Real Talk: Black Women Who Date White Men Are Terrible Human Beings

Apr 11, 2013
yeah, lol, because I refer to women as bytches when I encounter them in public.. and I tell women "bytches like you".... ok.

Your mentality overall sickens me. You wouldn't have a chance in hell.

:whew: You're really big on dissing black men... gottdamn, lol.

Dissing or keeping it 100%??? :usure:

Relationships don't last in general... black males aren't any less capable at successful relationships than anyone else. but- Of course everything is the black mans fault.

You seem to believe if you keep stating this LIE it will prove true. :usure:

Whatever the race of you're husband.. hopefully he works with you to correct this bat shyt crazy mentality that you have.

My husband is my best-friend and he always will be. He knows he has a great woman on his hands. :win:

lol, There isn't a white guy that's a threat.. I'm not blaming the white guy for wanting the black women... I look at the black woman and wonder if she genuinely just fell for that guy..... or if she thinks and behaves like you and is all about dissing black men and promoting retarded ideas and fantasies about relationships.

Talking out your arse crack again. You have no proof of the above. Me pointing out the TRUTH that black women/white men unions are some of the most stable relationships isn't a fantasy sweetie. Refer to the links I posted a few post ago.

Black women don't have to justify our attraction to non-black men to you. Get that through your head.

It's not outsourcing... but everyone is entitled to opinions.... and realistically black men don't have sexual competition.. at least not on this planet. There are so many women.. that competition is low. And considering the fact that black women mainly chose black men.. where exactly is the threat?? You shouldn't confuse skepticism with insecurity.

If you don't honestly believe black men fear the sexual competition white men present you are not paying attention to this world. If this were not the case black women dating/marrying white men wouldn't bother black men.

It wouldn't have ninjas :sadbron: when they see these unions.

One of the MAIN reasons you ninjas tend to focus on sex between black women and white men is due to fear of sexual competition from white men. This shyt you say about fetishes is fear of sexual competition from white men. Bringing up rape during slavery and Jim Crow is used to mask fear of sexual competition from white men.

Anyone with two eyes can see whatever "security" black men feel when faced with the threat of white men wooing black women is FAKE as hell.

I don't ignore anything... I acknowledge how both black men and black women are perceived... hence the reason I ignore white bytches around the office. But lets be real... the shyt that is out there about black women and the disrespectful porn culture involving black women/WM is damn near an entire industry by itself.

You do pick and choose what you want to acknowledge. There is also an industry based around "black thugs on blonds" however, I don't see ninjas like you focusing on that. :wtb:

I mentioned black women being so-called (lol, smh) degraded because I don't like it when any group does it.

Point me to the posts you've made outlining the degradation black women face at the hands of black men on this forum. I'll wait...:heh:

I mention history because the history was sooooo long.. and wasn't in the past like you think. some of that history is more recent than you want to acknowledge.

I was born in 1985. Not 1885. While it is important to know one's history I refuse to live my life based on some shyt I have never even experienced. Next...

You believe Sara Baartman isn't alive today but are too blind to see that there are parallels today that are promoted by white men. There are black men that promote the shyt as well... but let remember who is also encouraging and cutting the checks for that ignorance.

Nobody...absolutely nobody is forcing you dumbarse ninjas to exploit the women of your race. You ninjas actually have the nerve to wonder why black women won't follow your lead and won't submit to you. PHUCK OUR OF HERE...who the hell wants to follow some dumbarse who is so easily swayed, used, controlled and manipulated?

And fetishes in regards to race aren't rare at all when it's involving white men. lol, The Asian fetish with white guys is very real... the black fetish is real, as well, and prominent- considering the small % of white guys who even consider seriously dating blacks.

Nope fetishes by the definition of the word are RARE. Please look up the definition of the word fetish.

The word fetish is more often than not used by black men in regards to BW/WM relationship to mask fear of sexual competition and as a shaming tactic to prevent black women from actually like white men.

The men who date Only white women essentially are the same as the black women who are on this dumb pro-white man campaign... both are lost.

