Essential Random Gym Thoughts Revisited...


...fresh outta fux...
May 1, 2012

The doctor says I need a backiotomy brehs

I don't know what happened I was deadlifting this morning. Nothing crazy because I'm working out from home gym while I took a few days off to be w the new baby. And I don't trust myself going for 1rm without my trainer w me. I was just doing sets of 5s at 315. My 3rd set 5th rep I felt a pop then shooting pain from my lower back down my leg. I barely was able to walk out the gym. My wife picked me up and I went straight to the first ortho who could take me in. He checked me out and said its likely I slipped a disc. He sent me in for a stat MRI this afternoon and said he will get in touch tomorrow morning w the results. Fortunately he doesn't think the disc slipped all the way out to the point of needing surgery but that's what the MRI is for I guess. I already know I'm out of commission for a little while though. This fukking sucks. I thought I had turned into a form nazi but apparently that's not even strict enough. fukk my life brehs.


May 1, 2012

The doctor says I need a backiotomy brehs

I don't know what happened I was deadlifting this morning. Nothing crazy because I'm working out from home gym while I took a few days off to be w the new baby. And I don't trust myself going for 1rm without my trainer w me. I was just doing sets of 5s at 315. My 3rd set 5th rep I felt a pop then shooting pain from my lower back down my leg. I barely was able to walk out the gym. My wife picked me up and I went straight to the first ortho who could take me in. He checked me out and said its likely I slipped a disc. He sent me in for a stat MRI this afternoon and said he will get in touch tomorrow morning w the results. Fortunately he doesn't think the disc slipped all the way out to the point of needing surgery but that's what the MRI is for I guess. I already know I'm out of commission for a little while though. This fukking sucks. I thought I had turned into a form nazi but apparently that's not even strict enough. fukk my life brehs.
Oh god :merchant: ever since I started thinking of deads as a standing leg press I have had very few back scares.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA

The doctor says I need a backiotomy brehs

I don't know what happened I was deadlifting this morning. Nothing crazy because I'm working out from home gym while I took a few days off to be w the new baby. And I don't trust myself going for 1rm without my trainer w me. I was just doing sets of 5s at 315. My 3rd set 5th rep I felt a pop then shooting pain from my lower back down my leg. I barely was able to walk out the gym. My wife picked me up and I went straight to the first ortho who could take me in. He checked me out and said its likely I slipped a disc. He sent me in for a stat MRI this afternoon and said he will get in touch tomorrow morning w the results. Fortunately he doesn't think the disc slipped all the way out to the point of needing surgery but that's what the MRI is for I guess. I already know I'm out of commission for a little while though. This fukking sucks. I thought I had turned into a form nazi but apparently that's not even strict enough. fukk my life brehs.


I like deadlifting and the benefits are obvious, but this type of thing always keeps me weary from making them a part of my routine. No matter how good your form is, the human body just flat out is not designed to lift weights that heavy. It was obviously a freak accident and shouldn't deter people from doing deadlifts, but what about this logic:

I'm not a powerlifter, so if I can't reach my fitness goals without having to possess a 400 lb+ deadlift, then perhaps I need to rethink my goals

Thats just my point of view. Other people really like to push crazy heavy weight, thats their choice as adults. There is a reason that I have vowed never to add a single pound to the barbell once I can squat 225 for 5X5 though. There is nothing in my life that I want to accomplish that a 225 squat for 25 reps in 15 minutes won't get me to. I'm not gonna compress/stress my lower back any more than is necessary.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
I have finally broken the mental hurdle of feeling like I need to up my volume, do advanced techniques, etc etc

I just can't find any literature that really supports the need for high volume for a natural lifter

The most definitive stuff I can find states 30-60 REPS per workout per bodypart, so I have switched to that. Its tough to think that just 2 exercises at 3X10, or 2 exercises at 5X5 is all I'm doing. But I actually love it so far.

It really is the law of diminishing returns. I truly believe that ANY rep range/volume will show results if your nutrition is solid, but there has to be some sort of a curve to maximize gains. Doing too little won't break down the muscle enough. Doing too much will break it down so much that most of your body's ability to synthesize protein will be used up for repair and not enough will be left for growth. All these drug-fueled people push crazy volume because their bodies have an ability to partition nutrients and synthesize protein that most of us just do not possess. If 30-60 reps per bodypart has been shown to be ideal in properly controlled studies, then I'm gonna give it a shot.

I created a 4 day routine based on PHAT principles. This is what I'm doing:

Focus is on progressive overload. Once I hit the prescribed rep ranges with good form and a maximum 2:30 rest, I increase the weight

Day 1: Upper Power
Incline Bench 4X5
Weighted Pull Up: 3X5
Weighted Chest Dips: 3X5
Bent Over Row: 4X5
Dumbell Shoulder Press: 3x8
Curls 2X5
Face Pull/Tricep Pulldown Supersets X2

Day 2: Lower Power
Squat 5X5
One Leg Press 3x5
Calves/Abs/Forearm Burnout Supersets x2

Day 3 Rest

Day 4: Upper Hypertrophy
Incline Dumbell Press 3x10
Weighted Chin Ups 3x10
Pec Deck 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3x10
Side Lateral Raise/Dumbell Shrug Supersets x2
Curls/Tricep Dip Supersets x2

Day 5: Lower Hypertrophy

Dumbell Lunges 3x10
Leg Extensions 2x10
Leg Curls 2x10
Calf/Abs/Forearm Burnout Supersets x2

Day 6&7: Rest or Cardio
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May 1, 2012
I have finally broken the mental hurdle of feeling like I need to up my volume, do advanced techniques, etc etc

I just can't find any literature that really supports the need for high volume for a natural lifter

The most definitive stuff I can find states 30-60 REPS per workout per bodypart, so I have switched to that. Its tough to think that just 2 exercises at 3X10, or 2 exercises at 5X5 is all I'm doing. But I actually love it so far.

It really is the law of diminishing returns. I truly believe that ANY rep range/volume with show results if your nutrition is solid, but there has to be some sort of a curve to maximize gains. Doing too little won't break down the muscle enough. Doing too much will break it down so much that most of your body's ability to synthesize protein will be used up for repair and not enough will be left for growth. All these drug-fueled people push crazy volume because their bodies have an ability to partition nutrients and synthesize protein that most of us just do not possess. If 30-60 reps per bodypart has been shown to be ideal in properly controlled studies, then I'm gonna give it a shot.

I created a 4 day routine based on PHAT principles. This is what I'm doing:

Focus is on progressive overload. Once I hit the prescribed rep ranges with good form and a maximum 2:30 rest, I increase the weight
Yeah like one fitness expert said on joe rogan's podcast, it's not only what you can do in the gym it's what you can recover from.
May 6, 2012
The Last of the Outlaws

The doctor says I need a backiotomy brehs

I don't know what happened I was deadlifting this morning. Nothing crazy because I'm working out from home gym while I took a few days off to be w the new baby. And I don't trust myself going for 1rm without my trainer w me. I was just doing sets of 5s at 315. My 3rd set 5th rep I felt a pop then shooting pain from my lower back down my leg. I barely was able to walk out the gym. My wife picked me up and I went straight to the first ortho who could take me in. He checked me out and said its likely I slipped a disc. He sent me in for a stat MRI this afternoon and said he will get in touch tomorrow morning w the results. Fortunately he doesn't think the disc slipped all the way out to the point of needing surgery but that's what the MRI is for I guess. I already know I'm out of commission for a little while though. This fukking sucks. I thought I had turned into a form nazi but apparently that's not even strict enough. fukk my life brehs.

:to: damn man I'm sorry to hear that. That's the sucky part about the journey to be stronger, the risk / almost certainty of injury increases as you get progressively more powerful no matter how spot on ur form is. Setbacks = major comebacks tho right?

Oh god :merchant: ever since I started thinking of deads as a standing leg press I have had very few back scares.

