If you are really doing HIIT then you should be exhausted afterwards.I dont actually mind doing the cardio before weights but ill switch it up tomorrow when i go gym.
To get leaner and stronger is, my routine good enough? Im just doing compound excersises at the moment then will prob switch to isolation excersises in a month. One session is lower body so squats, deaslifts, leg press and that machine which i forgot where you sit down and lift the weights using your quads. Next session is upper body so pullups, bench, dips, bentover barbell rows, overhead press.
Getting leaner is going to be be more nutrition based than anything.
There isn't enough information here for anyone to say it would work.
That said, I would stick with compound movements and add a few isolation. I don't see the benefit in doing only isolation work. It's counter productive to what you want to accomplish.