.

As I stated, white men CAN come to the black community and pull some of the best and brightest....and that shyt phucks ninjas up.

i live in an area where the swirling dating trend is at an all time high. black women are literally throwing themselves at non-black men. i'll go as far as to recommend black women to non-blacks going through a drought, since it's easy pickings. even still, cacs are like ":whoa: i'm not really into black chicks. "

I live in Atlanta, Georgia. Ten years ago, the swirl was non-existent for black women here (and probably most parts of the south). That is NOT the case today.

Black women are only 6% of the US population. Black women don't need ALL of any race to want us. It literally only takes ONE man of any race.

Even when comparing the number of black women to black men you stupid ninjas FAIL to account for women who are gay, women are single and want to stay that way, women who are divorced and content to never marry again, widows etc. You also fail to account for the overweight single mothers you love to bash, who according to you are undesirable. They do play a part in the ratio of black men to black women as well. :steviej:

I happen to believe the numbers just about even out when you ^^^take these folks off the table. It also makes the quality of black women that white men are pulling all the more annoying for disillusioned black men (and this is evident even in some of the threads on this board).

y'all online clutchmag/beyondblackwhite chicks have gotten too high off your own propaganda. as a collective, black women aren't doing as spectacular as you'd have us believe. y'all watch scandal and see a few celebs with white men and all of a sudden think you're in high demand. come on now, that's just as delusional as these nikkas who think they're in demand because of these black entertainers w/white women.

The problem is I think black women are just smarter and better educated than black men (who honestly can't seem to grasp basic math concepts without someone pointing it out to them). Once again, black women in the US are 6% of the population.

It doesn't take ALL of any non-black race to knock the entire black female population in the US off the market (just pointing out facts...not saying it will happen). If only 3% of non-black men (White, Asian etc) are interested in black women that would take the whole entire US black female population off the market.

Furthermore, I don't know a single black woman out here who is checking for ALL black men, ALL white men, ALL Asian men etc. Most black women, who are interested in dating/marrying, are looking for A MAN...not a whole race of men.

And once again, it ain't Tameka from the hood who is jumping the fence. The most cultured and educated are doing it. These are the women in the best position to do it. These are also the women likely to travel and while doing so likely to discover that a black woman with her shyt together in Europe IS in demand across the board (I've been to France, UK and Germany...I've seen the women/non-black men).

So yes, the demographics represented by Scandal, Clutch and Beyond Black and White (i.e., the educated set) are right on the money. :takedat:


Jun 4, 2012
Call it what you will...but the truth is the truth. :pacspit:
:childplease:, There are members of the Ayran nation that feel that black and non white Hispanics are monkies. Just because someone has an ignorant POV that they actually believe is true,, doesn't make it true.
Women and men are two different species. Men think with their d1cks. Women think with our hearts/emotions. And maybe this is why our interracial unions (BW/non-black man) last longer. Most of us don't fall in with non-black men based on some superficial bullshyt like sex or hair.
No type of relationship last longer. I know black girls from college who have dated white men.. those relationship had issues and most relationships regardless of race do not last. Men and women are both emotional and are both sexual. Men think w their d!cks when it comes to getting p*ssy, but FYI some men fall in love, some men chose women based on legit reasons such as a income earning potential match and personality. It's OK for you do date white men if you just happen to run into 1 you like.... but you are identifying as a black girl who likes white guys and the fact that you are campaigning for this shyt is gross and very revealing.. :aicmon:
Black women, especially this younger generation, don't give two shyts about culture when faced with one's personal happiness. While it's true most people tend to date/marry within their race...I don't think the masses of black women out here are opposed to spreading the love when faced with a GOOD man (no race attached).
lol @ all black women look for is love. Weather it's the rat bytch down the street or the educated business women- Women don't chose mates based on anything better than what men chose based on. Do you even know anyone in a relationship? People first chose on attraction and then other bs. People also chose people based on who makes them comfortable, and most people chose from people they culturally identify with.
Sweetie, you can sit and think that "all black people are created equally" if you want, but I know better. Black women and men are divided based on class, education and everything else. Anyone with two eyes can see there is a certain type of black woman in demand in this world (hint: It ain't Tameka from the hood).
First off all black chicks are created equal in my opinion. I was married to a chick with advanced degrees who spoke multiple languages who wasn't hood at all. I also had a kid by a chick with a HS diploma. I've been infatuated with Tameka's from the hood with the fat ass before. What I've learned is that no one is better just because of social economic status. lol@ certain type of black women in demand in this world.. Have you traveled this world?? I doubt any of ur white men have taken you out of the country. Anyway, Most of the world doesn't want to marry black women. Much of the world would fukk black women but that is a different thing. What's the % of black women who actually marry the white guy they're fukking?? very damn low. Regardless of what you think about black men, you go to Germany, most of Europe, America, and a few other places,, black men are so in demand that I've consciously decided that it's a fetish so I try not to fukk white women. shyt half the n!ggas I know don't even want black women.. I personally find that disgusting... but the point is- there are lost black men and lost black women and we shouldn't be Campaigning for this self hate and criticism.
I don't think so. People have preferences. Just like black men can have a preference for Asians, Latinos women can have a preference for white men. Who or what someone else dates/marries in this world is no one's business.
I don't care if a person dates outside the race... but if the reason is because they feel they will get treated better by a white guy then that women is gross, imo. I have white friends who are guys... They aren't shyt the same way black guys aren't shyt. Eventually every black woman learns that men are men.
For the record, most of the black women I know who date or married outside (and I know quite a few) the race NEVER exclusively dated out.

