Essential Random Gym Thoughts Revisited...


May 13, 2012
Fell off the wagon for a bit but I'm back.:blessed:

Man, I can't emphasize enough if you work sitting down all day you gotta do some dynamic stretching for hams/glutes a good bit before legs. Has helped me immensely.

Hardest thing always seems like getting enough cals in.

Jimmy Two-Times™

Coli Mods Catch Me If U Can Forgive Me Imma Ridah™
Jan 17, 2013
Peckham™ Come Get Me!
Brehs....what's some good workouts to get the chest thicker......

I'm cut up but man I'm trying to get some mass on my chest
Firstly you'd need to bulk up first so consider doing that by eating cleanly to get the calories in so that you can build muscle mass easily in the first place. Focus on a gradient calorie surplus rather than simply over eating.

For workouts put these at the beginning of each workout since whatever exercise you do first in your routine after warming up allows you to better use up the glycogen stores vs doing it in the middle or close to the end of a workout and you cannot even do 70-90% of your max.

  • Incline Bench Press

  • Push Ups

  • Military Press

  • Clean & Press (Basically a deadlift into a calf raise type of motion then straight into a military press)

Jimmy Two-Times™

Coli Mods Catch Me If U Can Forgive Me Imma Ridah™
Jan 17, 2013
Peckham™ Come Get Me!
My Personal Revised Workout Routine to Join the Air Force in 2018

Because my goal is to get my fitness for joining the Air Force I will be focusing on doing the cardio first in the mornings after I've eaten breakfast (10am-12am) then doing my heavy weights and core-work no earlier than 2 hours after my cardio session or preferably much later in the evening like between 7-10pm so that I've given myself enough time to regain my sta
mina back.

*Official 1.5 mile race every 4-5 weeks (Goal = Sub 10 minutes).
Intervals (1.5 mile)
(0.5% incline on treadmill) for 20-30 seconds at race pace building up to 18 kph, rest for 60-90 seconds and then repeat this until I have completed 20-30 minutes in total. As my progression increases I will decrease the rest periods each week by how I feel naturally until I can do this nonstop then increase the time by 5-20 seconds each week.

If on the track do 6 x 400m (2400m/1.5 miles) [the repeats] with 400m recovery jogs [the intervals].
Hill repeats
(5%+ incline if on treadmill) sprint to the top then jog back down, repeat 6-10x.

*Weight Lifting Routine: Back + Biceps


Steady-state endurance run (3-4 mile) (30%-50% max pace)
Add an extra 0.5 mile every other week until I can easily run 4-5 miles) on the treadmill and track.

*Weight Lifting Routine: Chest + Triceps




2-3 mile Tempo Run

Building up to 4 x 5 minutes at tempo pace, with a 90-second easy jog recovery until I can do a full 20 minutes (at 50%-70% max pace).
Easy/Low impact recovery training
For 40-60 minutes using the elliptical cross-trainer, cycling machines, rowing, swimming, DDP Yoga, Insanity, P90X, football, tennis, wrestling, martial arts or boxing.

*Weight Lifting Routine: Legs


Friday: (Same as Tuesday)
Steady-state endurance run (3-4 mile) (30%-50% max pace)

*Weight Lifting Routine: Shoulders







Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Before I go to Sleep I take Glutamine, ZMA, Vitamin D3, ZMA and Glutamine for the GH increase while I sleep and Vitamin D3 for hormonal effects.

Jimmy Two-Times™

Coli Mods Catch Me If U Can Forgive Me Imma Ridah™
Jan 17, 2013
Peckham™ Come Get Me!
Before I go to Sleep I take Glutamine, ZMA, Vitamin D3, ZMA and Glutamine for the GH increase while I sleep and Vitamin D3 for hormonal effects.
All of that junk you are taking as supplements are naturally found in meat and vitamin D3 is naturally made in abundance by human with 30-60 minutes of direct contact with sun light exposure just from being outside, you'd only need Vitamin D3 supplements if you lived in a climate that was always cloudy or during winter when the clouds get in the way. But say for example you lived in an always sunny state or a tropical climate you'd never need Vitamin D3 in fact taking it will do irreversible damage if you overdose on it for many years. But a natural form of D3 is in eggs, eat 4-6 eggs a day and you'll have almost 100% Vitamin D3.

