I gotta quit preworkoutDoctor said so.
I left the gym today hella tired.
Going into 2018 hella leveled
I gotta quit preworkoutDoctor said so.
I left the gym today hella tired.
Going into 2018 hella leveled
I don't trust that shyt anyways. Coffee and green tea>>>>>a bunch of funny chemicals.
Man, all these new year's resolution folks and it ain't even new years yet, they really need to give the powerlifters they own section tho![]()
neg pending.......
I don't ever want to hear another story like this on:
you should have spit yo game.....
I'm with youSay no more. I’m pulling the trigger on this shyt. Quitting smoking weed and going all in on this fitness shyt in 2018. Real shyt, enough bullshyttin around.
How bad is that shyt for you?I’ve fukked with almost all of the SARMs LGD-4033 is like a SARMs version of DBOL good for increasing your size/mass if you eat enough. You could even use it for a cut and it will help spare muscle.
I don’t like the brand that you are looking at I recommend you look at Enhanced Athlete, Newroids, SarmsPharm, PureRawz
The only SARMS I recommend are: Rad-140, LGD4033 (Ligandrol), MK2866(Ostarine), MK677 (HGH Secretagogue), Cardarine these are the only SARMs I’d recommend anyone using in either pill/liquid/cap form...Stay away from YK-11, S4, LG 3033.
The most powerful SARM is S23 but unless you are running some Test with it I don’t recommend it. It will shut you down (It was created to be a male contraceptive).
How bad is that shyt for you?And what exactly is that stuff?
Will i die?