Pulled 575 today on "accident"
Was working to 525 for a double top set
Maybe 22 ish female slim, cute as hell comes into the room where I'm deadlifting and starts stretching
I think nothing of it as I'm trying to stay focused.
Couldn't help but notice She's over there doing splits and all kinds of wild shyt, like she was scarily flexible. Doing all kinds of yoga shyt b
we made eye contact unintentionally when she was facing down and you could feel the tension in the room from that point on

I let the ego get me to trying to show I'm as strong as she is flexible while I'm trying to hide the fact she's got the kid a bit "excited"
I clean up my weights because I know I'm doing too much now and as I'm leaving the room we give one another the

Coulda woulda shoulda. .. I'll run into her again.