So.. I’m one of those “fat cats.” Well.. sort of. I’ve been an officer in my local for 7 years, and 6 years serving as the 2nd Vice Chairman of my state legislative board. I’ve lobbied in DC, I’ve had several meetings with our National officers being briefed on some of our negotiations.
A lot of rank and file think they’re being sold out, but a lot of it is that guys refuse to be involved. I have 80 members in my local and I’m lucky to get 5 guys at the meetings. That’s a trend that tracks throughout the nation. We have a larger union in our territory that has 300ish members and they get 10-15 members at the meetings. So the flow of information isn’t consistent, and when you try to summarize 5 years of very complex negotiations, a lot gets lost. We fought for sick days down to the last day negotiations, but it’s a negotiation, not a takeover. We weren’t willing to budge anymore on health care and we didn’t want to give up any of the raise so the railroads weren’t inclined to give us sick days. Bringing the tentative agreement to a vote may have been the only big misstep, but it’s hard to not take it to the members when the presidential administration, who campaigned on supporting unions, and Teamster president, Sean Obrien, are putting the pressure on to get it to a vote. Once the TA failed, Biden should have gone to bat for the unions and he didn’t. There’s a lot of moving pieces. I think overall, it’s a good deal. I’m happy with it. Is it perfect? No, not by a longshot. But understanding what we were up against, this is a solid deal.
Hell, remember, railroads refused to negotiate a raise for conductors for over 5 years until it went to a PEB. The only way they were will to give conductors anything was if they negotiated crew consist. Which means negotiate a way to remove conductors from trains and put an expiration date on the craft. The railroads also wanted us to pay 60% of our healthcare plans while raising all of our out of pocket expenses. This could have gone terribly, but since it didn’t, a lot of our rank and file ignores what could have been and only see what they want it to be.