TBF, the upper body day (yesterday) was the quicker day and since this is my first week running the program I’m establishing a baseline so I didn’t run some of my usual numbers e.g 235lbs on the flat bench press. I’m not gonna modify the plan, more so an observation. Like I said, I’m sticking with the plan for the next 8 weeks.
And yea man, 100% natty. I
won’t even touch that Powda
Good looks on posting that FAQ, need something like that.
And on the left arm, yea, I just feel my right arm doing more work, but like you said, we all have some strength imbalances e.g. my left calf is a bit more developed than my right and it makes sense because when I sprint, I tend to take-off with my left foot. So over the years the left has been more developed.
No IR for me though

I’m going with pro’s advice and running this plan as is