Supplements are not actually vitamins or minerals at all but are lab made steroids that are literally mimicking the vitamins properties on a cellular level. So taking supplements will incur side effects down the road as your body is simply compensating for the natural real thing with the steroid acting as a vitamin which really means the longer you take the supplement the longer you are not consuming the actual vitamin. You'll just make yourself even more ill in the long run.

The reason why you can buy supps is that companies just want your money vs telling you the right thing. A box of eggs cost nothing in comparison to your health.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
Polloiupp pooh2p pop ll 0lpl p08upp08uppoppyup ppplll u0l0lplipu0l0lplippoppyup lplppp pollo lp ppplll p ppplll l poohh0llplppp pop poohh0llplppp ppplll] ppplll oo poohh0llplppp pp ppl ppplll lul ppl up00 upppp p08uppoppyupup)ll]l]p poohh0llplppp ppplll poohh0llplppp polloiupp pl pp ppl p08uppoppyup p ppl ppplll p poohh0llplppp poohh0llplppp ppl ppplll yp00 u pollo p ppplll poop 0 ppplll poohh0llplppp ppplll ppplll poohh0llplppp ppplll p ppplll ppplll pp ppplll p ppplll ulpp 9 749709359476o o ooo kk l9 olooking ik8k8k8o iikk8i i8 8ii Kiki ii k i8 i8 8i imo ikii kiii i i8 ii kik7kkk i888 kik ki oy i8 k i8 k8 i8 iki iiki8 iii itg8kk iik i8 iiki8 88 kki ik8 iiki ik8i iii i8 iii i8 kik k iiki8 ii8i8 iii iiii ii ii8i8 i8 ki uttt8iki i iii iii iii 8 ii8i8 i8 ii i8ii 8 kik iiik i8i8888i88i 8i8 8iii878 kikyyo biiiiii88ii ji ii8i ii7 iiik7 ii8 ii ii iii 7kki7 kii7 7k iiiii7 ik i8 7i iii uh@ttf7777kiki7ki77iiiiii7 7kkii ki ii7 u <juuu juuuuuuuuuuj ij jj u juuu iiik7 u j juuu uju ju uju hi juuu j hi juuu juuu uu jj juuu juuuj juju j juuu uj uju iu juju i juuu u uju iu juuu uij juju g7ui uu iuiu juuu u juuu ju u juuu uii juuu uu iuu uj uu j iuu uu jiu7ii uiu77 jj7 juuu 7 juuu j juuu iu ju yyyo 89 kill kkpoppyu] ppplll plppl poop l ppplll ppv poop0pppppp0ll u]ll u] upll0lllp 100tg l] pl l provolone lllpl poohh0llplppp l ppplll plppl
Breh I feel you, when I do this routine I be polloipp pooh2p too :whew:


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
All of that junk you are taking as supplements are naturally found in meat and vitamin D3 is naturally made in abundance by human with 30-60 minutes of direct contact with sun light exposure just from being outside, you'd only need Vitamin D3 supplements if you lived in a climate that was always cloudy or during winter when the clouds get in the way. But say for example you lived in an always sunny state or a tropical climate you'd never need Vitamin D3 in fact taking it will do irreversible damage if you overdose on it for many years. But a natural form of D3 is in eggs, eat 4-6 eggs a day and you'll have almost 100% Vitamin D3.

Supplements are not actually vitamins or minerals at all but are lab made steroids that are literally mimicking the vitamins properties on a cellular level. So taking supplements will incur side effects down the road as your body is simply compensating for the natural real thing with the steroid acting as a vitamin which really means the longer you take the supplement the longer you are not consuming the actual vitamin. You'll just make yourself even more ill in the long run.

The reason why you can buy supps is that companies just want your money vs telling you the right thing. A box of eggs cost nothing in comparison to your health.

