Reading that thread on the NOI and its obvious most of ya'll know nothing about the NOI


Dec 24, 2014
NOI has always had a very open view on what qualifies as Black, as well as a being pretty open about embracing other "people of color". So none of that is me at least.

Farrakhan saying he got his suit from his beautiful Brown brothers from Japan.

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
There is a specific term for an official member of the Nation of Islam, you have yet to use it

One is only classified as Class A Class C etc... after they are a member. One doesn't "start off" as Class C.

The letter one writes has a specific name, you have yet to use it.

That "show promise within 6 months" is emphatically not true. There are some very specific things you have to do to become an official member, you have yet to name or describe them.

Malcolm X was never put in Class F. A 90 day suspension is not Class F, Malcolm didn't like the suspension, and subsequently left on his own.

What you are saying about Brother Nuri is actually silly.

It sounds like, AT BEST, you didn't even stick around long enough to come here 20 years later and speak as some sort of authority on the organization.

This forum is already anti-religion, anti-Black elders, and against the concept Black leadership. Like I said, you just wanted to add some level of credibility to your anti-Nation of Islam stance by presenting some twisted specifics that you claim to be true within the organization.


You want me to go into fine print specifics when I'm simplifying?

So just because I haven't said "FOI" thats not good enough for you huh?

Fool, i'm simplifying to people who I already know dont know much and you want me to go into fine print details......GTFOH :camby:

I also never mentioned how courtship involves you having to talk to a FOI superior to let him know which MGT you are interested in and that superior goes to the MGT superior where if he qualifies with the MGT superior then and only then will she pass the word to the MGT that the guy is interested in. And when they go on dates they have to be chaperoned by superiors.

I can go into fine print details all day but I'm not trying to convince u of a damn thing because u didnt come correct for me to care what you think. If you came in here "building" as the 5% say then we'd be cool....but you haven't dropped any jewels yet and this is your 3rd response.

Nope, i'm no authoritarian at all...I was a teenage fool who woke up from a spell that u seem to be trapped in.

I said Elijah Muhammad was a genius over and over again, even broke down why he gets a pass for messing with them girls yet you say i have an anti-NOI stance :heh:

F-class is ex communication....And Malcolm was ex communicated.

Do me a favor.....either build or stay the fukk outta my conversation.:stopitslime:

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
This thread is heavy as hell.

Extremely surprised that it isn't big on traffic.

OP, I appreciate your thread, I would say, though, that in the context of viewing the NOI in the same way one would view a criminal organization or a cult, yes, it makes strategic sense that Malcolm would be "taken care of" in the tragic manner we see...

However, if one is to actually look at an organization that purports to be about the betterment of black people, it was nothing short of despicable.

OP already indicated that he began to realize the NOI wasn't about anything more than Farrakhan, so I 'm not criticizing his viewpoint on the Malcolm killing but, for those who view the NOI as an organization dedicated to the betterment of black people, please let the bubble burst because that action, for me, sealed the deal in how nefarious the organization could be.

I will say might come off left but its not......Like I said, i've seen the NOI help brothers out.....But if one does allign themselves with the NOI for whatever reasons they chose don't depend on them as a financial foundation. I learned this the hard way. When my first wife was pregnant I had 2 options. Go to a shelter and struggle while waiting for Allah to make a miracle or join the Army. Reality kicked in and I joined the Army. You better already have a skill or some sort of means of income because u will not get a steady job like that dealing with the NOI. Now if u have a job or career and skills that can give u financial independence then u are good. Selling the Final Call and bean pies should only be a means of putting in work not financial dependency. But that rule should apply to any organization you want to join. Hebrew Isrealites, New Black Panthers...NOI, whoever....u better have a secure job or career independent of anything NOI related so that financially you aren't sitting their waiting for Allah to make a miracle. Get your paper first..then join any organization u are interested in.


Nov 25, 2015
You think Nobel Drew Ali was a charlatan too? I knew he was a plagiarist but gave him a pass because he worked with garvey. A lot of these guys were charlatans and snake oil salesmen. Sweet Daddy Grace was around that time and he's another charlatan so was Yahweh Ben Yahweh after he claimed he was the Messiah. Dr. York .

