Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 7, 2012
Share with us breh

I don't wanna bore y'all with the details, but I feel as if these girls show strong initial interest when I holler at them in person, but then back off later when we start to contact each other through text/computer etc. then their interest just vaporizes :ld: I've had 3 girls I was talking with do this to me recently.

I guess I should just start keeping the text game to a bare minimum :manny:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I feel that too much of this modern dating scene revolves around men catering to a woman's bad habits and whims by him modifying his behavior in a hope that she will change from her natural state of rotating men to perhaps giving him exclusivity. It's an exercise in futility. You put in all this work and all this effort and then she disappears on a whim without even having the tact to notify you because she just ups and deals with another guy.

Way too much time is spent 'demonstrating' something to these women in order for her to hopefully classify you as 'that dude'. "Demonstrating" how nonchalant and not caring you are... "Demonstrating" how you have a twinge of bad boy in you. "Demonstrating" that other women like you. You do this whole circus act for some of her time, but when you do get it, you realize it wasn't worth it at all, and you will find out that even though you 'won' by getting her to 'be with you', but you won't even be enjoying it because you can't even be you. You realize she doesn't really like you for you, but rather that little kabuki routine you just put on for her. You had to transform into alphaman and play these wack little games and sad thing is that even when that's said and done, that won't necessarily keep her around for long.

It just comes to a point where you've did enough to where you realize it's not you. It's the woman that are not wifeable and the woman that has the messed up behavior, but men keep on justifying and dancing around that thinking that if they shift their own behavior this or that way to become more 'alpha' that they will unlock the secret code to make her turn into wifey. Wrong. The only thing that will happen is maybe you get a little more of her 'premium time', but she will still be fielding new negroes and having them in the background when she gets bored of you. These women were reared up on promiscuity and neo-feminism and were programmed to act like this... just as wifeable women were reared on how to become wives from knee high.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Man, the antics I see some of these PUA types suggesting to get some cooch is amazing... these guys are talking about going to a gay bar might be a great place to get women and how you need to go there with gay people you know to establish your 'credibility' there so you won't look like you're just going to pick up women. Man there just has to be a limit of what you'd do in order to deal with a woman. Going into a gay bar is way too far. You always have to put your self-respect and dignity above pursuing women. If women wanted negroes to wear a potato sack because they think it's hot, cats would be Russetted up tomorrow. That's a rule you HAVE to drill in your head. Self-respect and dignity above doing clown routines so hopefully a woman will let you get a piece.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
I feel that too much of this modern dating scene revolves around men catering to a woman's bad habits and whims by him modifying his behavior in a hope that she will change from her natural state of rotating men to perhaps giving him exclusivity. It's an exercise in futility. You put in all this work and all this effort and then she disappears on a whim without even having the tact to notify you because she just ups and deals with another guy.

Way too much time is spent 'demonstrating' something to these women in order for her to hopefully classify you as 'that dude'. "Demonstrating" how nonchalant and not caring you are... "Demonstrating" how you have a twinge of bad boy in you. "Demonstrating" that other women like you. You do this whole circus act for some of her time, but when you do get it, you realize it wasn't worth it at all, and you will find out that even though you 'won' by getting her to 'be with you', but you won't even be enjoying it because you can't even be you. You realize she doesn't really like you for you, but rather that little kabuki routine you just put on for her. You had to transform into alphaman and play these wack little games and sad thing is that even when that's said and done, that won't necessarily keep her around for long.

