Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
i wrote this mental note to myself while zoning out in a meeting today and reflecting on some exes:

"Take them off of that pedestal. At any moment know that they're only doing things that benefit themselves and how they feel at that point in time."
so true. good girls will have you like :noah: but then like :dwillhuh: when they no longer feel the same way. you should see no girl as so good that "she wouldn't do me like that." dont put nothing pass anyone. given the right situation all these women will switch up on you.​

George Gooney

May 6, 2012
It's fun until some girl comes out the woodwork saying the kid is yours or you catch an STD. That's how a lot of guys end up hating their present situation in life. Definitely best to bow out while you are still ahead.

Like Reincar brought up earlier about soul ties... you go through sleeping with all of these women, but you will end up realizing that there was nothing there. You have nothing after the fact but some memories, but you will realize that there is nothing but emptiness there.

Even worse is if you end up impregnating one of these women that you can't really stand, but slept with 'just cuz'... and she tangles you up with child Isupport while not letting you see your kid. You'll end up sending payments out every month while having no real idea of how your kid is being raised... and we know in these wicked times, kids NEED proper masculine guidance.

So many risks out there for such little reward. Better to fill your time with other things until a decent woman actually comes along.

It wasn't about the sex for me(since I'm a celibate muslim). But more so the challenge of solving the puzzle that we all know as the woman's mind. But it's really pointless all in all. There's no real winner. Only way to win is to not play and just focus on yourself...

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
The game isnt nothing but a game.I rather be single,then chase a woman.Out here all they want you to do is give them attention,chase them,spend $$ on them.Like Kevm3 says a woman should add value to your life not subtract value.


All Star
May 1, 2012


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I'm glad ya'll are starting to see it. You realize that there's nothing really to figure out. There's no logic in the illogical. Now there are certain traits you can embody that will make a woman respond to you more positively, but screw all that. It's way too much game-playing and utter nonsense going on.

The reality is that most women are herd creatures and they will do what other women are doing or what they see on tv. If they see television telling them 'light skin men are in', they want light skin men. If you see television telling them about how they need a dark skin men, these women 'want chocolate.' The problem with this sort of herd mentality is that television is pumping their minds full of UTTER poison and couple that with the fact that a lot of these women were raised by single mothers or 'princess-making' daddies. These women were continually praised growing up and telling them they can have anything they like (TI trick anthem) by daddy and by men all around them or they never grew up with a father figure to see how a woman should interact with her dad. So then, they turn on tv and have promiscuity programming all around them... Women all around them looking and acting like strippers so they think that's the in thing. Then you got coochie hounds okey dokeying them hoing up and you wonder why you have this huge mess that you have today. If you want a quality woman, they have to grow up in a QUALITY CULTURE and it's men that create culture. Couple promiscuity programming, a lack of solid morals instilled at home, being reared in neo-feminism and you just have a situation where the nation is filled with women you CANNOT wife up.

You got all these simp soldiers in the background excusing and wiping off accountability from any and everything a woman does, so these women are never getting the real deal formula on how they can become a woman that is worthy of marriage. They will say, "BUT DUDE YOU ONLY BLAME THE FEMALES! WHAT about holding men accountable", and yet they will conveniently ignore the hundreds of pages we talked about leadership, carefully filtering the woman you are with, improving yourself, etc. After a while you just realize that it isn't you. You can keep on modifying your behavior, but we are living in a culture that is poisonous towards the mentality of women and their mentality won't ever improve if you never have men giving them the REAL instead of sneaky coochie hound negroes cosigning all of their moves and excusing them of all accountability because they think it will get them some draws. Those simps are worse than the women because they're the one empowering women to act that way.

When it's said and done, DO NOT try to play games to get a woman. WHen you start returning female tactics in order to get into their pants and start doing feminine actions, you know what you develop? You develop a HO MENTALITY. You literally start emulating the behavior of whorish women, so while you might get a little extra attention, you really won't be able to respect yourself as a man when it's said and done. Stop playing waiting games on the phone with broads and if they do something foul, screw 'not bringing it up because you might lose her...' because if you did you ain't lost a doggone thang. PROPER BEHAVIOR, MORALS and RESPECT are to be sought over getting in them draws. IF these women can't treat you with respect, boot they little butts and keep it pushing and enjoying your life, getting closer to Jesus and just making your tomorrows better than todays... and leave that door open to a woman that DOES know how to act right.


