My brothers, how far can i go in seasoning my chicken breasts? Eating it plain was too bland of course so i have started to just add cayenne pepper, a bit of mixed herbs and some garlic. Could i go to the store and get some of that jerk sauce in a bottle for example would that be too much?
To post more about my gym story at the moment:
Wake up at 6am, drink a protein shake and take some creatin. Go to the gym until about 730. Im just doing compound exercises right now until the end of the month. Upper body one session and then lower body next session. I always start with 12 mins. HIIT Interval on the bike though
Breakfast - oatmeal
Lunch - 3 boiled eggs, half a can of tuna + 3 quorn sausages (basically vegetarian version but good source of protein. Is this enough?) oh and some salad and fruit
Dinner - 2 chicken breasts, 3 quarters of a cup filled with brown rice and vegetables.
Im trying to lose a bit of my stomach weight while ideally trying to pack on some muscle aswell. Thoughts?