I don't give him a pass. Weren't the girls underage and not only that didn't he excommunicate them too?

exactly :ufdup:
im looking at, cuh like:what:


Nov 25, 2015
There is a specific term for an official member of the Nation of Islam, you have yet to use it

One is only classified as Class A Class C etc... after they are a member. One doesn't "start off" as Class C.

The letter one writes has a specific name, you have yet to use it.

That "show promise within 6 months" is emphatically not true. There are some very specific things you have to do to become an official member, you have yet to name or describe them.

Malcolm X was never put in Class F. A 90 day suspension is not Class F, Malcolm didn't like the suspension, and subsequently left on his own.

What you are saying about Brother Nuri is actually silly.

It sounds like, AT BEST, you didn't even stick around long enough to come here 20 years later and speak as some sort of authority on the organization.

This forum is already anti-religion, anti-Black elders, and against the concept Black leadership. Like I said, you just wanted to add some level of credibility to your anti-Nation of Islam stance by presenting some twisted specifics that you claim to be true within the organization.

Help us out then, breh. It's folks in here with genuine interest like myself

motion order

Sep 3, 2014
Jew Jersey
You want me to go into fine print specifics when I'm simplifying?

So just because I haven't said "FOI" thats not good enough for you huh?

Fool, i'm simplifying to people who I already know dont know much and you want me to go into fine print details......GTFOH

I also never mentioned how courtship involves you having to talk to a FOI superior to let him know which MGT you are interested in and that superior goes to the MGT superior where if he qualifies with the MGT superior then and only then will she pass the word to the MGT that the guy is interested in. And when they go on dates they have to be chaperoned by superiors.

I can go into fine print details all day but I'm not trying to convince u of a damn thing because u didnt come correct for me to care what you think. If you came in here "building" as the 5% say then we'd be cool....but you haven't dropped any jewels yet and this is your 3rd response.

Nope, i'm no authoritarian at all...I was a teenage fool who woke up from a spell that u seem to be trapped in.

I said Elijah Muhammad was a genius over and over again, even broke down why he gets a pass for messing with them girls yet you say i have an anti-NOI stance

F-class is ex communication....And Malcolm was ex communicated.

Do me a favor.....either build or stay the fukk outta my conversation.

Specifics would be nice, but I'm actually just pointing out things that you are saying that are flat out wrong. I know how this goes though, when it comes to sh-tting on the Nation of Islam, the facts don't matter.

No. I'm not talking about the term "FOI"

There is no point in trying to build in a thread that is anti-NOI, and in a forum that is generally anti-NOI. I'm just pointing out untrue statements.

You said Elijah was a genius at being a charlatan, and called what he was doing a hustle. (Post #5 Post #7 Post #12) That's not pro-NOI, that's a back-handed compliment, you're speaking with a forked tongue, and you should know what that makes you.

90 day suspension, Malcolm took it from there.

I surely would have left this thread alone if you were not posting untruths

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
Specifics would be nice, but I'm actually just pointing out things that you are saying that are flat out wrong. I know how this goes though, when it comes to sh-tting on the Nation of Islam, the facts don't matter.

No. I'm not talking about the term "FOI"

There is no point in trying to build in a thread that is anti-NOI, and in a forum that is generally anti-NOI. I'm just pointing out untrue statements.

You said Elijah was a genius at being a charlatan, and called what he was doing a hustle. (Post #5 Post #7 Post #12) That's not pro-NOI, that's a back-handed compliment, you're speaking with a forked tongue, and you should know what that makes you.

90 day suspension, Malcolm took it from there.

I surely would have left this thread alone if you were not posting untruths

LOL @ forked tongue....

The NOI was not practicing true Islam. They were/are quasi...

Elijah Muhammad said Master Fard was Allah in the flesh....According to Islam that is absolute blasphemy. So what the hell else am i gonna call it beside a hustle?:stopitslime: True Islam will always trump Elijah Muhammads version of things. I also said it was a "neccessary hustle." In a good way not a bad way.

And Elijah Muhammad died in a mansion. Farrakhan lives in a mansion with marble floors. Yet when I was in the shelter I saw with my own eyes an elder FOI in there with me. Farrakhan is in a mansion while the elder was in a shelter. My eyes opened up right there as a teen.