I really hate playing games, and into turning into this new persona who is every bit as mysterious, metro, bad, quiet, uncaring, funny, wealthy, and desirable to all other women just to the right degree in order to catch an average girls attention. many men just give up on that even, and become the simp who is in to buying their way into a womans life. when it comes down to it, its all about playing on a womans perception. the problem is, when youre stooping to all kinds of trickery its not about dealing with the actual. sure, the pua stuff works on a certain level, but only because its designed as a game to counter another person who is playing games. first things first, women invented game. its men who have to conquer it.

and the way youre gonna do it is going to determine what youre really about. if youre about more game, or if you can fish out the real from the fake.

to me, I think pua works but its just a temporary mind trick. you have to look at all those games and ask yourself, is she even worth all that effort?

the thing about it is, Im at the point where if I see a girl playing games on me, Im not looking to take her serious anymore. shes not real to me anymore.


its a problem when its expected of you to be a pua man just to get women interested. like you cant just get to know someone and share hobbies and interests with each other, you have to be performing mental voodoo and you have to be entertaining them like we're some kind of sideshow performance act. all on our dollar and their time.


most of the time from my own experience - I learned that even after I spent so much time in it where I had to counter her, block her little tests, or reverse her bullshyt to be with her, I find that shes actually pretty empty and boring. her whole character is not real, and thats why shes spending so much time fronting, playing games, and looking for this mythical man who doesnt exist. she cant be happy because shes not happy with herself, and cant even begin to find a way to qualify herself for what she wants. deep down they know the truth. their insecurity is mostly why theyre playing games and using everyone they can, while in the meantime doing very little thats open and real. its generally her thats lacking in character and realness, and many times the games she puts up are there to test you and make you dance for a person who is not even half as interesting or real about shyt as she'd like you to believe.


we're here doing stunts and putting up with their phone games like its normal to do so. men online simp just to get a pat on the head. guys are donating money like theyre supposed to do that. we follow her lead in order to win now. women dont even try to get to know you these days, they only see what they see and decide if thats worth her time to put stand by 1 and stand by 2 on hold for you. on top of all that, we always have to be overqualified for this position. think about that for a minute.

when you get down to it, a woman or a man who is "mysterious about their ways," is ego driven, and somewhat "uncaring" and aloof about you, is not really the right person to take seriously. however, it works in building up a perception for the other person that there needs to be a chase involved to get with you. perception starts to take over reason and what is actually happening. who knows if the chase is even worth it, but at least theres the mystery about you that pulls them in. pua capitalizes in taking game and making it a big magic act to wow her.


men are out here doing pua trying to outdo a womans bullshyt by giving her even bigger bullshyt, to blind her. she only knows games and deception... then as a pua you have to counter it with a better level of game and deception. oh, she likes aloof and myserious? Ill be that but even more! she wants a man who is better than her? Ill just put her down a lot! she likes to dress and wear expensive clothes? Ill wear the craziest, most flamboyant wild shyt out there! she likes to play phone games? Ill do that too, only better! in turn, you are becoming this phony answer to her stupid games and insecurities. youll become this guy who is everything she ever wanted, the only thing is that many women dont even know what they want. so how real can a man and woman relationship be if its built on lies?

they dont even hide the fact that youre going to have to lie to women, or at least learn to play those games with her to keep her interested. its all a rehashing and remixing of the games that women play. I think catering to their whims is a recipe for disaster, especially if you take it too far.


it all leads to dishonesty and a high level of bullshyt. theres puas who feel like they failed even though they bagged plenty of women, because they end up failing in their personal life and with the women they chose. its the same story, because the REAL problem is consistent. when you go shot for shot, game after game, counter after counter after a while you have to look at what youre really doing, and is it worth it just to get this womans attention? is it worth changing who you are in order to fake it for someone who is fake themselves?

if you only want to smash, Id say just be real about that. do away with the games. dont waste time faking it to make it. thats the worst thing to do with life because you can get caught up.

if youre real and looking to get serious, then you need to learn to recognize the same realness in another. thats the main thing to worry about. not if you can bag so and so, or if she looks good and has a mouthpiece so you want her, or youre ready to settle down because she says she wants a serious relationship in her life now and whatnot. talk is just talk, and games are still just games. theres way too much to life than concerning yourself with things that are on the surface level only.

real shyt, if men stopped gassing up these women doing the non stop thirst thing, and being pua robots, then women would get it through their heads that they need to bring something WORTHY about themselves to the table. we wont change who we are and we wont play game after game from you. we're not going to jump through a hoop just because you have an ass. we need to show them that they cant get away with any old shyt just because shes a woman. they need to get checked and called out on their hypocrisy above all else. men need to be men and stay in control of the game. dont follow her lead. she doesnt even want that, deep down. be a man and be in charge.

when a woman plays games with you, understand its her attempt to gain control.

dont let that happen brehs.

