Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Sep 6, 2012
Chatterbox FM
women monkey branch ala they always have someone there eyeing or hopping to rarely a chick will dump you just to be single, ive been given that bs before how she just needs space and she still loves me only for two week later her being the happiest shes ever been, calling a new nikka love and all that

the only thing you can do is watch closely and pick up the signs when shes distancing herself, all women emotionally detach and leave before you get dumped

Trill stuff. I've seen you and other posters mention before that, a female won't just wake up one day and decide to end a relationship. There are aspects and qualities of the relationship that are steadily deteriorating and then the final blow occurs. I agree with that. Funny & sad thing is, in my situation, I was privy to the changes. I was picking up on those signs but didn't dead things first because part of me was still living in fantasy land. Subconsciously I had some unrealistic expectations so when ol' girl told me that she had to fully push me away, I was surprised and prepared for it in a way. There was more shock than preparation though haha.

Some of the nigguhs I know, though. :damn: They were super caught off guard. Didn't see the shyt coming at all, so they got left asking their old chick mad questions trying to figure things out, only to get hit with vague statements and coldness.


May 6, 2012
Trill stuff. I've seen you and other posters mention before that, a female won't just wake up one day and decide to end a relationship. There are aspects and qualities of the relationship that are steadily deteriorating and then the final blow occurs. I agree with that. Funny & sad thing is, in my situation, I was privy to the changes. I was picking up on those signs but didn't dead things first because part of me was still living in fantasy land. Subconsciously I had some unrealistic expectations so when ol' girl told me that she had to fully push me away, I was surprised and prepared for it in a way. There was more shock than preparation though haha.

Some of the nigguhs I know, though. :damn: They were super caught off guard. Didn't see the shyt coming at all, so they got left asking their old chick mad questions trying to figure things out, only to get hit with vague statements and coldness.
lol, that's just how it goes...
Sep 6, 2012
Chatterbox FM
It's cold out here, man. It's really cold. Biggest eye opener for me was learning that the kid who I thought one of my best friends was raising for 3 years, turned out to not be his. Him and this girl were on & off for 7-8 years. He took her virginity, though, so in a way I think he felt entitled. I think he felt like he had a lock on that vagina, and the girl as a whole. Can't even flex, me and some of the folks who were close to them had similar thoughts. You know those relationships, the ones where even if they hit some really dark patches, get to those "there's no way they're getting back together" situations, they still end up together?

Thought that would've been them for the long haul. Girl gets pregnant, my boy is positive that it's his. Neither family even questions it, doesn't even bring up the possibility of it belonging to another man. My dawg was trying to battle those negative stereotypes too. Didn't want to be labeled as a bad father so he moved in with the girl after a year of the kid being born. Broski thought he was doing the right thing. They still argued. They still did things that made each other tick, but fukk it, gotta stay together for the baby, right?

I remember when we first found out she was pregnant. I won't ever forget when my boy told me that the girl he got pregnant, "isn't the type of girl you get pregnant" but he had the :manny: and decided to take responsibility for what he thought was is. I feel his quote was foreshadowing in a way. Fast forward 3 years, chick moves back into her mom's crib. My boy is trying to figure out the child custody, child support angle, but then got suspicious about the family's actions. Nigguh did a DNA test and found out that the seed didn't belong to him :wow:

Had the :dwill: for the longest period of time after he texted me a screenshot of the results. Didn't even know what to say to the man. 3 years yo, 3 years! My dude started heavily drinking, and all the girl did was laugh about the shyt on Facebook :wow:

My bruh wasn't exactly a saint either. He messed around on ex a few times, and I'm sure he got it in during their "breaks", but the fact that him and his ex would routinely get back together after all of that shyt helped cloud his judgment. He was under the presumption that his ex was just chilling. He was thinking that his ex was satisfied and that she wouldn't dare mess with another dude. When your guard is down, man I tell ya.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
That's what gets me. A woman could have met a real decent guy and she turns him down, and when he's down, she'll be laughing at him, as if it's some sort of comedy. It gets to the point where you just realize some of these women have a malicious mindset and weren't raised with any morals. Why is hurting someone, especially someone who didn't do an ounce of wrong to you funny?


May 1, 2012
If you have a bad impression with a girl's best friend then it's a wrap. Went on a double date Saturday with this chick. Her friend brought her boyfriend. Ol girl didn't have a problem with making fat, gay and black jokes. I called her out on the black joke and made a comment about a retarded kid nearby.

Her friend starts crying...turns out her younger brother is a slo mo. :krs:
Still ended up smashing that night, but she wants me to to feel guilty or apologize for making her friend cry. fukk all of them. :aicmon:


All Star
May 20, 2012
when you reach a certain point in life, you realize women are either with you or against in between. If you arent at that point in your life where you can decipher that, you need to work on yourself more.

inner and outer success brings security amongst oneself, and when the security comes in, you begin to value yourself in a different manner than before. That will force you to demand respect from women. If a woman isnt buying into your plan, she is the one that will have to let that guilt eat inside her, not you.

its time for us to build ourselves into the prizes we are.
Sep 6, 2012
Chatterbox FM
That's what gets me. A woman could have met a real decent guy and she turns him down, and when he's down, she'll be laughing at him, as if it's some sort of comedy. It gets to the point where you just realize some of these women have a malicious mindset and weren't raised with any morals. Why is hurting someone, especially someone who didn't do an ounce of wrong to you funny?

I dunno, man. My boy did try publicly slander the girl though. Posted the screenshot on FB. Kept making statuses about girls having bodies and informing dudes to be careful. Word spreads and gets back to his ex, of course she's not trying to have her name dragged through the mud like that, so she fires back. She knew about his increase in drinking and made statuses talkin bout "Look at you! I got you wasting away your liver! Drink yourself to death."

Can't really determine if either side was morally right in what they did, but I do totally understand the impact of high emotions. My bruh needed to vent, he needed some type of release. Even now, when I try to think about how I'd feel if I devoted so much time, money, and effort into raising a child that wasn't mine, my head hurts. My nigguh put so much shyt on hold, he dealt with so much drama, for nothing. He was getting ready to ask that girl to marry him too. He had it planned out. They were supposed to hit this other city, go on the beach, and he was going to propose. Plans kept getting fukked up with work and all that. Thankfully, all those complications kept popping up because man... :whoo:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I dunno, man. My boy did try publicly slander the girl though. Posted the screenshot on FB. Kept making statuses about girls having bodies and informing dudes to be careful. Word spreads and gets back to his ex, of course she's not trying to have her name dragged through the mud like that, so she fires back. She knew about his increase in drinking and made statuses talkin bout "Look at you! I got you wasting away your liver! Drink yourself to death."

Can't really determine if either side was morally right in what they did, but I do totally understand the impact of high emotions. My bruh needed to vent, he needed some type of release. Even now, when I try to think about how I'd feel if I devoted so much time, money, and effort into raising a child that wasn't mine, my head hurts. My nigguh put so much shyt on hold, he dealt with so much drama, for nothing. He was getting ready to ask that girl to marry him too. He had it planned out. They were supposed to hit this other city, go on the beach, and he was going to propose. Plans kept getting fukked up with work and all that. Thankfully, all those complications kept popping up because man... :whoo:

She's lucky that getting vented on is all that happened. Pinning a baby that isn't his is on a man is one of the worst things you can do to a man. As you said, he cheated before and was foul for that, but when it comes to children, pinning a child on a man that isn't his and possibly getting him to pay 18 years of child support is foul as can be.

If a man impregnated another woman while with his current girl and she went off on him, he'd probably be like, "I deserved it, so I'mma let her vent." Women have the luxury of never having to deal with a child that isn't theirs unless they choose to do so. Instead of her just saying hey, I messed up... I'm going to let him vent, this broad had no shame and expressed cheer at him drinking.

I don't know the full extent of that situation, but when it's said and done, you are trying to pin a baby on a man knowing it probably wasn't his and if you could have gotten him to play the daddy as well as drop the finances you would.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Something to realize is that you have to realize when you come across the female version of a player. These are people that value sexuality and self-pleasure over morals and treating others decently. When you come across one, you just have to cut them out of your life. A problem a lot of people have is that they try to 'self-improve' themselves to hopefully change the behavior of that person. It doesn't work. Think about that woman who comes across a player and thinks she can change him... she does any and everything he wants, but it is never enough to secure his exclusivity... and she is only fueling his behavior by rewarding his infidelity because she steps up with a new incentive to get him to stop cheating. He never will because he's addicted to the thrill of something new. It's the same thing with a female version. You got women who constantly call all these different men and deal with all kinds of men. You think you can change her nature by 'stepping your game up.' Nah, won't work. You will be able to OCCUPY her for a while and gain a short period of exclusivity, but that self-serving nature will soon kick in and she'll replenish her line-up no matter what you do... because the thrill of something new is better than the old no matter how the old is prepared and served in her mind. When you come across the female version of a player, stop rewarding her infidelity by rewarding her with more benefits in order to get her to change around. Just cut her off and save yourself time and headaches.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
We live in an era where we are taught to 'give in to the lusts of the flesh.' In other words, we are taught to live anti-Biblically and to live according to whatever impulse pops into our head at any given moment. This 'satisfies the flesh', but it places a burden on the spirit. You can see that statement justified when you eventually hear of the players who get tired of playing and want to settle down with one woman who really loves him and he loves her. However, in this day and age, our hearts have become hardened because we live in a time of adultery and fornication. Men and women do not respect each other prior to nor after exchanging wedding vows. Why? Because they've been taught that it is acceptable to give in to the lusts of the flesh.