You can say me calling Elijah Muhammad a hustler is anti-NOI all u want. I'm just calling it like it is. :yeshrug: I dare you to say calling Master Fard, Allah in the flesh isn't blasphemy.

Malcolm was so mystified he didnt see he was being hustled all that time. Fard tought Elijah the hustle but Malcolm was so mystified he thought the hustle was real :heh: He was supposed to play along not tell the truth. Instead he messed up the hustle because he started exposing the dirt. Farrakhan figured it out and kept the hustle going.....thats why he'll always praise Elijah Muhammad and never say anything bad about him.


May 31, 2012
"On June 5, 1964, Hoover sent a telegram to the FBI's New York office that simply and plainly instructed, "Do something about Malcolm X enough of this black violence in NY."

"The actions of the police on the day of Malcolm's assassination are particularly noteworthy. Normally up to two dozen police were assigned at Malcolm X's rallies, but on February 21, just a week after his home had been firebombed, not one officer was stationed at the entrance to the Audubon ballroom where the meeting took place. And while two uniformed officers were inside the building, they remained in a smaller room, at a distance from the main event area."

"The lack of a police presence was unusual and was compounded by internal compromises on the part of Malcolm's own security staff, which included at least one Bureau of Special Services agent who had infiltrated his organization."

"The crime scene was not secured for extensive forensic analysis -- instead, it was cleaned up to allow for a scheduled dance to take place that afternoon, with bullet holes still in the wall!"


motion order

Sep 3, 2014
Jew Jersey
LOL @ forked tongue....

The NOI was not practicing true Islam. They were/are quasi...

Elijah Muhammad said Master Fard was Allah in the flesh....According to Islam that is absolute blasphemy. So what the hell else am i gonna call it beside a hustle?:stopitslime: True Islam will always trump Elijah Muhammads version of things. I also said it was a "neccessary hustle." In a good way not a bad way.

And Elijah Muhammad died in a mansion. Farrakhan lives in a mansion with marble floors. Yet when I was in the shelter I saw with my own eyes an elder FOI in there with me. Farrakhan is in a mansion while the elder was in a shelter. My eyes opened up right there as a teen.

You can say me calling Elijah Muhammad a hustler is anti-NOI all u want. I'm just calling it like it is. :yeshrug: I dare you to say calling Master Fard, Allah in the flesh isn't blasphemy.

Malcolm was so mystified he didnt see he was being hustled all that time. Fard tought Elijah the hustle but Malcolm was so mystified he thought the hustle was real :heh: He was supposed to play along not tell the truth. Instead he messed up the hustle because he started exposing the dirt. Farrakhan figured it out and kept the hustle going.....thats why he'll always praise Elijah Muhammad and never say anything bad about him.

That forked tongue statement is becoming more and more evident with each post.

If something is not true, then it is false, a lie. If a religious leader is committing blasphemy, that is possibly the worst offense. You can't say a religious man is teaching that which is untrue and committing blasphemy and then try and spin it into he's hustling people in a good way, not a bad way. Forked tongue.

You're showing that you had the game f-cked up the whole time as for as the NOI goes. Show me where Elijah Muhammad ever said, "join the Nation of Islam, and we'll give you a job." The Nation of Islam teaches the Blackman and woman to Do for Self. Don't blame Elijah or Farrakhan or whoever because you were not man enough to handle your business. That's the point of Point Number 12, (LMAO, I doubt you even know what I mean when I say point # 12) there is no mystery god, you are god. You lacked the ingenuity and industriousnesss to cut it, so you blamed the men that have a track record of teaching and inspiring those qualities in other men. You were looking for a hand out, waiting on a mystery god.

I always find it funny, and sad at the same time, when a Black person in America insists that a revelation to Arabs 1400 years ago, is intrinsically superior to a revelation to a Blackman in America in the 1930's. What's just as sad and funny is when they don't even practice or sympathize with either form of Islam, but want to comment on what is true and not true Islam.

Noted that you have not disputed any of my claims of you posting untruths about the Nation of Islam.

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
That forked tongue statement is becoming more and more evident with each post.