May 6, 2012
It wasn't about the sex for me(since I'm a celibate muslim). But more so the challenge of solving the puzzle that we all know as the woman's mind. But it's really pointless all in all. There's no real winner. Only way to win is to not play and just focus on yourself...
Patrice spoke on that in the Black Phillip Show. He spoke on that scene from the movie War Games.

(push it to 2:05)
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May 6, 2012
I'm glad ya'll are starting to see it. You realize that there's nothing really to figure out. There's no logic in the illogical. Now there are certain traits you can embody that will make a woman respond to you more positively, but screw all that. It's way too much game-playing and utter nonsense going on.

The reality is that most women are herd creatures and they will do what other women are doing or what they see on tv. If they see television telling them 'light skin men are in', they want light skin men. If you see television telling them about how they need a dark skin men, these women 'want chocolate.' The problem with this sort of herd mentality is that television is pumping their minds full of UTTER poison and couple that with the fact that a lot of these women were raised by single mothers or 'princess-making' daddies. These women were continually praised growing up and telling them they can have anything they like (TI trick anthem) by daddy and by men all around them or they never grew up with a father figure to see how a woman should interact with her dad. So then, they turn on tv and have promiscuity programming all around them... Women all around them looking and acting like strippers so they think that's the in thing. Then you got coochie hounds okey dokeying them hoing up and you wonder why you have this huge mess that you have today. If you want a quality woman, they have to grow up in a QUALITY CULTURE and it's men that create culture. Couple promiscuity programming, a lack of solid morals instilled at home, being reared in neo-feminism and you just have a situation where the nation is filled with women you CANNOT wife up.

You got all these simp soldiers in the background excusing and wiping off accountability from any and everything a woman does, so these women are never getting the real deal formula on how they can become a woman that is worthy of marriage. They will say, "BUT DUDE YOU ONLY BLAME THE FEMALES! WHAT about holding men accountable", and yet they will conveniently ignore the hundreds of pages we talked about leadership, carefully filtering the woman you are with, improving yourself, etc. After a while you just realize that it isn't you. You can keep on modifying your behavior, but we are living in a culture that is poisonous towards the mentality of women and their mentality won't ever improve if you never have men giving them the REAL instead of sneaky coochie hound negroes cosigning all of their moves and excusing them of all accountability because they think it will get them some draws. Those simps are worse than the women because they're the one empowering women to act that way.

When it's said and done, DO NOT try to play games to get a woman. WHen you start returning female tactics in order to get into their pants and start doing feminine actions, you know what you develop? You develop a HO MENTALITY. You literally start emulating the behavior of whorish women, so while you might get a little extra attention, you really won't be able to respect yourself as a man when it's said and done. Stop playing waiting games on the phone with broads and if they do something foul, screw 'not bringing it up because you might lose her...' because if you did you ain't lost a doggone thang. PROPER BEHAVIOR, MORALS and RESPECT are to be sought over getting in them draws. IF these women can't treat you with respect, boot they little butts and keep it pushing and enjoying your life, getting closer to Jesus and just making your tomorrows better than todays... and leave that door open to a woman that DOES know how to act right.
good post man and i think this is where the divide in philosophy is as far as this thread is concerned.

a few pages ago i made a post about how there are two spectrum i see for men. it goes Player/PUA vs. Pimp. And when i use the word pimp, i don't mean in the literal sense of putting a chick on the street. I'm talking about mindset. I gotta give credit to The Kidd (pimposophy). Basically a player/PUA is like a shape-shifter. He will adapt to circumstances in order to seduce women and get p*ssy. He will adapt to who he is talking to, use tactics and strategies, play all sorts of games in order to get his target. A player chooses his target first. A Pimp is the complete opposite mindset. He will just be the best version of himself he can be and let women choose him first. He will never compromise on anything and mostly cares about himself.