Everybody body is different, you see my Avatar that's me, I know what I'm doing, Bodybuilding, Power Lifting is a Science, diet is a Science, Supplements is a Science, everything is from trail and error, I do what works for my body, what's good for me is not good for you, what's good for you is not good for me.

Physiology, Biology, Dietary I study. My circle is of Professional and Amateur Bodybuilders, Pro Power Lifters, Sports Science and Dietitians, Strong Man and Physique Competitor's. I know about Food, Diets, Supplements, Anabolics.

But Good Lookin for the Concern though, My results and study speak for itself, that's the beauty of bodybuilding and strength training, you is science project.

Now let's get to the Science

Vitamin D - I'm a Black Man, Sun gives me life, my skin absorb the rays. Well we still having winter like weather and during these times due to shorter days and miserable weather we don't get alot of sunlight, and that's why you see lot of black people that go through depression around this time because of that. Vitamin D helps against that until the spring and summer returns

Glutamine and ZMA gives my body great sleep when I take it, not only that but it increase my GH when I sleep, I wake up the next morning feeling great, more energy and in a anabolic state, my body responds great.

This is what people need to understand, you go by what your body responds to, everybody thinks they have the answer to what to take, what works and don't works. Your body have the answers because all of us are different
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Jimmy Two-Times™

Coli Mods Catch Me If U Can Forgive Me Imma Ridah™
Jan 17, 2013
Peckham™ Come Get Me!
Everybody body is different, you see my Avatar that's me, I know what I'm doing, Bodybuilding, Power Lifting is a Science, diet is a Science, Supplements is a Science, everything is from trail and error, I do what works for my body, what's good for me is not good for you, what's good for you is not good for me.

Physiology, Biology, Dietary I study. My circle is of Professional and Amateur Bodybuilders, Pro Power Lifters, Sports Science and Dietitians, Strong Man and Physique Competitor's. I know about Food, Diets, Supplements, Anabolics.

But Good Lookin for the Concern though, My results and study speak for itself, that's the beauty of bodybuilding and strength training, you is science project.

Now let's get to the Science

Vitamin D - I'm a Black Man, Sun gives me life, my skin absorb the rays. Well we still having winter like weather and during these times due to shorter days and miserable weather we don't get alot of sunlight, and that's why you see lot of black people that go through depression around this time because of that. Vitamin D helps against that until the spring and summer returns

Glutamine and ZMA gives my body great sleep when I take it, not only that but it increase my GH when I sleep, I wake up the next morning feeling great, more energy and in a anabolic state, my body responds great.

This is what people need to understand, you go by what your body responds to, everybody thinks they have the answer to what to take, what works and don't works. Your body have the answers because all of us are different

I didn't go that far lol.

All I meant was all of the supplements you were taking can be found in abundance from real food and maybe what you are experiencing is nothing but a placebo effect from your healthy lifestyle.

The only thing I recommended is that you run the risk of overdosing on vitamins and minerals because some people (I'm not saying you in particular) don't realise that. These supplements are steroids, not in the sense for muscle growth, but acts the thing it is trying to mimic which in the long run will do damage and cause side effects.

Maybe you won't feel them now but there is a reason why humans have lived into old age for thousands of years whereas the supplement industry for the most part on a commercial consumer level has only been around since the 60s but in mainstream use since the 80s/90s. There isn't enough conclusive evidence to say what these things are purported to do on a long term basis like from your mid 20s to the day you die. The only evidence they use is on rats and humans are not rats. I'm not saying what you are doing is wrong and I am right but I am just saying that everything you wrote about is literally in food.

But, it's your life so do as you will


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
I didn't go that far lol.

All I meant was all of the supplements you were taking can be found in abundance from real food and maybe what you are experiencing is nothing but a placebo effect from your healthy lifestyle.

The only thing I recommended is that you run the risk of overdosing on vitamins and minerals because some people (I'm not saying you in particular) don't realise that. These supplements are steroids, not in the sense for muscle growth, but acts the thing it is trying to mimic which in the long run will do damage and cause side effects.