They are not the same because most black women don't exclusively date outside the race.

lol, OK. But I disagree about the brightness and most desirable. First off who are u to make such a claim? Second, Most successful, beautiful, and educated black women are dating and marring black men. 3rd, most educated black women don't ignore the histories and realities of the situation.

Sweetie, black men on this very forum have admitted that white men are walking off with some of the most well together, on-point, and desirable black women. These women are dating/marrying out and NEVER/RARELY returning.

Second, successful, beautiful and educated black women ARE the most likely to date/marry outside the race. I'm not saying these women don't marry black men. I'm saying they are the most likely to jump ship. And yeah, these are the folks growing that number of black women in interracial relationships.

Third, I don't believe most black women are going to turn away a decent man that fits well with them...regardless of race. History may have been the thing stopping grandma and 'em from swirling but it sure as hell is not so much a factor for modern and future generations.

when spike lee wanted to make a movie about black people having 'jungle fever'.. he made it about a black man smashing a white women.

Spike Lee is a black man who wrote a film from a black man's point of view in the EARLY 1990s. What's your point???

Arguably the chick that wrote Something New did the same thing.

As much as you complain about black men talking about these white loving black women... The attacks from black women regarding the same subject is unparallelled and can not be matched. I took a white chick to a Mexican restaurant like 5 years ago and the looks from black girls was just ridiculous.

Excuse me? Where are the black women doing this shyt :usure:....

[ame=]4 Accused of Killing Fellow Marine; Wife - YouTube[/ame]

10x worse.. because there are so many good black women to go around... but there really aren't too many good black men to go around.

Please refer to my comments to Marcuz and ninjas lack of understanding of basic math and numbers. The shyt you ninjas say just doesn't add up. Not to mention you stay dissing yourselves.

Any hate we have on this subject we learned from black women and their reaction to us. Black women used to rarely ever consider white men. Black men have always dabbled in the multicultural p*ssy pot. And that black women backlash is nothing to fukk with.

Ummm no...the hate black women/white men receive from black men is REALLY unparalleled. Where the hell are the black women murdering and beating up white women/black men couples??? Black men have been bashing black women for dating outside the race LONG before black women started bashing black men for doing it. Please refer to the hatred Malcolm X threw Eartha Kitt back in the day.

First off, you can't really deny history. Second you can't deny that history affects the present. 3rd. I don't admire any non-black women... I may have used non-black women as practice in the past... but I've never taken a nonblack women seriously.

Nobody is ignoring history. Most of us simply REFUSE to live our lives based on some shyt we haven't experienced.

Your relationship to non-black women is YOUR business.

I never used any of the non-black men I dated. I loved and cared for all of them.

the only black women I know who needed to discover it are the ones who need a superficial boost in confidence. This would be like me telling black men to go to Germany and discover it, lol.

More of your backwards ninja logic. If will do black American women a world of good to travel, see the world, and experience different flavors of men.

Don't confuse point out the fact with complaining. and Tameka isn't stuck... everyone can better themselves.

I see complaining and jealousy and unfortunately Tameka does often find herself stuck.

Culture is usually part of compatibility.

Culture is increasingly NOT apart of compatibility. It is NOT a significant factor in compatibility. Once again, if you're going to make this statement you need to tell me WHY black women/black men unions are the most likely to fail. After all, they share the same culture.

And that's a lie that black men don't value education... if that's the case why the hell would I have went through so much even risked my life in combat to get an education?? Why are there black men in universities. There are just as many black men who don't value it as any other group... but black men are the most targeted by things such as the prison industrial complex and racial politics - so the perception is that black men just don't give a fukk.. when in reality that isn't the truth for most black men.

I do believe black men in general don't give a shyt about education. That much is evident right here on this board where ninjas are complaining about being unemployed, but refuse to accept minimum wage for their unskilled labor. :wtb: :heh:

I also believe black men are lazy as hell. This modern day generation is content to sit home in their mama's basement and play the playstation while Bobby (white) and them at least get their arses up and make an effort to join the military.