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
when a woman plays games with you, understand its her attempt to gain control.

dont let that happen brehs.

This is ALWAYS the case. It's punk testing. Like if you're in the streets, and a dude walks close to you, then steps on your foot, then follows you for five blocks, by the time he pulls the burner out he already knows you're p*ssy because you didn't check him for violations 1 through 5.

With women, it's in their nature and isn't malicious, but if you don't stop them early AND point out what they're doing, you'll be a purse holdin' ass nikka before you know it.


May 12, 2012
I really hate playing games, and into turning into this new persona who is every bit as mysterious, metro, bad, quiet, uncaring, funny, wealthy, and desirable to all other women just to the right degree in order to catch an average girls attention. many men just give up on that even, and become the simp who is in to buying their way into a womans life. when it comes down to it, its all about playing on a womans perception. the problem is, when youre stooping to all kinds of trickery its not about dealing with the actual. sure, the pua stuff works on a certain level, but only because its designed as a game to counter another person who is playing games. first things first, women invented game. its men who have to conquer it.

and the way youre gonna do it is going to determine what youre really about. if youre about more game, or if you can fish out the real from the fake.

to me, I think pua works but its just a temporary mind trick. you have to look at all those games and ask yourself, is she even worth all that effort?

the thing about it is, Im at the point where if I see a girl playing games on me, Im not looking to take her serious anymore. shes not real to me anymore.


its a problem when its expected of you to be a pua man just to get women interested. like you cant just get to know someone and share hobbies and interests with each other, you have to be performing mental voodoo and you have to be entertaining them like we're some kind of sideshow performance act. all on our dollar and their time.


most of the time from my own experience - I learned that even after I spent so much time in it where I had to counter her, block her little tests, or reverse her bullshyt to be with her, I find that shes actually pretty empty and boring. her whole character is not real, and thats why shes spending so much time fronting, playing games, and looking for this mythical man who doesnt exist. she cant be happy because shes not happy with herself, and cant even begin to find a way to qualify herself for what she wants. deep down they know the truth. their insecurity is mostly why theyre playing games and using everyone they can, while in the meantime doing very little thats open and real. its generally her thats lacking in character and realness, and many times the games she puts up are there to test you and make you dance for a person who is not even half as interesting or real about shyt as she'd like you to believe.


we're here doing stunts and putting up with their phone games like its normal to do so. men online simp just to get a pat on the head. guys are donating money like theyre supposed to do that. we follow her lead in order to win now. women dont even try to get to know you these days, they only see what they see and decide if thats worth her time to put stand by 1 and stand by 2 on hold for you. on top of all that, we always have to be overqualified for this position. think about that for a minute.

when you get down to it, a woman or a man who is "mysterious about their ways," is ego driven, and somewhat "uncaring" and aloof about you, is not really the right person to take seriously. however, it works in building up a perception for the other person that there needs to be a chase involved to get with you. perception starts to take over reason and what is actually happening. who knows if the chase is even worth it, but at least theres the mystery about you that pulls them in. pua capitalizes in taking game and making it a big magic act to wow her.


men are out here doing pua trying to outdo a womans bullshyt by giving her even bigger bullshyt, to blind her. she only knows games and deception... then as a pua you have to counter it with a better level of game and deception. oh, she likes aloof and myserious? Ill be that but even more! she wants a man who is better than her? Ill just put her down a lot! she likes to dress and wear expensive clothes? Ill wear the craziest, most flamboyant wild shyt out there! she likes to play phone games? Ill do that too, only better! in turn, you are becoming this phony answer to her stupid games and insecurities. youll become this guy who is everything she ever wanted, the only thing is that many women dont even know what they want. so how real can a man and woman relationship be if its built on lies?

