@The ADD: Yeah, I peeped your workout log and that ain't it for PHAT big homie.
I know you said PHAT-ish but Imma need to see that workout volume increase.
Upper Body Power should be at least 2 1/2 hours of lifting (if you superset).
Lower Body Power should be at least 2. We supersetting everything except squats and deads.
The Hyper days should run you at least 1 hr, 45 mins a pop (again, with supersets).
The workout I posted was just the base template. We finna add moar work (aka extra cheese)!

I usually add another bench day on Wednesday too, or else I usually run Smolov Jr. in the afternoons for bench, Pendlay rows, or press.
One time on a Saturday, when that powder was a heavenly gift of sages, I fukked around and did 80 working sets and was in that hoe for like 3 and half hours.