Still sore from Wednesday's squats and death marches, plus going bowling last night didn't help.

Now after breakfast I gotta head back out there again for some benching and shoulder work. Maybe throw some ab work in since I doubt I'll have the strength or time to do cardio.
Gotta improve my nutrition cuz it's been bad lately. It's like a Mr Jekyll and Dr Hyde thing I got going on. What's good is eating boneless ribs and mixed veggies around 5pm. What's bad is eating French fries and these cinnamon toast crunch bites found at Wal-Mart on an impulse buy, at two in the morning. Luckily the box finished last night.
That does lead me to thinking about a conversation me and my boy had last night. He was talking about trying intermittent fasting. He's up to 183 but doesn't hit up the gym, just push ups and I guess random bike rides and jogging. Don't know how much he expects to lose but he was talking about going down to 155, we'll see. He was mentioning his eating and drinking. Of course he's been drinking beer lately so obviously that kills you there.
I was telling him that it doesn't matter when you eat but rather how much you eat. Calories count the same at any time of day. What are you guys thoughts on this?