Well a couple of the women you named have some pretty suspect relationships with multiple white men (like 20, lol) so I find them and their actions very suspect. I only give them a pass because they were probably attempting to conform and b accepted by their Hollywood circle. And I was just curious, because things are usually better when you're mate can fully understand how you may feel about an issue.

The reality is one's choice in a mate doesn't necessarily determine their stance on social issues.
Apr 11, 2013
most black men understand they wouldn't really have a chance with a sanna lathan regardless. i've noticed black men subconsciously accept that once a black woman reaches a certain status, black men are no longer a viable option for dating and relationships. Lynn Whitfields? come on, she's what? 60? anyways, collectively, black men don't get bent out of shape over black women IR dating. it just doesn't happen, y'all dating WM hasn't been shoved down our throats long enough for it to cause a complex.

Please, these black men out here are thinking simply because a woman is black they are the default option for said woman. When Sanna Lathan jumped the fence ninjas almost had a heart-attack!

Then when they find out that shyt isn't true (there isn't a default option) they start going into rants about fetishes and all this other bullshyt. It would be funny if it wasn't unbelievably sad.

they can, but they usually don't. if anything, they're cherry picking the already whitewashed black women in the burbs, or hooking up from online sites.

Whitewashed? LOL. That's the new ninja term for non-stereotypical NORMAL black women now??? :heh:

that goes for everywhere though. 10 yrs ago, black women were still on that "we're loyal to our black men and we love them" bullshyt. in fact, that's exactly when the pioneer black women began their white man hunting -- i attribute it to myspace.

I don't think so. I think there has been a change of guard. The old guard (i.e., my mother's generation) has taken a seat and the next generation has stepped forward. And my generation is simply more vocal about not being exclusively down with the brown.

You try to put black women under one umbrella but we are not one and the same. There are black women who only want a black man and then there are black women like myself, who simply like MEN (no race attached).

exactly, black women are only 6-7% of the population. if black women were so in demand, these non black men would have rushed the community and snatched them all up by now

Again, they ARE snatching up the one's who are available, open to it, and on-point/the best and brightest...which seems to be the area of contention here.

black women can practically give themselves away and the numbers will never even out. in the real world out, in patriarchal communities, where men want children to look like themselves. having a black woman birth your child is counterproductive to that legacy building. but hey, keep hoping there's enough run off to where it doesn't matter.

Most of the world's men are beta males sweetie. Most are middle class. Most aren't building legacies (and by legacies I mean economical empires). :comeon:

once again, that 3% doesn't seem to be interested. you want to run around saying BW are smarter and more educated but always falling for dumb shyt. i'll put it like this, that pedestal black women are hoping white men will put them on, will never happen. you all can go off on your island with white men, but you wont be validated or placed in the same spotlight as white women; which is what a lot of this is ultimately about.

Once again, I don't know ANY black woman who expects ALL of any race of men to want her. Let that sentence sink into you brain. It doesn't take all of any race of men to want black women. Most black women want A MAN...not all men.

Black women aren't trying to take white women's place or any of the other FALSE shyt you ninjas come up with to rationalize why more black women are vocal about our attraction to white men. :heh:

So, those who are open to the idea, who keep themselves on-point in every way that matters, can and will run amok in that 3% of men.

stop believing the propaganda, black american men with their shyt together have the same options, if not many more. only difference is they don't look back at black women and gripe about it. nikkas jump the fence and go on about their life.

Bullshyt these salty ninjas KEEP black women in their mouths even when they are supposedly happy over the fence. They sit around writing articles, books, and making youtube videos on why they jumped the fence and usually those reasons are "Black women aren't this, that and the third."

