Smokin Rider
I been official
1) Why did you "have" to miss the gym; 2) Why does your gym have such limited hours?
I "missed" my afternoon workout window because I came home and took a nap; I'm about to head out in a minute.
But nah, not really. A "chest day" would probably have fewer reps overall but more chest isos, and more overall resistance which would pimp your CNS more. I don't feel like doing pushups does much if anything for my bench, but benching does help me do pushups.
I don't think you got any weaker today but wouldn't bet that you got any stronger either.
My car is in the shop and I had to wait for my boss to deliver the work van to my house so I could start work. I'm mad cause I've literally gone everyday since January 1st when me and my girl broke up. I rotate muscle groups so im never over doing it. Lost 14lbs since then so I hate missing lol