Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
You can't live a complete life if you have wired or allowed women to condition your brain to believe that No woman can be faithful, or that all women are lying hoes.

This isn't true. Don't miss out on the few good ones because you're fukked up. I've been w women that I've done sooo wrong that they wished they had lied or wished they had cheated just to have something to come back at me with.

Some women are good women... and when we speak about the perils of dealing with women we should still keep this in mind.

virtuous women are hard to find, bt of course they do exist, its just rare to run into them
May 1, 2012
thats exactly what she is doing, just fishing just incase, making sure your single and she still has you thinking of her just incase.

this is what exes do male and female its called breadcrumbs, you breakup they maintain friendship with you or fwbs, then suddenly they go cold ala they find someone new who tingles them, then your left wondering wth, you go on get on with your life suddenly your feeling a little better, shes not on your mind then poof you see her at the store, you get a text, you get a phone call suddenly F*#@ your back to square one, your thinking about her, your thinking of what was, your wondering if she is to, all the bad ish all the reasons you broke up is just ehh.

exes are the greatest trolls

Thanks breh ima delete her number right now :sadbron:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Eh either way. I'm off to Germany in 5 more days, this Tuesday. Anyone care to drop a few gems/jewels?


as somoene who has been on vacay by themselves and have travelled alot
enjoy yourself, everytime im on vacation i break out of my shell and talk to everyone from people i meet on the plane to locals all over, you';ll never see these people again so might as well.

there is nothing better than seeing the world as a young man nothing. ALl i can say to sum it up, enjoy yourself, sight see, talk to as much people as you can and realize how grateful you are to travel
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
bytches will always ask someone else to "keep it real" with them and give an honest opinion but the truth is 99% of the time they already know what they're doing is fukked up and they've already made that decision, they just wanted a co-sign

i just had a girl ask me to keep it real with her about my opinion on some shyt she did to a mutual homeboy(too much "he say, she say" nonsense for me to retell :snoop:) long story short i just told her to keep it real with herself :ufdup:

she hit the :dwillhuh: like i was speaking another language

these bytches be living in false realities and never wanna feel accountable for the shyt they do so they never really sit back and ask themselves if what they're doing is right or wrong, they just ask other girls/simps for a cosign and whenever a real nikka keeps it 3hunna and calls them out on their bs they just cut off communications with him so they can keep living their lie :scusthov:

i dont do the former and i avoid the latter by telling them to think about it for themselves and falling back (i guess it's a lowkey way of me telling them they're full of shyt, but :manny: it works) they can't label you as just some angry judgemental nikka (cuz you didn't agree or disagree) and at the same time you subtly let them know they're wrong (since bytches are all about being subtle you may as well use that shyt against them right :lolbron:)

it's always weird seeing how they just go off of whatever spontaneous emotion is present like children though :why:

we're supposed to be adults :scusthov:

That's just what women do. Whenever you disagree with them, no matter how real they supposedly want you to keep it, you're bitter, you're a misogynist, you're judgmental, you're insecure, or you're angry in their mind. It's something not even worth getting riled up over since it's so predictable.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Eh either way. I'm off to Germany in 5 more days, this Tuesday. Anyone care to drop a few gems/jewels?


Just really enjoy yourself bruh. Don't spend an iota of time thinking about how you're going to deal with women. Just deal with them as they come along, but don't let that cloud you from enjoying taking in all the beauty of the trip itself.
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Jun 5, 2012
Brehs forgive me.

I've been dating a single mother with a 3 yr old daughter for the last few months. Things were cool at first but then she started getting too clingy. She would text my phone all day long and then get mad when I wouldn't return texts within 15 minutes. She would send me pics of her daughter all the time and get mad if I didnt comment on the pic. Her daughter recently started calling me daddy and tells me she loves me :rudy:.

Tonight I was talking to another female on the phone and the single mother starts blowing up my phone with calls/texts about how her power just went out and she is scared and needs me come over and protect her. I cant take it anymore. I have a feeling that she is the type of chick that would poke a hole in a condom to get knocked up to keep me around. I'm ending it tomorrow.

Say No to Single Mothers Brehs! I have learned my lesson.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I wish this thread was in my life 3-4 years ago. :lawd:
Every fukking broad has a story to tell and how they were a victim. Take my last relationship.

Was with her for a year and a half, we started dating when she was 20 I was 23. Guys before with her were hood guys who had nothing going for them. No high school diploma, baby's with other women and one of them even hit her a couple times. It never clicked how she could be in college, have a good job, be smart and good looking but could be dealing with guys like that. She was abused by her step dad in her teens and she never felt she could tell her mom. So here comes dumbass me thinking I can be the night and shining armor and rescue her from her shytty past :snoop:

This was back when I was a classic simp because my mom raised me to treat women well. What she should of said was treat the women who treats you like a king well. I would do romantic things for her: cook candle light dinners. Buy roses and cards with poetry inside. All to be taken for granted for some company and play. :lupe:

Finally wised up and jus left after the bullshyt. :pacspit: Told her to go fukk herself. Now im just focused on money, gym and building up my mentality. :shaq::blessed:

Edit: Remember one thing, she is who she is and that has nothing to do with you. You could be the perfect guy who treats her with respect, does right by her and values her company. It doesnt matter, women especially young ones dance to the beat of their own selfish, no accountability, personal need s drum. Only 1% will be there for you if shyt hit the fan

That's the real deal bruh. A lot of us were raised to believe that women were these special angels who were all corrupted by rotten men or we just carry self delusions of grandeur-- that we're that special negro that can 'change the game' and do the same things that have caused other men to fail but be successful. Then we actually go out there and try to save babygirl who just ran a victim story on us and we realize that you can't change the rules of the game. You have to play within them.