I personally don't have a problem with either group dating out. I just have a problem when black men throw black women under the bus while dating out and then find themselves surprised when that same mess is handed back to them.
Most black men don't place black women under the bus. I went an entire year only dating non blacks.. Asians, non black Hispanics and couple white girls. I just wanted to try out the varieties. There is no way I would see myself marring someone who isn't black. No matter how militant you are about multiculturalism.. you can't deny that the connection of two black people in love is unparallelled.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
my grandfather was white, and when he was dating my grandmother he was lookin at all you nikkas in the face like :pacspit: and in the 50s too. :obama:
Apr 11, 2013
:childplease:, There are members of the Ayran nation that feel that black and non white Hispanics are monkies. Just because someone has an ignorant POV that they actually believe is true,, doesn't make it true.

I gave you some cold hard truth...put your big boy panties and on and let it sink into your brain.

No type of relationship last longer. I know black girls from college who have dated white men.. those relationship had issues and most relationships regardless of race do not last.

The folks that YOU claim to know in college don't account for ALL or MOST black women/white men relationships. The fact of the matter is STUDIES have proven that black women/white men relationships are some of the most stable and longest lasting. Here are some links...

The Rise of Intermarriage - Page 2 | Pew Social & Demographic Trends - Page 2

After 10 years of marriage, interracial marriages that are most vulnerable to divorce involve white females and non-White males (with the exception of white females/ Hispanic white males) relative to white/white couples. Conversely . . . white men/black women couples are actually substantially less likely than white/white couples to divorce by the 10th year of marriage.

[]But Will It Last?[]: Marital Instability Among Interracial and Same-Race Couples* - Bratter - 2008 - Family Relations - Wiley Online Library

Black wife/White husband marriages are 44% less likely to end in divorce than White wife/White husband couples over the same period.

^^^Like I said, before black women/white men marriages/relationships are some of the most stable of them all. I'm not saying these unions don't have their issues...because they do. However, culture is not a factor in the stability of these unions nor do I honestly believe it's a factor in most unions.

If you are going to argue that it is you need to account for the high divorce rate amongst black men/black women couples. Last time I checked, these two share the same culture. :comeon: | African-Americans and Marriage

Men and women are both emotional and are both sexual. Men think w their d!cks when it comes to getting p*ssy, but FYI some men fall in love, some men chose women based on legit reasons such as a income earning potential match and personality. It's OK for you do date white men if you just happen to run into 1 you like.... but you are identifing as a black girl who likes white guys and the fact that you are campaigning for this shyt is gross and very revealing.. :aicmon:

You need to concede that men and women are built differently. We think differently. The things that make us tick are different. When a woman falls for a man it doesn't have a thing to do with his d1ck size (in most cases), voice or any of the other bullshyt ninjas emphasize in women. We tend to fall emotionally. That emotional connection is enough to make us overlook dumb shyt like race and fall head first in love.

I guarantee you if a GOOD man comes along and he appeals to a black woman she WILL fall for him emotionally despite his race.

