What was DC like in the 90s? Did the baddies from the burbs and Howard mess with street dudes like Rayful? I have attractive (still for their age) older female relatives who grew up in DC in the 90s but they're very quiet about what they got into back then.
rayfus * that's what he was called had a reputation of being gay even back them, All his main workers wore an earring in the left ear Back then no one wore any kind of indenfying gang colors other than maybe a shirt that had the name of their block or something and that was mainly worn at GoGo's
I was mad young then but by the time I got older
Coward Hoes already had a reputation and PG hoes where completely mixed in with regular DC people so it wasn't really a big deal to link with a chick from Largo or Laurel They could come to the clubs like chicks from South east,
That's how Black DC was you didn't have strict segregation of boule Blacks and Ghetto Black people You could be from Barry Farms * a notorious project* and never come outside or you could be like a girl I dated named Thomasina from Fairfax Village * a bougie community in DC* and rollout to every Go-Go in the city.