Just seen "What The Health"
I see why this flick is so polarizing
It was an informative flick, just watched it last night. Mindblowing when the PR lady straight up said the doc couldn't do an interview to give game on how to eat healthier because they're in the business of making money.

Big eye opener. Also blew my mind to see these health organizations being sponsored by the corporations who are the main reasons the health problems exist.
Corporations produce unhealthy food/meats -----> People consume it and become sick -----> Go to the Doctor to get meds -----> Go back to eating unhealthy food
And repeat. It's a vicious cycle.
Would have to look more into the data against eggs and fish, but this flick definitely turned me off from eating processed meats.
Started to get a little too pushy for me at the end though. Felt like a Vegan informercial with the elderly people giving testimonials at the end. "I been Vegan for two weeks and now I can walk again!" Or the "I've been eating straight veggies for two weeks and now my asthma's gone!"....alright I get that transforming your diet can be really beneficial, but they went to the extreme with this and created some unrealistic expectations. Not everyone who goes vegan for two weeks is going to be cured from whatever ailment(s) they got.