Rinse, wash and repeat over and over again until the non-black chick gets the hell out of dodge, runs back to her community with his loot, kids and house. :childplease:

It is the complete opposite with black women, which is yet another reason why our unions are probably more stable. Most of us are not doing it because black men aint shyt. We are doing it because boy meets girl, falls in love and they decide to do the damn thing. I'm not talking about these chicks who sit on the internet talking about swirling...about talking about those of us who have actually done it.

no, they are not right. they're just a bunch of so called 'educated' dumbasses though. if they were so smart, they'd realize black women will never be put on a true pedestal or spotlight, if it's not their own black men doing it. running to white men for praise usually results in black women getting spurned, only for these same black women to turn around and cry
that they weren't protected by black men.

These women ARE quite smart. Because they know the following:

1). Black men aren't "their own black men." Black men don't belong to black women....these women are much more accepting of that fact than their less educated counterparts. They have done something that many wish they could do: They have achieved indifference towards black men. In their quest for personal happiness and fulfillment black men are either non-existent or an afterthought....which is why they don't look for black men to put them on anything...least of all a pedestal.

2). They preach SELF-LOVE, which successfully does away with any dependence on men (other than their man) for so-called "validation."

3). Again, these women aren't "running to white men" or ALL of any man of any race. They are looking for A MAN (singular)...not MEN (plural).

these black women are so smart. they're championing for a beauty standard they're trying to do away with. wish i could understand what it's like for a black woman to raise the same light skinned girl she use to hate growing up. has to be a fukking trip, right? :heh:

Please. This light-skinned/dark-skinned bullshyt is overblown at best by you retarded ninjas on the internet. I'll tell you like you told me...stop drinking the kool-aid. Light-skinned and dark-skinned black women are NOT at each other's throats like the way you seem to believe. Most of us have light-skinned and dark-skinned women in our damn families. Dark-skinned black women give birth to light-skinned black women all the time and vice versa. :heh: The skin tone of our offspring isn't going to bust hell wide open dumbarse. :heh:


Deadly Jester
Apr 13, 2013
That whore MurderSheWrote has me on block lol. Why are you guys even bothering with a 28 yr old black woman who is so called married to a french white man on a black male forum arguing with nyggas. shyt makes absolutely no sense. Clearly she's mad, she will have to live miserably for the rest of her life knowing there are millions of black males on this planet and not one committed to her :lolbron: . Even marrying outside hasn't calmed her soul, nyggahs will forever be on her mind. She already lost :ufdup:


May 14, 2013
And to say that Black men are critical of Black woman/White male relationships is primarily due to insecurity(ies) is an outright falsehood. The Black population in the U.S. percentage-wise isn't that strong to begin with, and will only continue to drop with interracial dating/promotion. With this, we as Blacks will continue to lose our identity and culture, see less and less Blacks in the regions of the country where Blacks are most prominent, and fail to see physical and cultural growth in every region of America period, and continue to proclaim Barack Obama as our first Black president, yet declare Nicole Richie a White woman :snoop: I'll be the 1st to admit that when I see Blacks with mates outside of their race, I feel sad, I see a loss in identity, and a loss of our culture, what it is to be an African-American. Racial identity and culture are just as important as any qualities in love imo, and to ignore them is ignorant to me. If everybody starts dating interracially, then everybody'll be mixed, and that's just not somethin' I wanna see. Call me what you will, I'm just keepin' it 100. :yeshrug: Race/ethnicity has played an integral role in the creation of this great nation that is America, the good and the bad, and we just cannot erase history, erase who we are.
Apr 11, 2013
THIS is just totally abrasive, ignorant, prejudiced, malicious, and out-of-line, omfg... :snoop: :snoop: :snoop:

Please show me where it is NOT true. Black men treat education like the phucking plague and then they sit around and wonder why this world isn't stopping because THEY aren't able to secure employment. :comeon:

And to say that Black men are critical of Black woman/White male relationships is primarily due to insecurity(ies) is an outright falsehood.

Black men, as a collective, don't give two shyts about preserving culture or any of that other bullshyt you just ranted about. Look around....the proof is all around you. It DOES tend to come down to insecurity 99.9% of the time and I'm basing this argument on the things they say when faced with a BW/WM coupling.