What a lot of these women run are called 'ho stories'... aka pity stories that she runs by you to make you feel sorry for her and cause you to not hold her responsible for her actions. These women LOVE hood guys until they have to face up with the repercussions of dealing with one comes around and swats them on the behind. When he pops 2 or 3 babies in her and doesn't take care of a single one, gets locked up and all these bills are due... all of a sudden she has a change of heart and needs a decent guy who has it together. She'll tell him how young and foolish she was and how she can't stand those guys anymore, all the while hinting that she needs a man who is responsible and a daddy figure, aka financial provider and emotional rest haven. Nice guy, thinking he's found this gorgeous hidden gem, aka needle in the haystack, rushes in to play the role of responsible man, and ends up finding she was running a game all along and she's still dealing with hood negroes behind his back or she gets mighty scarce once her jailbird baby daddy gets out. When you hear that statement 'she doesn't want to be saved,' it's real. If a woman wants to deal with trash can negroes, let her stay dirty... and never fall for those pity stories or those ho stories. If you ever notice, the real high quality women don't have those pity stories, nor do they have 3 or 4 kids running around by different baby daddies because they were raised right and don't need to trick a man into dealing with them.

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Just really enjoy yourself bruh. Don't spend an iota of time thinking about how you're going to deal with women. Just deal with them as they come along, but don't let that cloud you from enjoying taking in all the beauty of the trip itself.

as somoene who has been on vacay by themselves and have travelled alot
enjoy yourself, everytime im on vacation i break out of my shell and talk to everyone from people i meet on the plane to locals all over, you';ll never see these people again so might as well.

there is nothing better than seeing the world as a young man nothing. ALl i can say to sum it up, enjoy yourself, sight see, talk to as much people as you can and realize how grateful you are to travel
Thanks ill take pics. I'm trying not to get caught up with the women but more of seeing if the place is worth seeing as a prospect for living in the future. I finish my AA in the summer so my next step is transferring to a university. Berlin could be a place for me to live/go to school at.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Thanks ill take pics. I'm trying not to get caught up with the women but more of seeing if the place is worth seeing as a prospect for living in the future. I finish my AA in the summer so my next step is transferring to a university. Berlin could be a place for me to live/go to school at.

Enjoy yourself bruh


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The main point we're trying to get at in this thread is to stop being a circus monkey for vagina... and stop rewarding broads for ignoring you and putting you on the backburner. Stop sacrificing your principles and who you are to chase around some little breezy who is making time for every other negro who she naturally feels while they don't have to invest half the effort. If a woman is digging where you are coming from, it isn't a struggle to get her time or decent conversation out of her. That's the bottom line.

For example, you have a woman that you say, "hey how you doing" to and she completely ignores that. The PUA type dude looks at himself and says, "Man dude, I must not have used a cool or different enough opener." So next time, he goes something like, "That booty is SO fat, I want to slap it." maybe this woman responds because he was on some far out nonsense... Me, I'm like screw that, I'm not going to do some clown behavior to get a broad to open up to me. If she can't take a standard greeting, then I'm not going to do some clown greeting to get her attention and try to 'win her over.' I'm just upping and taking my ball to another court where another woman will respond much more favorably.

Stop trying to win women over. That's how you get manipulated or that's how you live an unsatisfying life by constantly pretending to be something that is contrary to your nature for an inconsequential reward. you may have gotten in her pants, but what kind of reward is that really? After the act is said and done, in order to keep dealing with this woman, you have to keep putting on this fake routine and these circus acts... and for what? Nothing much. Enjoy your life, get at a woman as who you are, and if she isn't digging it, keep it pushing. There's nothing so special about some particular woman that you need to start sacrificing who you are and what you are about to get her attention. There's other women who will really dig where you're coming from, so pull your attention from that one who is playing hard to get, and bring it to the one who is trying hard to get with what you are bringing to the table.


No nikkas!
May 2, 2012
bytches will always ask someone else to "keep it real" with them and give an honest opinion but the truth is 99% of the time they already know what they're doing is fukked up and they've already made that decision, they just wanted a co-sign

i just had a girl ask me to keep it real with her about my opinion on some shyt she did to a mutual homeboy(too much "he say, she say" nonsense for me to retell :snoop:) long story short i just told her to keep it real with herself :ufdup:

she hit the :dwillhuh: like i was speaking another language

these bytches be living in false realities and never wanna feel accountable for the shyt they do so they never really sit back and ask themselves if what they're doing is right or wrong, they just ask other girls/simps for a cosign and whenever a real nikka keeps it 3hunna and calls them out on their bs they just cut off communications with him so they can keep living their lie :scusthov:

i dont do the former and i avoid the latter by telling them to think about it for themselves and falling back (i guess it's a lowkey way of me telling them they're full of shyt, but :manny: it works) they can't label you as just some angry judgemental nikka (cuz you didn't agree or disagree) and at the same time you subtly let them know they're wrong (since bytches are all about being subtle you may as well use that shyt against them right :lolbron:)

it's always weird seeing how they just go off of whatever spontaneous emotion is present like children though :why:

we're supposed to be adults :scusthov:

This is what bothers me the most when dealing with females. It's incredible. And it's usually the ones who never had an honest male relationship growing up. Not necessarily a father, more like a slightly older brother or a close cousin. I find that women who had guys like that in there lives have more awareness of themselves then women who didn't.