The fact that you think there is something wrong with black women dating/like/loving white men shows YOUR personal issues with such unions. Black women and white men should be able to state our mutual attraction to each other WITHOUT comments from the peanut gallery. But since that is not the current reality you just need to respectfully opt out of a conversation involving black women and white men if it is too much for you to stomach. Personally, I don't think it is any of your damn business or concern period.

lol @ all black women look for is love. Rather it's the rat bytch down the street or the educated business women- Women don't chose mates based on anything better than what men chose based on.

Bullshyt. The world around us tells a very different story. Men are more into beauty than women. Men emphasize looks.

Women choose mates based on 1). security/stability 2). personality and emotional connection (and sometimes it is not exactly in this some women tend to put number 2 before number 1...which is an entirely different subject).

Do you even know anyone in a relationship? People first chose on attraction and then other bs. People also chose people based on who makes them comfortable, and most people chose from people they culturally identify with.

Yes, people tend to notice physical attraction first. However, you are delusional if you think this is more or just as important to women as compared to men. Women are capable of falling for a biggie smalls looking ninja if 1). he offers security/stability and 2). he offers an emotional connection.

I know plenty of good-looking women who ended up with not so good-looking men. These men offered security/stability and an emotional connection.

I imagine you must be young as hell because the only people (women included) who are entirely stuck on looks alone are in the early/mid twenties.

Some of the most homely looking white men ARE capable of pulling good-looking black women based on 1). Security/stability and 2). and emotional connection, which again has NOTHING to do with culture.

As I pointed out above, if you going to use culture as a building block for stability (and compatibility) you need explain why black women/black men are MORE likely to divorce than other couples. There is a helluva lot more to relationships and marriage than culture. I know this because I'm married.

First off all black chicks are created equal in my opinion. I was married to a chick with advanced degrees who spoke multiple languages who wasn't hood at all. I also had a kid by a chick with a HS diploma. I've been infatuated with Tameka's from the hood with the fat ass before. What I've learned is that no one is better just because of social economic status.

First off NO all black women are NOT created equally. Equal meaning DESIRABILITY.

While it's true black women are created equal as women who happen to be black, it is NOT true that everyone who is a black woman shares the same level of desirability...therefore desirability is created UNEQUALLY.

I don't know why you're trying to talk your way out of this obvious point. :comeon:

Tameka from the hood is STUCK with black men due to her options, environment, life choices, lifestyle etc. Many of the things she does, experiences (some through no fault of her own), and her overall background/environment LIMITS her desirability with men who aren't black and apart of her environment. She is very much a product of her environment and this reflects in the culture that surrounds her.

The same is not true for the cultured, well-rounded, on-point black woman attending Yale school of law. If she is open to the idea, and keeps herself on-point, she can in fact date across the spectrum.

lol@ certain type of black women in demand in this world.. Have you traveled this world?? I doubt any of ur white men have taken you out of the country.

Sweetie, I make a lot of money in my field. I am a pharmacist. :russ: I have traveled aboard more times than I can count. I have been to France, Italy, UK, Czech Republic, Romania, Brazil etc. I have experienced European men. When I was in undergrad and first traveled to France the men were ALL OVER ME. At one point I thought about marrying the Frenchman I was dating who asked ME to marry HIM. So, you're not going to force your racism, prejudice and limited world view on me. I have experienced what this world has to offer. A black woman is truly on point can have her pick. If not here in the US...she can mos def get her swirl on aboard. :umad:

Anyway, Most of the world doesn't want to marry black women. Much of the world would fukk black women but that is a different thing. What's the % of black women who actually marry the white guy they're fukking?? very damn low.

This is more of the dumb shyt that you ninjas tell yourselves when faced with the threat of sexual competition from non-black men. You got the China man in Africa colonizing the continent and taking black wives while there. You got the white man in Europe knocking half of the black women in the UK off the market and many in France. And now you have a growing number of black women and white men in the US who are becoming vocal about their attraction to each other. It must hurt to see change. :sadbron:

And once again, black women aren't looking for "Most of the world" to marry us. It only takes ONE man and he can come in ANY race.

Regardless of what you think about black men, you go to Germany, most of Europe, America, and a few other places,, black men are so in demand that I've consciously decided that it's a fetish so I try not to fukk white women. shyt half the n!ggas I know don't even want black women.. I personally find that disgusting... but the point is- there are lost black men and lost black women and we shouldn't be Campaigning for this self hate and criticism.