They don't mention anything about culture when citing reasons why these couples shouldn't exist. Instead they go into the same old tired nonsense about rape and slavery. This is immediately followed by them "warning" black women to stay clear of white men because of perceived fetishes (again this is done out of fear of sexual competition). Then they spout the lie about being "concerned" about black women as if black women can't see their "concern" is a crock of shyt!

If they were so "concerned" about black women they would be out here advising black women of the MORE likely treat to her in this day and men!

The bottom line is this: black men don't mind :cape: when the man is WHITE but when it comes to the more likely threat (black men) they subscribe to "no simping" and "no capping."

Black women see this^^^ shyt which is why we put you ninjas on mute when it comes to our relationships with non-black men. It is NONE of your business.

Furthermore, there isn't a thing you or anyone else can do about two people of different races getting together and doing what people do (procreating). So, why worry about it???


Jun 4, 2012
Your mentality .

I don't believe you fully understand the situation. What ever happen to you to feel this way about black men, I hope you get over it. You should also realize that you are incorrect on most of your points and the other points are highly debatable. Also, transparency is your worse enemy... I can read between the lines on everything you've stated.



May 14, 2013
Please show me where it is NOT true. Black men treat education like the phucking plague and then they sit around and wonder why this world isn't stopping because THEY aren't able to secure employment. :comeon: Black men, as a collective, don't give two shyts about preserving culture or any of that other bullshyt you just ranted about. Look around....the proof is all around you. It DOES tend to come down to insecurity 99.9% of the time and I'm basing this argument on the things they say when faced with a BW/WM coupling.

They don't mention anything about culture when citing reasons why these couples shouldn't exist. Instead they go into the same old tired nonsense about rape and slavery. This is immediately followed by them "warning" black women to stay clear of white men because of perceived fetishes (again this is done out of fear of sexual competition). Then they spout the lie about being "concerned" about black women as if black women can't see their "concern" is a crock of shyt!

If they were so "concerned" about black women they would be out here advising black women of the MORE likely treat to her in this day and men!

The bottom line is this: black men don't mind :cape: when the man is WHITE but when it comes to the more likely threat (black men) they subscribe to "no simping" and "no capping."

Black women see this^^^ shyt which is why we put you ninjas on mute when it comes to our relationships with non-black men. It is NONE of your business.

Furthermore, there isn't a thing you or anyone else can do about two people of different races getting together and doing what people do (procreating). So, why worry about it???

With the exception of ur last paragraph, u've really sold ur opinion pretty well, u have a silver tongue. But until u provide any of this with some actual substance (i.e. facts, studies, etc) all of that will just be treated as ur personal viewpoint. U don't know every Black man, or their walk of life to place such a premature and jaded judgement upon all of us as such, and to even speak for Black women sayin' "we" when u urself admit all women aren't the same, let alone u urself marchin' to a different beat.

EDIT: And as far as that study w/ Black men bein' the common denominator in failed relationships, did it ever occur to u that those studies could've been controlled/manipulated studies? :ooh: Or that those studies are purely correlational, that we don't know the control factors or execution of said studies, and that correlation does not equal causation? :ohhh:
Apr 11, 2013
With the exception of ur last paragraph, u've really sold ur opinion pretty well, u have a silver tongue.

Thank you. I like debating. I'm probably the most well-read person on this site. :smugfavre:

But until u provide any of this with some actual substance (i.e. facts, studies, etc) all of that will just be treated as ur personal viewpoint. U don't know every Black man, or their walk of life to place such a premature and jaded judgement upon all of us as such, and to even speak for Black women sayin' "we" when u urself admit all women aren't the same, let alone u urself marchin' to a different beat.

Please refer to my comments to "blackking." I did in fact cite my sources.

