Rand Paul linked to campaign donations of White Supremacist groups


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Oh now it doesn't matter when it started huh?

But previously your claim was the Clintons created it and that should be one of the main reasons why we should consider voting for the GOP.

Even though the GOP has been the main proponent of Law and Order policies that created the PIC going back to the civil rights movement.


to the point im trying to make it doesnt matter when it started

but the laws that created the drug wars started in the 80's under reagan, biden was the head of the judiciary committee during that time and he basically wrote the laws http://rare.us/story/joe-biden-is-p...-his-coke-using-son-wont-have-to-worry-about/, this was way before the clintons

so i never said the clintons created it, the clintons came into picture in the crime act of 1994 https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Violent_Crime_Control_and_Law_Enforcement_Act

the point im making is that the only difference between democrats and republicans is that they are less blatantly racist than republicans, and their policies are not always in the interest of black people, therefore black people should split their votes

im not the spokesperson for the GOP, thats just a strawman you are trying to create by pretending that me saying split the vote means supporting the GOP

the focus should not be on finding and voting for the "good white folk" are focus should be on gaining power in both parties


May 20, 2012
to the point im trying to make it doesnt matter when it started

but the laws that created the drug wars started in the 80's under reagan, biden was the head of the judiciary committee during that time and he basically wrote the laws http://rare.us/story/joe-biden-is-p...-his-coke-using-son-wont-have-to-worry-about/, this was way before the clintons

so i never said the clintons created it, the clintons came into picture in the crime act of 1994 https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Violent_Crime_Control_and_Law_Enforcement_Act

the point im making is that the only difference between democrats and republicans is that they are less blatantly racist than republicans, and their policies are not always in the interest of black people, therefore black people should split their votes

im not the spokesperson for the GOP, thats just a strawman you are trying to create by pretending that me saying split the vote means supporting the GOP

the focus should not be on finding and voting for the "good white folk" are focus should be on gaining power in both parties

The point is If you voted or support bill, Hillary or biden you voted or supported people that built the prison industrial complex


You should join Fox News as one of their in-house c00ns.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Vote for Council of Conservative Citizen funded candidates brehs.

The Council of Conservative Citizens opposes “all efforts to mix the races,” and believes “that the American people and government should remain European in their composition and character.” It would severely restrict immigration, abolish affirmative action and dismantle the “imperial judiciary” that produced, among other rulings, the 1954 Supreme Court decision that integrated American education.
I made threads about mainstream well-known Repubs like Mike Huckabee openly embracing the Council of Conservative Citizens years ago on sohh.

I never understood how presidential candidates and powerful candidates were rubbing elbows with a white supremacist group without any real backlash. Sadly it took a cacodemon shooting up a black church for people to notice.


May 14, 2012
So c00ns do have a soul.:ehh: Imagine that!:skip:
They're all returning it because they got caught and exposed. They've been receiving money from Earl **** for years.
It's no surprise that white supremacist find in the republican party though.:sas2:
The GOP isn't 94 percent white by accident.
They made a pact with the devil by nominating Barry Goldwater for president just three months after he voted against the Civil Rights Act in 1964. He lost the election in a landslide but became the first Republican to win the Deep South since the Civil War. Racist southern whites have voted for the party of "the hated yankee" Lincoln ever since. You don't see liberals flying the confederate flag of racism and treason around... It's the conservative Bubbas doing it.
Black people have noticed it too: The GOP share of the black vote went from 34 percent for Nixon in 1960 to just 4 percent for Goldwater in 1964. That's when they lost the black vote for good.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

Pallin’ around with racists: Five neo-Confederates Rand Paul employed or embraced since 2009

Today, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) came out against the Confederate flag, calling it “a symbol of human bondage and slavery.” But Paul has a long track record of embracing and defending neo-Confederate, white supremacists.

Here is a list of five:

1. Thomas Woods

In April of this year, Rand Paul listed a book by Thomas Woods on his since-deleted “recommend reading list.” Woods is a founding member of the League of the South, a white supremacist group that advocates for secession of southern states. A police officer in Alabama was fired on Friday because of his affiliation with the group.

In 2012, Paul sat down for an interview with Woods, a regular defender of the junior senator from Kentucky’s political career.

2. Greg Brannon

In 2014, Paul put the weight of his endorsement behind Greg Brannon, running for U.S. Senate out of North Carolina. Brannon has an extensive history of going on the record to lobby for a Confederate revival.

Paul could hardly have been ignorant of Brannon’s racist baggage when he went to bat for the candidate last year. In 2012, Jamelle Bouie at the Daily Beast wrote up a comprehensive history of Brannon’s stated belief in white supremacy.

Wrote Bouie:

“[Brannon] opposes public education, rejects the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction over national law, and has lent his support to a pro-nullification rally held by the League of the South, a self-described ‘Southern nationalist’ organization that is an obvious vehicle for neo-Confederate and white supremacist ideas.”

