Essential Random Gym Thoughts Revisited...

May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
CNS drained after 1 rep maxing deadlifts yesterday. Hip/Groin tightness and tenderness still persistent when squatting. fukk it, I'm bored lemme go try and 1RM squats now:skip:

Loaded over 225 for the first time, added 10lbs for singles until I hit a sloppy 265 :blessed:

Got greedy and those Quarters were looking too good to pass up, so instead of 270 I slapped them on and went for 275. Never made it out of the bottom position:beli:, Oh well, next time.

Some big guy saw me struggle with the 265 and asked if I wanted a spot when I threw the 25's on the side. I'm like nah breh, I've become an expert at dumping the bar, my failure form is better than my actual squat form:troll:

Tomorrow is my last day before I move cross country (forced de-load). I think I'm gonna test my bench press 1RM now even though I almost never flat bench and my CNS is probably ready to call it quits.:patrice: