You ain't fukkin' nobody up bruh:
1) I had Osgood Schlatter when I was young too...guess what I did after doing physio....strengthened my legs by squatting and leg work...
2) You really don't practice any martial arts, all you did was a one week starter pack, especially if you are doing BJJ you would "know" that you have to weight train to complement the technique especially needing leg strength to hold guard and pull leg moves...but only a practitioner would know that....
3) The fact you are alright with the "average chick" being able to squat more than you says a lot...........
4) You def are not a martial arts practitioner because somebody who practices an art would not be asking folks for their address so they can FLY out to fight them cause they are throwing a temper tantrum over a comment on a damn message board.........