3. Cliven Bundy

Also in the spring of 2014, Paul was one of the earliest defenders of Cliven Bundy, a Nevada rancher whose protest against federal grazing fees drew in a large number of supporters enthusiastic about taking up arms against the government.

But when Bundy mused on camera that the American “negro” might be better off in the antebellum south “pickin’ cotton,” Paul and other conservatives quickly distanced themselves from the apparent proponent of enslaving black people; the senator clarified to the media that he does not support slavery.

4. Jack Hunter

Hunter resigned from his position on Paul’s staff in 2013 after media identified him as the “Southern Avenger,” a pro-secessionist radio host.

In character, Hunter wore a superhero costume in the pattern of the Confederate flag. Hunter is on record praising John Wilkes Booth, the man who assassinated then president Abraham Lincoln, apparently for formally ending the legal practice of black enslavement in the United States.

“The Founding Fathers most likely would have snatched Lincoln up by his beard and hung him from the nearest tree,” Hunter said.

Questioned about Hunter by the press, Paul defended his former employee. Hunter’s remarks were “stupid,” Paul admitted. As for whether Hunter’s embrace of Confederate philosophy was racist? “I see no evidence of that,” Paul told the Huffington Post. “Are we at a point where nobody can have had a youth or said anything untoward?”

5. Chris Hightower

In 2009, Paul spokesperson Chris Hightower resigned after the media revealed the staffer had — for two years — kept the words “Happy N***** Day!” (an apparent reference to the national holiday honoring assassinated civil rights icon Martin Luther Kind) on his MySpace Page, accompanied by a photo of a lynching.

In an interview with the Lexington Herald-Leader, Paul denied Hightower had even done anything wrong. “I have never heard a single utterance of racism from this staffer,” Paul said, “nor do I believe him to have any racist tendencies.”

Split your vote, brehs.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
You seem to be deflecting so that really tells me all I need to know about the subject at hand.

Are you one of the 'good whites'?
They are all(white politicians) against us IMO... If you want to pull one out and point to him feel free, buts its meaningless.

You: That zebra has stripes:ufdup:
Me: They all have stripes:comeon:
You: Stop deflecting:shaq2:

Me: :aicmon:



God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012

You should join Fox News as one of their in-house c00ns.

I just dropped the links supporting my assertion, here they are again since you apparently didn't read them or are plagued with low reading comprehension

Joe Biden is proud of creating harsh anti-drug laws

Vice President Joe Biden is a staunch warrior against drugs, even bragging about his “tough on crime” stances during a time when even Republicans are looking to get rid of harsh policies like mandatory minimum sentencing.

In 2008, Radley Balko outlined just how terrible Biden has been on war-on-drugs issues:

Biden has sponsored more damaging drug war legislation than any Democrat in Congress. Hate the way federal prosecutors use RICO laws to take aim at drug offenders? Thank Biden. How about the abomination that is federal asset forfeiture laws? Thank Biden. Think federal prosecutors have too much power in drug cases? Thank Biden. Think the title of a “Drug Czar” is sanctimonious and silly? Thank Biden, who helped create the position (and still considers it an accomplishment worth boasting about)…

Apparently, not much has changed for Biden since then. In February, Biden said he has still not changed his mind about marijuana and boasted to TIME, “I am not only the guy who did the crime bill and the drug czar, but I’m also the guy who spent years when I was chairman of the Judiciary Committee and chairman of [the Senate Foreign Relations Committee] trying to change drug policy relative to cocaine, for example, crack and powder.”

Biden is talking about his role in helping to create federal mandatory minimum laws that have put non-violent criminals in jail often longer than murderers and rapists, and that have also targeted minorities unfairly. Seeing the damage these laws have caused, today strong majorities of Americans want to end these harsh penalties. Biden would later introduce legislation that would equalize the penalties for crack and powder cocaine.

Still, the mandatory minimum sentencing laws and the entire war on drugs Biden helped usher in–and is not changing his mind about–has destroyed countless lives for decades.

But it doesn’t look like Hunter Biden will have to worry about any of that.

This week, it was widely reported that the vice president’s son had been kicked out of the Navy Reserve last year after testing positive for cocaine.

And his punishment will be? Nothing. It’s fine. It happens.

Reason’s Jesse Walker makes an important point, noting the hypocrisy: “While I’m sure it’s no fun to be booted from the Navy, I’m glad the younger Biden hasn’t had to suffer any formal penalty greater than that.”

“It’s a shame his father’s laws have wrecked the lives of so many people who did no more than he did,” Walker added.

Read more at http://rare.us/story/joe-biden-is-p...wont-have-to-worry-about/#RlH6FrpfHTwp8oY0.99
Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act

Sponsored by U.S. Representative Jack Brooks of Texas, the bill was originally written by Senator Joe Biden of Delaware, passed by Congress, and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Supporting one racist makes me essentially a c00n
Supporting both racists makes me an independent
OK :pachaha:

I don't know why yall try to twist simple concepts

splitting the vote means you vote for democrats, republicans and third parties

Why is this concept so hard to understand?

If you read something more into that phrase it's because you have issues