If bruh
But also...
IF I've been a good father she will choose someone like me.
Alright fam

If bruh
But also...
IF I've been a good father she will choose someone like me.
Thankfully I have a son thoughAlright fam![]()
and you're supposed to be one coli's militants spouting off this garbage??If a black man can impregnate a woman of another race before settling down with a black woman he has won in that regard.
Read any book about whiting out. It was not the white women going into black villages and breeding with their men. That's ridiculous on the face of it. The men would impregnate black women, all the while making sure no black men even got a sniff of white p*ssy.
Marcuz I would like to know exactly what point you're arguing from. If you are saying that black women should be allowed to fukk outsiders because black men do it too then you are arguing for genetic obliteration.
A woman cannot go out and fukk white men and then come back to our people to raise black children. She has only a few chances to breed and unfortunately, once she's had white babies she's stuck at that end of the camp. Meanwhile a man can go out and impregnate 30 white women just to come back and raise a black family.
I see a lot of single white mothers raising black babies and every time I do I smile. Cuz that motherfukker, whoever he was, knew exactly what he was doing
Damn he took the troll right outta u with that postand you're supposed to be one coli's militants spouting off this garbage??
so you knock up 4 white women..pay child support to all of them while married to some insecure,weak-minded black woman
but this is a win for black people???
Damn he took the troll right outta u with that post
No it's not because people in here said the opposite but I bet you'll give them theon they're observation.
And y'all are not condoning like @Mowgli @aaaaaaa @Will Ross but y'all are still making excuses like them on how this gender can still mentally raise a mixed person as black if they date out.
Which there's none on the wm/bw at all.
Remember your the one that brought up this whole loyalty to the black race by mixed people, majority of mixed people do not culturally identified as black, regardless if it's bm/ww or wm/bw.
But your not gonna act like bw IR it is raising mentally black mixed kid's under a white father in the home and when the black mother not mentally black her damn self.
Tell that to the female c00ns who bear nothing but self hate.The only thing I've argued is that women are the cultural bearers of society
What about examples of the reverse?Prove it.
I can't think of one 21st century bi-racial from a bm+ww (except of J Cole and Jessie Williams) that is pro-black and fighting for the rights of blacks.![]()
But you live in the U.S. so that is why you carried out your father culture more than your mother's. If you were in Ethiopia even with a Black American father you would probably consider yourself Ethiopian and carry on those traditions.
Look at the Blasian Ms. Japan. She is not her father's child she is her mother's child, add to that the fact that most kids tend to be closer to their mothers they will be closer to their mothers culture.
Most the European bi-racials' with black fathers are not close to their father's homeland and just attached themselves to whatever European nation they were born in. Compare that likes of Neomie Lenior and Thandie Newton who are close to their mother's African culture. In fact, it seems as though bi-racial children with black mothers tend to consider themselves black more often than those with non-black mothers who more often than not consider themselves bi-racial, which is fine because they are in fact bi-racial. But women in general are more invested in carrying on culture than men.
He's right. There's no room for feminism here.
Our women are our baby makers. We must keep them from making half breed babies.
If you have an argument about that I'd like to hear it
Whites are the minority of all races in this world by far.
Blacks haven't been bred out there, they're just claiming mixed instead of black. Brazil has the highest population of "blacks" outside of Africa even tho only about 7% of the population self IDs as black. They follow your self hating c00n train of thought convincing themselves that there's a difference black and mixed.