All of us who've been in love can attest to how wonderful it feels, but in this day and age, we close our hearts because of the pain of betrayal and we know that betrayal is unbelievably commonplace. It IS God-given that men and women be together, but under marriage. As Genesis says, it is not good for man to be alone, and you can even see that in the MGTOW communities, where guys constantly spew their disdain and hatred for women, but never completely eradicate them from their minds. Something that you find truly worthless, you cease to think about. So as much as we'd all like to think that taking trips, working out, and such things will eliminate that desire to find a decent woman, it won't. We will continually gravitate back towards that search.

Now, when it's said and done, the REAL problem in this day and age is a lack of love for God and a lack of morality. What we've been attempting to do is to cover up this problem via technique cultivation. Maybe if we achieve this amount of wealth or that amount of looks, we will have a woman that sees us as so valuable that she will be loyal. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. No matter how much you give to a cheater or the amoral, they will never be satisfied or grateful.

Proverbs 30:20
This is the way of an adulterous woman:
She eats and wipes her mouth,
And says, “I have done no wickedness.”

We are in a situation where we attempt to rectify a problem with the wrong solution because we refuse to admit what the problem is in the first place. Techniques or carrying a certain attitude will not keep you from getting cheated on. Dealing with a highly moral woman will. I'm not talking about one who professes with her mouth but contradicts with her actions, but one who does what she says. We can do all the techniques in the world, but when we constantly deal with women who show their love for engaging in the will of the flesh, sorrow will continually be the end result. Then, we back away from women for a while to recuperate, only to return and engage in the same cycle all over again. When we disobey the order God has set out for us, disorder occurs, and we're seeing that on a massive scale today. How many people can truly feel at ease with their woman after seeing all that has gone on? This causes you to harden your heart, and thus, you view your woman as something as interchangeable, aka someone that can be let go at any time with a minimal emotional impact. So thus, we truly feel no real love for that woman and she is just a sort of person of convenience who is there to trifle with... but no real satisfaction is gained from it.


All Star
May 5, 2012
I've gotten to the point where I almost literally don't give a shyt about females or companionship....I find that it's never really worth it. Idk, maybe it's the couple I've been with, but I never look back and reminisce; it's always "what a waste" or "that bytch was WACK"...even when a nikka lost the vCard I was like ".....that's it?" Idk mane...

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
its fukked up, but the more you study on how to raise and handle children, the better you will be at understanding and handling women. the differences between their attitudes are so small sometimes, that you see why we're sitting here looking at grown ass women like :wtf: their entitlement, emotional needs, immature whining, discplinary requirements, effectiveness of giving them the silent treatment, etc and the fact that they really dont know what they want, begins to tell you all you need to know about them. they might be "grown" in that they may work or pay their bills, but their social behavior and elevated place in society only feeds into their delusional egos.

I always said that due to my last two girlfriends I know exactly what its like to have a daughter.​


May 6, 2012
Women will lie about their number regardless. I don't ask anymore either. If you ask, take their answer with a grain of salt and take notes of what she says in regular convos cause she might tell on herself after a while. The trick is to remain in the present when dealing with a chick. The number is an indicator. it's not recommended to wife chicks with high numbers for obvious reasons. At the same time, since we all know they lie and tell half-truths, fukk what they are saying and focus on how they act in the present. You made her yours because she was attractive and cool to you at some point. If she stops being cool with you, don't hold on to the past (she used to be great, maybe i did something wrong, maybe if i change she'll go back to being who she was...). Don't go too deep in the future either (she's always been a bytch but in the future she'll become a great chick). fukk all that. stay in the present. If she isn't acting right and you stayed on your Ps and Qs, bushes. If you get that gut feeling, bushes. if you feel like she's lying about her number (or anything else for that matter), treat her accordingly. We need to stop treating this shyt like it's a court of law. As soon as there is any doubt, you can leave her. doesn't mean that she's guilty or that you should be mean to her. It just means that you don't trust her. Maybe she doesn't inspire trust because of her shady actions. Maybe it's you who has trust issues and is being paranoid. But even if the trust issues come from you, isn't still better to be single and work on this on your own instead? You don't always have to have proof beyond reasonable doubt. The doubt itself means there is a problem (whatever the issue is) and if you can't be re-assured, you need to bounce.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I've gotten to the point where I almost literally don't give a shyt about females or companionship....I find that it's never really worth it. Idk, maybe it's the couple I've been with, but I never look back and reminisce; it's always "what a waste" or "that bytch was WACK"...even when a nikka lost the vCard I was like ".....that's it?" Idk mane...

That's definitely understandable, especially given the caliber of women that men have to put up with in this day and age. You end up finding you put up all this work and all of it can be snatched away from you in a moment's notice for NO real reason. This is especially true in this society where women have constant access to all the men they want and are constantly fielding options.

The problem is only exacerbated when you have nobody telling women their behavior is wrong because they are surrounded by vagina hounds who either give their every action an ok or who never say anything because they want to get them some or just have this idea women can do no wrong. So we have a huge mass of females who have little concern for the emotions of others and highly overvalue themselves, and when it's said and done, you really come to the conclusion that dating really isn't all that fun and pleasurable like it should be, but almost feels like another job.