I don't give a rat arse who or what black men want. Who they date/marry is of no consequence to me. I feel that people should be able to date/marry whoever the hell they want without criticism from folks like you. That goes for black men and black women.

Once again, I don't know very many black women who DO date/marry outside the race who do so exclusively. Stop comparing black women/white men to the dumb internalized racism black men are on. It is NOT the same thing.

When a black woman dates outside the race she is not likely to do it exclusively. That is the dumb shyt black men are on. I don't believe most black women have any hang ups about dating black men. Many simply refuse to limit their option to black men.

I don't care if a person dates outside the race... but if there reason is because they feel they will get treated better by a white guy then that women is gross, imo. I have white friends who are guy... They aren't shyt the same way black guys aren't shyt. Eventually every black woman learns that men are men.

You do appear to care...a little too much. Again, who and even why, someone dates outside their race is NONE of your business. As long as they are doing so peacefully and without throwing YOU under the bus it shouldn't be an issue.

Most black men don't place black women under the bus. I went an entire year only dating non blacks.. Asians, non black Hispanics and couple white girls. I just wanted to try out the varieties. There is no way I would see myself marring someone who isn't black. No matter how militant you are about multiculturalism.. you can't deny that the connection of two black people in love is unparallelled.

Two black people in love are no different than two white people in love or two Asian people in love. Love for many of us has no color. If you want to date exclusively within your race that is YOUR business. But you don't have any right to tell other grown folks what they should like and desire.


Jun 4, 2012
I gave you some cold hard truth...put your big boy panties and on and let it sink into your brain.

The folks that YOU claim to know in college don't account for ALL or MOST black women/white men relationships. The fact of the matter is STUDIES have proven that black women/white men relationships are some of the most stable and longest lasting. Here are some links...

The Rise of Intermarriage - Page 2 | Pew Social & Demographic Trends - Page 2

[]But Will It Last?[]: Marital Instability Among Interracial and Same-Race Couples* - Bratter - 2008 - Family Relations - Wiley Online Library

^^^Like I said, before black women/white men marriages/relationships are some of the most stable of them all. I'm not saying these unions don't have their issues...because they do. However, culture is not a factor in the stability of these unions nor do I honestly believe it's a factor in most unions.

If you are going to argue that it is you need to account for the high divorce rate amongst black men/black women couples. Last time I checked, these two share the same culture. :comeon: | African-Americans and Marriage

You need to concede that men and women are built differently. We think differently. The things that make us tick are different. When a woman falls for a man it doesn't have a thing to do with his d1ck size (in most cases), voice or any of the other bullshyt ninjas emphasize in women. We tend to fall emotionally. That emotional connection is enough to make us overlook dumb shyt like race and fall head first in love.

I guarantee you if a GOOD man comes along and he appeals to a black woman she WILL fall for him emotionally despite his race.

The fact that you think there is something wrong with black women dating/like/loving white men shows YOUR personal issues with such unions. Black women and white men should be able to state our mutual attraction to each other WITHOUT comments from the peanut gallery. But since that is not the current reality you just need to respectfully opt out of a conversation involving black women and white men if it is too much for you to stomach. Personally, I don't think it is any of your damn business or concern period.

Bullshyt. The world around us tells a very different story. Men are more into beauty than women. Men emphasize looks.

Women choose mates based on 1). security/stability 2). personality and emotional connection (and sometimes it is not exactly in this some women tend to put number 2 before number 1...which is an entirely different subject).

Yes, people tend to notice physical attraction first. However, you are delusional if you think this is more or just as important to alot of women than men. Women are capable of falling for a biggie smalls looking ninja if 1). he offers security/stability and 2). he offers an emotional connection.

I know plenty of good-looking women who ended up with not so good-looking men. These men offered security/stability and an emotional connection.

I imagine you must be young as hell because the only people (women included) who are entirely stuck on looks alone are in the early/mid twenties.

Some of the most homely looking white men ARE capable of pulling good-looking black women based on 1). Security/stability and 2). and emotional connection, which again has NOTHING to do with culture.

As I pointed out above, if you going to use culture as a building block for capability you need explain why black women/black men are MORE likely to divorce than other couples. There is a helluva lot more to relationships and marriage than culture. I know this because I'm married.

First off NO all black women are NOT created equally. Equal meaning DESIRABILITY.