I think we all have a bit of player in us. IMO no one is 100% pimp mindset or 100% player. like i said, it's a spectrum and we're all somewhere in between closer to one or the other. Simps are basically players with weak tactics/game (which is why chicks dislike them). I think some people in the thread are more on the player side and that's cool. If you want to play the game, play it smart. I personally prefer the "pimp style" because it feels more liberating. The hard part is to make peace with your ego and control it. it's hard when you want a chick who doesn't want you. Your ego makes you want to play the game just this once to get that one. But once you fall in that trap, you can easily get caught up if the girl you're messing with has more game than you (which is ALWAYS a possibility). That's why i advise players to at least have some balance and a cut off point where the game stops whether you're ahead or not. Dudes go to the casino and keep playing double or nothing til they lose their retirement fund. But playing this type of game you keep playing double or nothing with a woman until you lose your soul (a far more expensive price...). don't get too deep in the game. get closer to the "pimp side" of the force. And again, i won't act like i don't have some player in me. but i'm trying to go on the other side a little more. Hardest part is charging your losses to the game and letting go of the ego. but you end up getting more chicks in the end ironically.

Again, i don't want to act like i came up with this stuff. A lot of credit to The Kidd. I think some of the posters on here know who i'm referring to. but yeah it really depends on if you're main thing is getting specific p*ssy by any means necessary or if your main goal is finding happiness. I think if we all realize that dudes on one side are not necessarily enemies with the other side and that we're just after different things, and if we respect each others' choice (even if we disagree) there might be less pointless arguments in this thread and more understanding...


May 2, 2012
@Turbulent, I didn't even think anybody knew about Kidd -- you brought back mad memories with that one.. That's word..
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
The game isnt nothing but a game.I rather be single,then chase a woman.Out here all they want you to do is give them attention,chase them,spend $$ on them.Like Kevm3 says a woman should add value to your life not subtract value.

and fro what?


alot of folks hate being single and jump from relationship to relationship, i dont mind it all, come home from work if i feel like going in my bed i will, if i feel like playing videogames i will, if i feel like staying late at work i will, if i feel like going to the movies right after i will.

aint stressing being cheated on, aint stressing spending money left and right on a broad

just liivng life

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
and fro what?


alot of folks hate being single and jump from relationship to relationship, i dont mind it all, come home from work if i feel like going in my bed i will, if i feel like playing videogames i will, if i feel like staying late at work i will, if i feel like going to the movies right after i will.

aint stressing being cheated on, aint stressing spending money left and right on a broad

just liivng life

Adding value anyway way she can.Yea there is alot of so called "ratchet" women out there,however there are some good ones.Not saying anything wrong with single life,its just fellas in here got to look at dealing with a woman as a win-win.If you get her #,kick it with her and she fits your moral system its a win.If she rejects you,acts flaky its still a win,cause your saving what is valuable to you which is your TIME.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
This was an interesting post... supposedly a 'real life' conversation:

Lisa: I just don’t see our personalities working out for a relationship. I feel like I’m the more dominant one. I’m politically conservative, which is a male-dominated trait. And I’m less sensitive than you.

John: Well, I could take that many ways. That could be taken offensively.

Lisa: It’s not meant to be. It’s just that I remember the other night you told me that you were different from other guys. You said you were more sensitive and self-aware.

John: Yeah, I kinda want to steer the conversation away from that. I was a little offended by that conversation.

Lisa: How so?

John: Well, over the years I’ve heard from many people that I have a unique set of qualities. And now you’re telling me that I don’t, that’s it’s not true.

Lisa: I never said that. We all have unique qualities. All I’m saying is that there are a lot of sensitive, self-aware guys, so I don’t think you are unique in that way. You also said that you were embarrassed for your gender.

John: Well, I only meant that because SO many men cheat. I wasn’t trying to slam my whole gender.

Lisa: And you’re saying that because all your women friends have complained about their husbands or boyfriends have cheated, right?

John: Right. And I could tell how uncomfortable you were the other night. I was really surprised because I thought we had a good time. I was doing my best to show you a good time.

Lisa: I did have a good time. But I don’t feel the way I should feel after I’ve had several dates with a man.

John: So is there something about my personality which is a hindrance to my love life?

Lisa: Yes.

John: Ouch…wow, I wasn’t expecting that. OK, I don’t know what to say.