Maybe you won't feel them now but there is a reason why humans have lived into old age for thousands of years whereas the supplement industry for the most part on a commercial consumer level has only been around since the 60s but in mainstream use since the 80s/90s. There isn't enough conclusive evidence to say what these things are purported to do on a long term basis like from your mid 20s to the day you die. The only evidence they use is on rats and humans are not rats. I'm not saying what you are doing is wrong and I am right but I am just saying that everything you wrote about is literally in food.

But, it's your life so do as you will

Bruh Come Man, Placebo Effect :martin:

I'm 41 been training, studying and taking supplements since 91. Bruh I'm not new to this shyt.

These supplements are steroids:gucci:, who's telling you these shyts, what books are you reading, where you get these information from.

You think the Ancestors just knew what root, herb to take and what dosages without trial and error, you think they didn't have people getting sick or dying before they knew how much root or herb to take

Do you take in the fact that the air, food and water was much better, less stress and more time hunting, gathering, family time and organic fruits then back then.

Supplements been researched with major studies by the brightest chemist, biologist, physiologist, sport scientist in the world tested on Humans not rats

Me overdosing on vitamins is much as likely me overdosing on drinking water.

I'm not knocking you, we are just have two different views.

Peace, It's Gym Time and the body don't lie


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
Got thru my bench press routine yesterday with ease. Was at 165, 175 coming Monday. Working my way up to that 225 so i can post in the other thread, even if its just one rep, i'll get there. Think I can handle it myself on the regular bench for now if i follow my plan. Before starting i told myself, breathe in breathe out, take your time, and control your lift. Might just limit myself to 4 sets instead of 5 if need be. Bench twice a week and going up 10 pounds i should be at 225 in 3 weeks, hopefully. Just been straight benching and not doing much else upper body, just legs and core. Not trying to burn my muscles out with unnecessary exercises. I do need to get back on my cardio. Got a bit of love handles i want to get rid of. Had it low before but they came back. In time, they'll disappear. Might just be excess water weight since i've been to the bathroom 3 times now this morning. Gonna piss all the fat off. I did read an article that fat leaves the body thru water tho. One drop at a time. :mjgrin:

Tha Gawd Amen

Mamba Mentality
Nov 17, 2013
Decent little chest workout but this tonsilitis is kicking my ass. That carb timing shyt y'all was talking about earlier is the truth though. A cup of oats mixed with a scoop of whey an hour before helped me power through. Was able to get 225 for a 3x3. Really just waiting for leg day next week to getnmy rematch in the squat rack. Got humbled by the hole last week but I'm coming back stronger.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Decent little chest workout but this tonsilitis is kicking my ass. That carb timing shyt y'all was talking about earlier is the truth though. A cup of oats mixed with a scoop of whey an hour before helped me power through. Was able to get 225 for a 3x3. Really just waiting for leg day next week to getnmy rematch in the squat rack. Got humbled by the hole last week but I'm coming back stronger.

Become One with the Hole my friend, find Peace in the Hole


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
A person have to eat 20 Steaks a day to get the daily recommendation of Creatine needed for strength training, that my friend is why there's a thing called Supplements.

Had a great day of Arm Training everyday is go hard and heavy with volume or go home. Every other day somebody comes up to me to tell me how hard I go in the gym and I get them pumped.

Barbell Curls 4x15
Alternate Dumbbell Curls 4x12
Preacher Curl Inner Grip 4x8
Machine Bilateral Curls (Alternate) 4x15
Machine Incline Isolation Curls Alternate 4x25
Dumbbell Concentration Curl 3x8
Reverse Barbell Curls 4x12
Preacher Curl Flat Side Dumbbell Curls Alternate 4×15

Incline Dumbell Skull Crusher 4x12
EZ Bar Reverse Grip Pull Down 4x20 @ 100lbs, 110lbs, 120lbs, 135lbs
EZ Bar Inner Grip Pulldowns 4x20 @ 100lbs, 110lbs, 120lbs, 135lbs
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