While it's true black women are created equal as women who happen to be black, it is NOT true that everyone who is a black woman shares the same level of desirability...therefore desirability is created UNEQUALLY.

I don't know why you're trying to talk your way out of this obvious point. :comeon:

Tameka from the hood is STUCK with black men due to her options and environment.

The same is not true for the cultured, well-rounded, on-point black woman attending Yale school of law. If she is open to the idea, and keeps herself on-point ,she can in fact date across the spectrum.

Sweetie, I make a lot of money in my field. I am a pharmacist. :russ: I have traveled aboard more times than I can count. I have been to France, Italy, UK, Czech Republic, Romania, Brazil etc. I have experienced European men. When I was in undergrad and first traveled to France the men were ALL OVER ME. At one point I thought about marrying the Frenchman I was dating who asked ME to marry HIM. So, you're not going to force your racism, prejudice and limited world view on me. I have experienced what this world has to offer. A black woman is truly on point can have her pick. If not here in the US...she can mos def get her swirl on aboard. :umad:

This is more of the dumb shyt that you ninjas tell yourselves when faced with the threat of sexual competition from non-black men. You got the China man in Africa colonizing the continent and taking black wives while there. You got the white man in Europe knocking half of the black women in the UK off the market and many in France. And now you have a growing number of black women and white men in the US who are becoming vocal about their attraction to each other. It must hurt to see change. :sadbron:

And once again, black women aren't looking for "Most of the world" to marry us. It only takes ONE man and he can come in ANY race.

I don't give a rat arse who or what black men want. Who they date/marry is of no consequence to me. I feel that people should be able to date/marry whoever the hell they want without criticism from folks like you. That goes for black men and black women.

Once again, I don't know very many black women who DO date/marry outside the race who do so exclusively. Stop comparing black women/white men to the dumb internalized racism black men are on. It is NOT the same thing.

When a black woman dates outside the race she is not likely to do it exclusively. That is the dumb shyt black men are on. I don't believe most black men have any hang ups about dating black men. Many simply refuse to limit their option to black men.

You do appear to care...a little too much. Again, who and even why someone dates outside their race is NONE of your business. As long as they are doing so peacefully and without throwing YOU under the bus it shouldn't be an issue.

Two black people in love are no different than two white people in love or two Asian people in love. Love for many of us has no color. If you want to exclusively that within your race that is YOUR business. But you don't have any right to tell other grown folks what they should like and desire.

lol, aight ma. And I'm not mid 20's I'm 28. Idk, maybe that's young to you but my experiences are reality. You can say that white men / black women relationships are the best and greatest thing on Earth - but I'm going to disagree. Same way I do when black men blast black women. You think there is no truth to what these men say about black women?? There are issues with educated black women and with rat bithces. I still don't condone them hyping up white women as some type of saviors for black men. lol @ you about to marry a french white guy. IF you were a real black women who dated black men and wasn't campaigning on the "black women should get some pink d1ck" campaign... then that comment and those stats would be relevant. The reality is, social economic statues plays the most important role in bringing people together and culture is second. Take any major university or any large company and you can see how people naturally link up and make friends. Exceptions to the rules don't make the rules. White men marry nearly 10 times (over 50 million) more white women than black women and 4 and 5 times more women of other non-white races. White men in general (idk y) have an Asian fetish nearly 1000x more than simple black girl attraction. Black men are sitting at 80% being most attracted to black women. Black women are almost all attracted to black men and that is why it's strange to see, in this world, the black women with other races More than Any Other Combo. I've traveled the world as well - and the black girl with other races thing is about as rare as albinism. It's cool, like I said, if black women just happens to run into some random European on her travels.. but that's is completely different than being the Type of Black Women that you are promoting.

And seriously.. I'm trying to tell you black chicks with two masters degrees or working on the Yale Law degree is essentially the same as the hoodrat. Of course I'm not gonna wife the hoodrat- her cultural tendencies makes her undesirable for that, but dating wise.... the Yale grad is the same bytch in a different package. If I cheat on a real black women, all that education n shyt goes out the window and she just ghetto and ratchet as fukk. Even when I was in the military I saw the 'black' come out of chicks that I didn't even know had it in them. All that shyt is just social economic packaging. People are people. Most people at my job would be shocked and appalled if they knew that I thought the way I think and act the way I act with my nikkas outside of work.