Carolina Slim
I saw that, I just started following that nikka on Facebook. Looking for daily motivation.

So, I have a fitness bet with one of my girlfriends, basically by the end of the year who is in the best shape relative to our starting points. We started January 28th, and now that's it's almost 2 months since we started, I feel like she's not really into it anymore. We have an email thread that we're using to track our progress and I'm the only one who is really contributing to it. She's only lost 3lbs since we startedMind you, she is VERY overweight and I know for a fact that any minor change will reap huge benefits for her because she has lost serious weight in the past.. A few days ago I suggested that we take pictures of what we eat and text it to eachother for accountability, and now it's like she's not eating being that she's only texted me like 4 times since Thursday...meanwhile I text her like every 2 or 3 hours
She literally was like "I wanted a snack, but didn't get it because I knew I'd have to show you." I was like "Umm I mean you can still eat, just pick a healthy alternative
I am really trying to be supportive, but I think I'm actually getting on her nerves at this point. I kind of feel like giving up but I know that karma will come around like it always does.She has a trainer that she sees once per week, but she is wasting her money on that because he is not giving her guidance on her diet, which is what is fukking her up. I'm not sure if I should actually express my frustrations to her, or just continue to push her in the right direction hoping she gets the hint.
I thought it meant "I SEE YOU MOTHA fukkA S"It's
can't help those that don't want to help themselves