I wish this thread was in my life 3-4 years ago.

Every fukking broad has a story to tell and how they were a victim. Take my last relationship.
Was with her for a year and a half, we started dating when she was 20 I was 23. Guys before with her were hood guys who had nothing going for them. No high school diploma, baby's with other women and one of them even hit her a couple times. It never clicked how she could be in college, have a good job, be smart and good looking but could be dealing with guys like that. She was abused by her step dad in her teens and she never felt she could tell her mom. So here comes dumbass me thinking I can be the night and shining armor and rescue her from her shytty past
This was back when I was a classic simp because my mom raised me to treat women well. What she should of said was treat the women who treats you like a king well. I would do romantic things for her: cook candle light dinners. Buy roses and cards with poetry inside. All to be taken for granted for some company and play.
Finally wised up and jus left after the bullshyt.

Told her to go fukk herself. Now im just focused on money, gym and building up my mentality.

Edit: Remember one thing, she is who she is and that has nothing to do with you. You could be the perfect guy who treats her with respect, does right by her and values her company. It doesnt matter, women especially young ones dance to the beat of their own selfish, no accountability, personal need s drum. Only 1% will be there for you if shyt hit the fan