Agreed. As soon as that "think push the ground down more so than to pull the weight" clicked for me I finally got comfortable going heavy fairly routinely. I rarely see anyone at my regular gym deadlifting anything over 225 these days tho :merchant:


...fresh outta fux...
May 1, 2012

I like deadlifting and the benefits are obvious, but this type of thing always keeps me weary from making them a part of my routine. No matter how good your form is, the human body just flat out is not designed to lift weights that heavy. It was obviously a freak accident and shouldn't deter people from doing deadlifts, but what about this logic:

I'm not a powerlifter, so if I can't reach my fitness goals without having to possess a 400 lb+ deadlift, then perhaps I need to rethink my goals

Thats just my point of view. Other people really like to push crazy heavy weight, thats their choice as adults. There is a reason that I have vowed never to add a single pound to the barbell once I can squat 225 for 5X5 though. There is nothing in my life that I want to accomplish that a 225 squat for 25 reps in 15 minutes won't get me to. I'm not gonna compress/stress my lower back any more than is necessary.

I'll have to wait and see what the verdict is after the MRI I guess. I'm praying this is something that I will recover from fully w just rest and some pills and if that's the case I do plan to eventually go back to dls if I can. It's always been a favorite of mine and like any other compound there is always a risk of injury if 1 small thing falls out of place :manny: sorta comes w the territory. Just another lesson for me as to how important form is and even though I was doing sets of 5 easily that doesn't make it light weight and mean I should be any less vigilant about having everything in check.

But you are right, I'm sure my routine could do without them. I just don't know that I can do without them unless I physically have to.


...fresh outta fux...
May 1, 2012
:to: damn man I'm sorry to hear that. That's the sucky part about the journey to be stronger, the risk / almost certainty of injury increases as you get progressively more powerful no matter how spot on ur form is. Setbacks = major comebacks tho right?

Agreed. As soon as that "think push the ground down more so than to pull the weight" clicked for me I finally got comfortable going heavy fairly routinely. I rarely see anyone at my regular gym deadlifting anything over 225 these days tho :merchant:

Yeah breh I'm hoping this is just a minor setback and another lesson about the importance of form checks. Even if it means I'm dling sub 225 for a few months til I'm comfortable again then that's what I will do.


May 7, 2012

I like deadlifting and the benefits are obvious, but this type of thing always keeps me weary from making them a part of my routine. No matter how good your form is, the human body just flat out is not designed to lift weights that heavy. It was obviously a freak accident and shouldn't deter people from doing deadlifts, but what about this logic:

I'm not a powerlifter, so if I can't reach my fitness goals without having to possess a 400 lb+ deadlift, then perhaps I need to rethink my goals

Thats just my point of view. Other people really like to push crazy heavy weight, thats their choice as adults. There is a reason that I have vowed never to add a single pound to the barbell once I can squat 225 for 5X5 though. There is nothing in my life that I want to accomplish that a 225 squat for 25 reps in 15 minutes won't get me to. I'm not gonna compress/stress my lower back any more than is necessary.
Some people aren't meant to go heavy on Squats and Deads.

I will say a 400lb Deadlift (3 reps) & 310 squat (3 reps) will have you in better shape than 95% of people out there.

Sure there's other ways but those are such great exercises.

I've got 440lb as my Deadlift Goal & 350lb as my Squat goal. Not too far away but that's damn near 3x my bodyweight. Any more and i'm sure something will give eventually.


May 7, 2012
Deadlifts are the only exercise where I build up to a higher weight. Getting that posterior chain and back warmed up is everything. Anything else I just stretch and practice the form with an empty bar to warm up..


May 1, 2012
Deadlifts are the only exercise where I build up to a higher weight. Getting that posterior chain and back warmed up is everything. Anything else I just stretch and practice the form with an empty bar to warm up..
yep. or i'll start off with just a single rep with whatever weight i'm using for the workout.


Jul 24, 2012
I'll have to wait and see what the verdict is after the MRI I guess. I'm praying this is something that I will recover from fully w just rest and some pills and if that's the case I do plan to eventually go back to dls if I can. It's always been a favorite of mine and like any other compound there is always a risk of injury if 1 small thing falls out of place :manny: sorta comes w the territory. Just another lesson for me as to how important form is and even though I was doing sets of 5 easily that doesn't make it light weight and mean I should be any less vigilant about having everything in check.

But you are right, I'm sure my routine could do without them. I just don't know that I can do without them unless I physically have to.
:sadbron: you were just coming back.too :damn: