Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 2, 2012


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City

important comment left here

It’s been my experience that all women will have sex with another dude within 24 hours of the breakup, but this is because the woman has already gone through the trouble of lining the next guy up before the breakup!

Indeed, the fact that the next guy is in place is what gave the woman the courage to do the breakup.
If the guy wasn’t in place the woman typically would do a more passive aggressive thing of starting a fight that could lead to a split where the guy was at fault.

Guys need to know that the date where you lose the woman and the breakup are two separate dates. When you lose a woman, she no longer thinks you are the best and you can never recover (Hypergamy). You could lose the woman before the breakup, and she will stay with you for a time until she lines up the next dude. Or possibly you could not lose the woman, and end up breaking up anyways as response to a hard shyt test (a passive response) and still have the lust of the woman forever as an alpha widow even if she goes on to screw other dudes.

also it goes perfectly along with

Your girlfriend will eventually go on a girls’ night out to “test the waters,” and after several massive arguments, you will break up.

The next 24 hours after breaking up are crucial…

If you don’t reconcile with your women, she will have sex with someone else within 24 hours.

Ive been telling everyone that women have the game sewn up, and they will defend it by saying "its their right" and "you dont own them." okay, true. but the rules and importance of honesty in a relationship still have to be in play. women (all cheaters, actually) will ditch any semblence of openness and loyalty in a relationship in order to get ahead, get over, and do whats in their best interest. they line it up and have their back up planned out waaaay ahead of time. they conceal it by saying its "innocent' when its anything but. you can never forget that this is a possibility. and women, they will get away with it by planning what theyre going to do and say ahead of time to be ready for you, all the while youre not expecting it so you will be off guard. they use passive sneak tactics and are pros at it. theyll set it up so they can shame you into letting them do something stupid and accept it. or they will try to make you look like an arguing bafoon because she pushed the right buttons on you.

if thats how its gonna be, then you need to see it for what it is. theres only so many times that you can see this happen around you and deny it. if YOU dont have a back up plan in play for her ass, then you wont be ready. you will always be off point and more in her hands. but if you have the ability to just walk out at any time because her p*ssy doesnt control you, then you will always have the upper hand. your life is at your mercy and not hers.

her emotional "needs" are what controls her, and not necessarily any agreement or understanding that you two have. so if she sees you arent tied in to her as emotionally as she is to you, then it will fukk with her. its their achillies heel. it puts them in their place more. its even why they dont like to leave you until theyre lined up with a new man, start to argue with you, and make sure that youre upset, off guard, and fukked up. they need to see that what they do hurts you. they HATE to see you throwing a party and be happy that shes gone. they get mad when they realize that the sun doesnt rise and set on her ass. THAT is what they cant stand. their ego is always in play, so remember that.

if you live life by your own code and respect it, she will have no way to really affect you and who you are. if you got that in your blood and can get it through to her head, then chances are that youve got her in check and you two are at a better understanding. so in essence, you need to be ready on that level to be your own man and be able to walk, before she even gets to making those sneaky moves, all trying to fukk your shyt up.

theyre very precalculated, so always be consistent with who you are, and dont "change up" for a woman. be the man youre supposed to be, and let them either fall in or fall out. :blessed:

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Here's all that needs to be said about women playing the game:

as long as they have the option to, they'll choose the game over you unless your baseline value is thru the roof. if you haven't fukked her yet, then you don't know the real her. it's just a persona. the insecurities and such won't be shown till yall fukk

you only gotta play the game with a chick till u fukk her. I happen to enjoy the game a lil bit :shaq: cause for dudes you pretty much do nothing and assert your will till she cracks


Jun 4, 2013
Women are governed chiefly by butt and vagina tingles

GREAT MEN and those who penned the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN were governemned by HEROIC CODES OF HONOR. Throughout history men have created CIVILIZATION and the insititution of MARRIAGE based on the MYTH of ONE MAN ONE WOMEN.

asking why women flake is like asking “why does it rain sometimes in the summer?”

as we live in a society which attacks traditional codes of honor so as to transfer assets form men to women (aka the banker cartel elite who must convert their fiat worthless debt into physical goods and property), we live in a society governed more and more by butt and gina and less and less by the GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN and the VIRTUOUS SOUL.