EDIT: And as far as that study w/ Black men bein' the common denominator in failed relationships, did it ever occur to u that those studies could've been controlled/manipulated studies? :ooh:

No because the studies are only telling folks what anyone can see with their own two eyes. Folks like you can deny it all you want but numbers don't lie. :yeshrug:

Or that those studies are purely correlational, that we don't know the control factors or execution of said studies, and that correlation does not equal causation? :ohhh:

The might be worth noting if it were just ONE study. However, multiple studies are saying the SAME DAMN THING. :rudy:
Apr 11, 2013
I don't believe you fully understand the situation. What ever happen to you to feel this way about black men, I hope you get over it. You should also realize that you are incorrect on most of your points and the other points are highly debatable. Also, transparency is your worse enemy... I can read between the lines on everything you've stated.


I understand the situation quite well. No offense taken...I hope none is given.


May 14, 2013
Thank you. I like debating. I'm probably the most well-read person on this site. :smugfavre:

:mjpls: :mjpls: :mjpls: :mjpls: :mjpls: :mjpls:

Please refer to my comments to "blackking." I did in fact cite my sources. No because the studies are only telling folks what anyone can see with their own two eyes. Folks like you can deny it all you want but numbers don't lie. :yeshrug:The might be worth noting if it were just ONE study. However, multiple studies are saying the SAME DAMN THING. :rudy:

Oh, so u have links that prove Black men don't care about education or anything else of vaule on Earth, or that Black men don't care about preserving our culture and race? :ohhh: And again, all we have about these studies is the end result, how many studies on this matter have been conducted ecactly? We don't know where the studies were conducted, how many people, the motivations behind said studies, what is the credibility of said researchers, were peer-reviewed sources used only, who was conductin' them, how long were the studies conducted, control factors, independent & dependent variables, were they blind, double-blind, what caused these failed relationships, how long were said people together, did they ever get back together, were Black men more targeted than other races, what were the ratios/numbers, are there study results that exist that have copied/blueprinted other studies, let alone even releasing the same data?? I'm honestly not narrow-mindingly disregardin' said data, its just that sometimes one will see what they wanna see, and some things'll just reinforce that, or that ppl will see these studies, and then have their vision influenced/biased by such things.
Apr 11, 2013
:mjpls: :mjpls: :mjpls: :mjpls: :mjpls: :mjpls:

Oh, so u have links that prove Black men don't care about education or anything else of vaule on Earth, or that Black men don't care about preserving our culture and race? :ohhh: And again, all we have about these studies is the end result, how many studies on this matter have been conducted ecactly? We don't know where the studies were conducted, how many people, the motivations behind said studies, what is the credibility of said researchers, were peer-reviewed sources used only, who was conductin' them, how long were the studies conducted, control factors, independent & dependent variables, were they blind, double-blind, what caused these failed relationships, how long were said people together, did they ever get back together, were Black men more targeted than other races, what were the ratios/numbers, are there study results that exist that have copied/blueprinted other studies, let alone even releasing the same data?? I'm honestly not narrow-mindingly disregardin' said data, its just that sometimes one will see what they wanna see, and some things'll just reinforce that, or that ppl will see these studies, and then have their vision influenced/biased by such things.

:rudy: Keep lying to yourself my friend.

We'll just ignore all the other couplings mentioned in those studies. We'll pretend they weren't mentioned and just pretend these studies were produced to purposely make black men look bad.

We'll also pretend that black men's marriages to black women aren't likely to end in divorce...though this appears to be the most stable union black men find themselves in (when they do marry).

Yeah, we'll just pretend that black women's marriages with non-black men (i.e., those not involving a black man) aren't more stable than those involving a black man, which is the exact opposite of black men/non-black women marriages.

^^^And we'll pretend that these DIFFERENT studies that are all saying THE EXACT SAME THING are false.

Yeah, somebody somewhere is lying. :pachaha:

Surely, if black men saw value in the shyt that matter they wouldn't be the most self-destructive group on the face of the planet. You can't argue this point. You can blame the white man until you're blue in the face. The reality is if ninjas don't even value LIFE...they really don't value anything...least all culture. :wtf:

How do you know ninjas don't value life? I direct you to your nearest inner city, ghetto, or predominately black country (Haiti, The Congo, Detroit, Philly, Chicago...take your pick!)...same shyt different place.