If something is not true, then it is false, a lie. If a religious leader is committing blasphemy, that is possibly the worst offense. You can't say a religious man is teaching that which is untrue and committing blasphemy and then try and spin it into he's hustling people in a good way, not a bad way. Forked tongue.

You're showing that you had the game f-cked up the whole time as for as the NOI goes. Show me where Elijah Muhammad ever said, "join the Nation of Islam, and we'll give you a job." The Nation of Islam teaches the Blackman and woman to Do for Self. Don't blame Elijah or Farrakhan or whoever because you were not man enough to handle your business. That's the point of Point Number 12, (LMAO, I doubt you even know what I mean when I say point # 12) there is no mystery god, you are god. You lacked the ingenuity and industriousnesss to cut it, so you blamed the men that have a track record of teaching and inspiring those qualities in other men. You were looking for a hand out, waiting on a mystery god.

I always find it funny, and sad at the same time, when a Black person in America insists that a revelation to Arabs 1400 years ago, is intrinsically superior to a revelation to a Blackman in America in the 1930's. What's just as sad and funny is when they don't even practice or sympathize with either form of Islam, but want to comment on what is true and not true Islam.

So are you saying that calling Master Fard "Allah in the flesh" isn't blasphemy according to Islam?


Just answer that 1 question.

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
@Darkslayer You are an intellectual coward who doesn't know history.

Agents didn't come as open opposition.....they always came as friends. They co signed everything that wasnt agaist the status quo. And they would defend the cause of those they were infiltraiting. The agents are the ones who co sign the popular narrative because they were pretending to be dowm.

You calling me an agent proves you are a lost fool who doesnt know history.


The Time Has Come And So Have I
Nov 18, 2016
Vigilante Season
You Was Never In The Nation Of Islam, You Just Some Lying Cracker fakkit Perpetrating A Fraud From What You Got Out Of Publicly Available FBI Files (Link-->) Nation of Islam That's Why Your Only "Proof" That You Was In Comes From What's In Those Pdfs.:coffee:

And Nation Of Islam Already Addressed And Countered All That Other Bullshyt You Talking. Inside FBI COINTELPRO & the U.S. Govt's War Against Dissent

Negged, One Starred, Reported, And Shot On Sight.

@DatManJay And Whoever Else Since I Don't Feel Like Going Through The Whole Thing Again Ask Me Whatever You Want To Know I Got You Bruh.


Nov 20, 2016
Flawed organization, but you cannot underestimate the good that they have done.

They were very much needed in the 50's and 60's.

It's better to learn from them and avoid their flaws rather than to denigrate them en masse. Take the good, avoid the bad. Simple.

But some ppl love to tear down shyt without offering any solutions of their own.:yeshrug:

Enough of this "why this group is also fukked up" bullshyt.


Aug 9, 2013
Cliffs? If this thread takes off I will read the entire op. I already know a bit about the NOI. I side with Malcolm on his split from the nation. And I believe what he said about Elijah Muhammad on national tv was true. Even though brothers in the nation deny it.

Man you know how ridiculous you sound talking about you "side" with Malcolm?

You don't know anything about what happened back then and whatever happened had nothing to do with you. It was an internal problem between Malcolm and the Nation.


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
Man you know how ridiculous you sound talking about you "side" with Malcolm?

You don't know anything about what happened back then and whatever happened had nothing to do with you. It was an internal problem between Malcolm and the Nation.
Shut yo dumb ass up nikka with that bullshyt in my notifications. I choose a pan-African ideologist over a psuedo Muslim theocrat any day. When malcolm formed the OAU that was powerful. He didn't have time to get it off the ground though due to his assassination. His parents were apart of the UNIA which was the largest black organization in the western hemisphere of all times. I don't understand how you stupid ass nikkas can call someone holy and divine who slept and impregnated underage girls. Dr.York followers are worst. Dr.York ass said he had "trillions of years of knowledge" but can't get his monkey ass outta of jail. Miss me with that stupid as mothership jargon too. Talking about a damn space alien. Malcolm was and still is the best thing to come out of the nation. And I'm glad he was raised by Pan-African and converted to true islam and not man worship a sex offender.
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