this is how the bernanke bankers want it as they see WESTERN CIVILIZATION and MORALITY as an affront to their dishonorable quest to convert worthless book entries into power and physical property

and so they deconstruct THE GREAT BOOKS FOR MEN

and created a world ruled by BUTT AND GINA TINGLES

and to the degree PUA'S act so as to inspire BUTT AND GINA TINGLE they too are ruled by BUTT AND GINA TINGLE, but hey, i understand the need to dip the wick and get the pecker wet, without losing ones’ life, livelihood, liberty, and happiness.
Jun 26, 2013
I have been lurking this thread since it opened and decided to register to give all you guys thanks on all the great advice on dealing with women. Majority the stuff posted in this thread will come in handy:lawd:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Sep 6, 2012
Chatterbox FM

important comment left here

also it goes perfectly along with

Ive been telling everyone that women have the game sewn up, and they will defend it by saying "its their right" and "you dont own them." okay, true. but the rules and importance of honesty in a relationship still have to be in play. women (all cheaters, actually) will ditch any semblence of openness and loyalty in a relationship in order to get ahead, get over, and do whats in their best interest. they line it up and have their back up planned out waaaay ahead of time. they conceal it by saying its "innocent' when its anything but. you can never forget that this is a possibility. and women, they will get away with it by planning what theyre going to do and say ahead of time to be ready for you, all the while youre not expecting it so you will be off guard. they use passive sneak tactics and are pros at it. theyll set it up so they can shame you into letting them do something stupid and accept it. or they will try to make you look like an arguing bafoon because she pushed the right buttons on you.

if thats how its gonna be, then you need to see it for what it is. theres only so many times that you can see this happen around you and deny it. if YOU dont have a back up plan in play for her ass, then you wont be ready. you will always be off point and more in her hands. but if you have the ability to just walk out at any time because her p*ssy doesnt control you, then you will always have the upper hand. your life is at your mercy and not hers.

her emotional "needs" are what controls her, and not necessarily any agreement or understanding that you two have. so if she sees you arent tied in to her as emotionally as she is to you, then it will fukk with her. its their achillies heel. it puts them in their place more. its even why they dont like to leave you until theyre lined up with a new man, start to argue with you, and make sure that youre upset, off guard, and fukked up. they need to see that what they do hurts you. they HATE to see you throwing a party and be happy that shes gone. they get mad when they realize that the sun doesnt rise and set on her ass. THAT is what they cant stand. their ego is always in play, so remember that.

if you live life by your own code and respect it, she will have no way to really affect you and who you are. if you got that in your blood and can get it through to her head, then chances are that youve got her in check and you two are at a better understanding. so in essence, you need to be ready on that level to be your own man and be able to walk, before she even gets to making those sneaky moves, all trying to fukk your shyt up.

theyre very precalculated, so always be consistent with who you are, and dont "change up" for a woman. be the man youre supposed to be, and let them either fall in or fall out. :blessed:

Damn brehs. Too much real life, too much. I've had this type of stuff happen to me, and I've seen it happen to other guys. My cases have been much milder in comparison to the guys I know though. They've been in relationships for upwards of a year, and after the chick ends the relationship, she's already got another guy she's happy with, and the dude is left shocked, trying to seek out answers and clarity, and is reduced to drinking and partying in order to fill that emotional void.

This is part of the reason why I'm so cynical and skeptical about these relationships. Even the sexual, open ones. It's too tricky of a complex for me. Yeah, on one hand, I may garner genuine feelings and be affectionate towards another female, but my doubt and pessimism loom far too large to get fully immersed in the "good times." How do you find the balance?


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Damn brehs. Too much real life, too much. I've had this type of stuff happen to me, and I've seen it happen to other guys. My cases have been much milder in comparison to the guys I know though. They've been in relationships for upwards of a year, and after the chick ends the relationship, she's already got another guy she's happy with, and the dude is left shocked, trying to seek out answers and clarity, and is reduced to drinking and partying in order to fill that emotional void.

This is part of the reason why I'm so cynical and skeptical about these relationships. Even the sexual, open ones. It's too tricky of a complex for me. Yeah, on one hand, I may garner genuine feelings and be affectionate towards another female, but my doubt and pessimism loom far too large to get fully immersed in the "good times." How do you find the balance?

women monkey branch ala they always have someone there eyeing or hopping to rarely a chick will dump you just to be single, ive been given that bs before how she just needs space and she still loves me only for two week later her being the happiest shes ever been, calling a new nikka love and all that

the only thing you can do is watch closely and pick up the signs when shes distancing herself, all women emotionally detach and leave before you get dumped