May 14, 2013
:rudy: Keep lying to yourself my friend.
We'll just ignore all the other couplings mentioned in those studies. We'll pretend they weren't mentioned and just pretend these studies were produced to purposely make black men look bad. We'll also pretend that black men's marriages to black women aren't likely to end in divorce...though this appears to be the most stable union black men find themselves in (when they do marry). Yeah, we'll just pretend that black women's marriages with non-black men (i.e., those not involving a black man) aren't more stable than those involving a black man, which is the exact opposite of black men/non-black women marriages. ^^^And we'll pretend that these DIFFERENT studies that are all saying THE EXACT SAME THING are false.
Yeah, somebody somewhere is lying. :pachaha:

I just find it strange that Black men are the common denominator in this regard, when we're vastly outnumbered by the White man, which makes me curious as to what cities/places these experiments were conducted in/at and how many folks were tested, among many other questions. And there are just so many variables and circumstances in all these relationships that it's virtually impossible to quantify the concept. In other words, placin' blame on Black men for bein' the common denominator would be factual, but incomplete.

Surely, if black men saw value in the shyt that matter they wouldn't be the most self-destructive group on the face of the planet. You can't argue this point. You can blame the white man until you're blue in the face. The reality is if ninjas don't even value LIFE...they really don't value anything...least all culture. :wtf: How do you know ninjas don't value life? I direct you to your nearest inner city, ghetto, or predominately black country (Haiti, The Congo, Detroit, Philly, Chicago...take your pick!)...same shyt different place.

No, that can't be argued, sure. What CAN be argued in that regard however, is nature vs. nurture. If u are to say Blacks are the most self-destructive race, which u are correct, u also admit that oppression still exists, although to what degree is unkown. Places like Philadelphia, Cleveland, and other inner-city locales can attribute much of their settings to White Flight. Not usin' this as a scapegoat, but this is at the bottom of the pile. And who is anybody to judge people so harshly, and to not even fathom their psyche, understand their sub-consciouses, and know their walk of life.


Sep 25, 2012
:rudy: Keep lying to yourself my friend.

We'll just ignore all the other couplings mentioned in those studies. We'll pretend they weren't mentioned and just pretend these studies were produced to purposely make black men look bad.

We'll also pretend that black men's marriages to black women aren't likely to end in divorce...though this appears to be the most stable union black men find themselves in (when they do marry).

Yeah, we'll just pretend that black women's marriages with non-black men (i.e., those not involving a black man) aren't more stable than those involving a black man, which is the exact opposite of black men/non-black women marriages.

^^^And we'll pretend that these DIFFERENT studies that are all saying THE EXACT SAME THING are false.

Yeah, somebody somewhere is lying. :pachaha:

Surely, if black men saw value in the shyt that matter they wouldn't be the most self-destructive group on the face of the planet. You can't argue this point. You can blame the white man until you're blue in the face. The reality is if ninjas don't even value LIFE...they really don't value anything...least all culture. :wtf:

How do you know ninjas don't value life? I direct you to your nearest inner city, ghetto, or predominately black country (Haiti, The Congo, Detroit, Philly, Chicago...take your pick!)...same shyt different place.

"Scientist" and "researchers" have been trolling the black race with their "studies" for hundreds of years. Theirs "studies" saying black women are the least desired women on the planet. Do we believe those too?

At the end of the day the whole "bu but but bm/non blk women relationships dont last tho", is fodder for lame chicks who need some type of ammunition of there own going in. Blk men marry and get into relationships way more often with none blks than blk women do. The numbers are so different its foolish to even compare the two
Apr 11, 2013
I just find it strange that Black men are the common denominator in this regard, when we're vastly outnumbered by the White man, which makes me curious as to what cities/places these experiments were conducted in/at and how many folks were tested, among many other questions. And there are just so many variables and circumstances in all these relationships that it's virtually impossible to quantify the concept. In other words, placin' blame on Black men for bein' the common denominator would be factual, but incomplete.

