So you'd rather that instead of people marrying the people they love and want to spend time with, they just marry the nearest person of their race so that you can keep Wesley Snipes colored people in the genepool?
Again what person speaks like this? Only a black person.
Imagine an Asian saying
" So you'd rather that instead of people marrying the people they love and want to spend time with, they just marry the nearest person of their race so that you can keep chinky eyed people in the genepool?"
Imagine a Mexican saying
"So you'd rather that instead of people marrying the people they love and want to spend time with, they just marry the nearest person of their race so that you can keep an illegal grass cutting immigrant in the genepool?"
Imagine an Indian saying
"So you'd rather that instead of people marrying the people they love and want to spend time with, they just marry the nearest person of their race so that you can keep red dot curry eaters in the genepool?"
Only an America negro will go out his/her own way to dehumanize his own people.