ROTFLMBAO!!!!!I lost count at how many rappers done fukked my girl over the years![]()

ROTFLMBAO!!!!!I lost count at how many rappers done fukked my girl over the years![]()
When I would listen to that shyt, and then watch the science channel or some type of political/business show, I really felt like my thinking was at the bottom of the barrel. I keep that shyt to a minimum.
My friend had super genesis.
the overall bottom line is that everything isn't for everybody. if you don't like what a rapper is spittin about, then don't listen. i'd much rather a rapper DO THEM instead of making forced records that just aren't them. that's been a problem in rap since the early 2000s. too many rappers trying too hard to branch out and cater to too many different audiences, and the result is a bunch of phoney records. look at jadakiss.
my problem with braggadocios mainstream rap right now is that all these dudes doing it in the mainstream are redundant as f**k. im not saying that their redundance stems from their subject matter. im saying that their redundance stems from the fact that most of their chit sounds the same and is repetitive. I mean, if youre gonna keep recycling the same topics, at least be creative with it.
case in point, I can listen to the big tymers' catalog from front-to-back, and 80% of their catalog is materialistic as hell. but the chit is so hot, it doesn't matter what theyre rapping about because them dudes was jamming. now, if I get tired of their content, I don't complain about it, I simply move on and listen to somebody else. and heres the beauty of it. I don't have to go far. If I want to hear some enlightening content, I can still keep that mannie fresh groove by simply putting in a juvenile album. and I can continue jammin from there.
and the crazy thing is, the big tymers weren't even rappers. but they had that "IT" in their chit. now do I f*ck with birdman solos? hell no. at least not the ones I heard. he got some heaters but I cant tolerate a whole album of that nicca. not even the ones where fresh did most of the beats. which leads me to my next point.....they need to bring back groups.
this sounds like a personal problem.
like you aren't comfortable in your own skin sometimes or something.
whats that?
I agree 100 percent.Why you think this song has already went 6 times platinum
people have been rapping about it. but not ON EVERY SONG, ALL SONG LONG, IN THE HOOK< EVERY ALBUM. then you see them out and about and they still stuntin, flauntin, and flossinpeople have been rapping about this stuff since forever.
it has absolutely nothing to do with the decline in record sales.
Average rap fan makes less than $30,000 year before taxes.
(You can argue that this figure is low but its accurate and I will debate you on this with data if you feel like the average rap fan earns more than $30,000 a year...)
Anyway I just think a part of the disconnect with rappers and fans and the steady decline of rap CD sales might have something to do with the flaunting of wealth to the fans. Fans might feel less of a duty to buy the CD if they are constantly reminded of the G's and stacks their favorite artist talks about on every song.
Apparently, we don't buy CD's cause rappers like Birdman are rapping about Millions of dollars... and kids only making $9 an hour.
what about in the 80's and 90's when minimum was far less than what it is now?
with that logic, we should be buying CD's at 5 or 6x the rate we did back then
people have been rapping about it. but not ON EVERY SONG, ALL SONG LONG, IN THE HOOK< EVERY ALBUM. then you see them out and about and they still stuntin, flauntin, and flossin
When's the last time you've heard Wiz Khalifa or Big Sean not mention weed smoking, bad bytches or not being broke?
What I meant was, when I would listen to that type of music, and then go watch something that was deep, I felt like the stuff I was rhyming to, and really feeling was some low level shyt. It has nothing to do with being comfortable in my own skin. Besides Hip Hop, I like thinking of concepts to improve certain things, and one day I noticed that after working out, and listening to a lot of rap, then chilling to think of ideas to improve on designs or what to invest in, what the rap was talking about was getting me amped off of nonsense.
Now, this is good for what it is, but I was thinking how would a young person who doesn't think deep about a lot of stuff feel after he hears this. Then I watched people, and noticed how they act. It was like they were reenacting entertainers way of doing things. Not just rappers, but tv also. What they thought was important was little shyt. Then I watched older people, and they had different thinking, but if the people were 40 years or younger, they thought just like the teenagers. Even some older people were like this. The common denominator was they were entrenched in the ghetto fabulous bullshyt that is on tv, and in music. I came to the conclusion, if this stuff is what you are listening to or watching all the time, it will misdirect your energy, and lead you to a life of bullshyt. If you keep it to a minimum, I think it can help you because it helps you enjoy life or what to protect yourself against, but too much is a problem, and that is what is being dished out to us, too much bullshyt raps.
My mother says I think too deep, and it will cause me problems because people just do what they do, even if they are being played. I think she is right, because some of the stuff I type is not getting through. Some people in this thread keep saying rappers did the bragging back in the day, without realizing there is a difference. It's not the bragging that is the problem, it's what they are bragging about, how they are doing it, and who they are bragging to. That analogy is like saying all drugs are the same, so if someone smokes herb, they might do crack or some other hard drug. The sad part is some people really think like this. I don't know, I can't get people to understand because a lot of people just like to defend stuff, and argue just to do it, not come to a conclusion.
I meant super nintendo, and sega genesis.
EDIT: This video is exactly what I'm talking about:
Video: Jay Morrison #WakeUp Pt. 2 "The Economic Revolution" [User Submitted]