When faced with the facts and data you requested (before knowing it was already presented) you react in this way??? Typical. :beli:

Divorce rate is something that cannot realistically be disputed or blamed on the white man.

Black men's marriages with BLACK WOMEN (the most common marriage for them) typically fails. I don't know why it's too much of a stretch for you to imagine their marriages to non-black women also failing and being more likely to fail than those involving a black woman. :wtb:

Furthermore, these studies didn't just single out black men or try to make them look bad. They also shot white women down as well because they pointed out that white women's unions with non-white males (excluding, white Hispanics) don't last either.

White men, for all their faults, seem to be better able to maintain relationships/marriages than their white counterparts...but I guess according to your logic this information is incorrect and "placing blame on the white woman." These studies are just trying to "make the white woman look bad." These studies are just trying to "keep the white woman down." LMAO! :pachaha:


Please come with a better argument.

No, that can't be argued, sure. What CAN be argued in that regard however, is nature vs. nurture. If u are to say Blacks are the most self-destructive race, which u are correct, u also admit that oppression still exists, although to what degree is unkown. Places like Philadelphia, Cleveland, and other inner-city locales can attribute much of their settings to White Flight. Not usin' this as a scapegoat, but this is at the bottom of the pile. And who is anybody to judge people so harshly, and to not even fathom their psyche, understand their sub-consciouses, and know their walk of life.

^^^This is not a valid argument. You asked how did I know BLACK MEN don't value culture or anything of value in life. I pointed out their self-destructive ways (in multiple regions of the world) and lack of value for LIFE. Quite simply, if you have a group of men who don't value the life of other black people, how the hell can you expect them to value black culture???? :comeon:

"Scientist" and "researchers" have been trolling the black race with their "studies" for hundreds of years. Theirs "studies" saying black women are the least desired women on the planet. Do we believe those too?

Sorry this is an apples and oranges comparison (one that I would expect the idiots on this site to make).

Beauty is SUBJECTIVE (meaning it's a matter of OPINION). It CANNOT be measured, which is why the Asian guy that produced that "study" (something it was not) caught so much flack. It was essentially HIS (and anyone else he asked) OPINION on beauty (again, beauty is subjective..OPINIONS on it will vary from person to person...and it cannot be measured because it is based on OPINION).

The divorce rate in this country and the divorce rate for interracial couples can be measured with actual DATA (raw numbers, percentages etc). It can be studied over time. It cannot be disputed. It is concrete.

At the end of the day the whole "bu but but bm/non blk women relationships dont last tho", is fodder for lame chicks who need some type of ammunition of there own going in. Blk men marry and get into relationships way more often with none blks than blk women do. The numbers are so different its foolish to even compare the two

^^^This doesn't make any damn sense (as usual). Saying black men's marriages with non-black women aren't likely to last or don't last very long (without comparing them to any other relationships) can be backed up with data. It is not fodder dumbarse.

Pointing out the reality that black men's marriages with black women (without comparing to other marriages) are troubled is not fodder either. It proves one HUGE reality: When it comes to maintaining a marriage, regardless of the race of women, black men generally suck.

Your point would only be a valid one if I were comparing the outcome of black women marriages to non-black men to black men's marriages to non-black women (something I try NOT to do...unless forced to do...and by force, I mean when black men try to make it seem as if black women are no marriageable when truth be told, black women don't have a problem sustaining relationships/marriages with men who aren't black or a better example would be when black men say some shyt like, "This is why brothers are choosing white women"...yet they can't seem to make it last with those white women).

Instead of comparing the two, I have simply maintained that black women's marriages with non-black men are some of the most stable unions...while pointing out that black men's marriages to non-black women don't last. Both of these statements are FACTUAL.

Notice I didn't compare one to the other. A comparison would be me saying, "Black women/White men unions last longer than black men/white women unions." And no, I'm not saying I haven't done this at some point...I'm saying it's not generally part of my talking points. I have maintained that black women's marriages to non-black men are stable. That has been ONE of my main points throughout this thread (refer to my comments with blackking).