Lisa: You asked me a yes or no question and I’m answering it honestly. Let me ask you something: have you noticed that your female friends always say they want one kind of man, yet go for another? Why do you think that is?

John: Uh…I don’t know.

Lisa: Do you think it’s because nice men don’t exist, or that women generally don’t choose those men?

John: Uh, I guess I hadn’t thought about it. I don’t know.

Lisa: Women generally want a man who is more dominant than they are. It’s kind of like how you wouldn’t be attracted to a woman with a butch haircut and a deep voice.

John: I can’t be someone I’m not. I just have to be me.

Lisa: None of your women friends will tell you this information.

John: OK, so is there some advice you would give me, something you would suggest I do?

Lisa: Yes, actually. The best advice I can give you is to befriend successful men- happily married, involved in many successful relationship…a man who knows how to be what women want. In fact there are many articles written about what women want…try the New York Times.

John: Uh, no. I don’t need to read articles about how to be somebody I’m not. I think I’m going to end the conversation now. My daughter and I are watching a TV show about —– and I’m going to go back to that.

Lisa: You know, I understand it’s not easy to hear things about yourself that aren’t working. I had to get feedback too about how I was being perceived to others. It sucks, but in the end it helps. If you want my friendship, it’s available to you. I can give you advice or tell you what guys you can talk to…

John: No, I don’t think so. Well…I think we can just agree that we’re not well matched. I hope you had a good time with me [our last date, he drove a total of about 100 miles]. Let’s just leave it at that.

Lisa: OK, best of luck.

The lady in the conversation gave him the truth. Women don't seek those weak negroes who always agree with them and she gave him the truth about 'nice guys' and how women always complain about not being able to find them, and yet in reality they are always hovering around. "Nice guy" in a woman's terminology is rest haven brotha who is ready to get abused and used up until she is rejuvenated enough to go back and deal with the bad boys. Some of you younger cats may not remember this, but late 80s, early 90s, women were crying for more sensitive men, and you had rnb negroes rush in talking about how they were all about sensitivity in order to accommodate. Come to find out, women detest that which they claimed they wanted. Men would never have had that problem in the first place if they weren't these weak accommodaters who morphed into what 'women wanted'.

The dude was real weak in the conversation at first, but I like how he ended it. Pretty much he said "I'm cool on being what "women want." It's time to shut this thing down. I'm going to go holla at a female who is feeling me for how I get down."

Be a man because that's what you're supposed to do... because that's your God-given role. Don't attempt to rearrange your definition of manhood into 'something da ladies want.' That's my problem with that whole PUA scene. Their idea of manhood is based upon 'if they can get the bang', so in other words, their manhood is validated by what a woman chooses to do. Real manhood is completely exclusive of what a female does, but a perk of being a real man is that females will be attracted to you. A woman can't tell you what manhood is, but on the PUA scene, a lot of those guys are transformers who will morph into whatever behavior women reward with spreading their legs at that point in time.

"Dude, that's NOT alpha! You won't get the bang if you say you love your mother!" If women spread their legs for men with miniskirts, how many of these guys would rush out and get one? I kid you not, there were PUAs talking about going to gay clubs to get women. Man screw that. As a man you have to think way bigger than vagina, and as much as we say simps put vagina on a pedestal, PUAs really do it. You simply have to have clearly defined boundaries of what you will and will not do in order to deal with a woman.

Some behavior you do as a man will not get you laid with certain women, but so what? For example, you will not get 'as many bangs' if you aren't sleeping with your homeboys' girls who are openly giving you the eye, but friendships and building real trust with your potnas is way more important than slam dunking some sneaky broads vagina. There are way more important things in life than being able to jump into some particular woman's vagina you come across like having consistency of character... For example, if there's some broad that loves negroes that carry guns and shoot it out, don't be the guy out there shifting into a fake thug to hopefully get a little bit of her time. Pass her to the side so she can go find that negro and keep it pushing and deal with a woman who can deal with who you are as a man.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
The key IMO is to be yourself, I'm quiet, I'm a introvert, I may be considered dull, I may be considered nice as I love helping others regardless of age, gender etc. But I'm i going to change for a broad? Hell no.

There is nothing wrong with being nice, kind treating people with respect just don't allow people to take advantage of you.

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