they dont even hide the fact that youre going to have to lie to women, or at least learn to play those games with her to keep her interested. its all a rehashing and remixing of the games that women play. I think catering to their whims is a recipe for disaster, especially if you take it too far.


it all leads to dishonesty and a high level of bullshyt. theres puas who feel like they failed even though they bagged plenty of women, because they end up failing in their personal life and with the women they chose. its the same story, because the REAL problem is consistent. when you go shot for shot, game after game, counter after counter after a while you have to look at what youre really doing, and is it worth it just to get this womans attention? is it worth changing who you are in order to fake it for someone who is fake themselves?

if you only want to smash, Id say just be real about that. do away with the games. dont waste time faking it to make it. thats the worst thing to do with life because you can get caught up.

if youre real and looking to get serious, then you need to learn to recognize the same realness in another. thats the main thing to worry about. not if you can bag so and so, or if she looks good and has a mouthpiece so you want her, or youre ready to settle down because she says she wants a serious relationship in her life now and whatnot. talk is just talk, and games are still just games. theres way too much to life than concerning yourself with things that are on the surface level only.

real shyt, if men stopped gassing up these women doing the non stop thirst thing, and being pua robots, then women would get it through their heads that they need to bring something WORTHY about themselves to the table. we wont change who we are and we wont play game after game from you. we're not going to jump through a hoop just because you have an ass. we need to show them that they cant get away with any old shyt just because shes a woman. they need to get checked and called out on their hypocrisy above all else. men need to be men and stay in control of the game. dont follow her lead. she doesnt even want that, deep down. be a man and be in charge.

when a woman plays games with you, understand its her attempt to gain control.

dont let that happen brehs.

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Most wanted baby father
May 1, 2012
where they cross-over and clap boards
Went out with this chick Friday night...I already knew she was high maintenance but I played along anyway. So I ask her if she was or not, then she proceeded to tell me no but she dropped 1,000 on some Louboutins :lupe:
I told her that's cool but don't expect me to buy you shyt like that and as long as you can afford it, you're good. I can already tell this isn't going to last long....$1,000 for Louboutins :mindblown:
Sep 6, 2012
Chatterbox FM
I've mentioned my disgust with the "games" aspect of this dating culture, and once again, the trill shyt mentioned on this page reaffirms that thought.

I'd love a more prevalent, real, straight forward aspect of the dating culture, but unfortunately I don't see that happening. I don't see average and below average women losing their false sense of entitlement since the cast of coddling guys will be around them from middle school. Posters like most of us in this thread, are anomalies in real life. We exist, but not in high droves.

CrossBones nailed it. Some of these women have no memorable, redeeming qualities but still can find access to pleasure in half a minute. They can still put dudes through unnecessary, emotional situations. It's a fukked up social system. It's fukked up and I think we're too far deep in it to reverse it.


All Star
Oct 15, 2012
New York
Don't dead it, there are too many unknown factors as to why she may have these spells of non-response; and if your main goal is just for sexual companionship then it's not worth dropping her just yet. It's simply time to fall back a little. The key is to continue pursuing her, but at a slower pace, and just as nonchalant as she is. Don't even mention the fact she never replied to you the next time you text her, and yes, I said YOU text in first. She should always, from this point forward, have the impression that you don't necessarily 'need' her and aren't some 'thirsty' brother who's desperate. So by brushing off those little games, texting her first like you were so busy with your interesting life that you didn't realize she never replied, you will come across as if you were either too confident to let it bother you or was too busy with your interesting life to notice, either way it will began to pique her interest again. And make sure you sound as happy as a fakkit in boys' town in your next message to her, as if the two of you just spoke yesterday and your life is great. It would've been better had you done all of these little things the very next day but it is still not too late. But back to the topic, from here forward do not initiate anymore meeting up. You have to remember, YOU are the male, and due to mother nature you are automatically in the proverbial 'drivers seat' when it comes to just have to play on our strengths(detachment, passive aggressiveness) and a females weaknesses (attachment, loneliness, emotional, validation). This tactic takes patience but is HIGHLY successful. The key to being successful with this tactic of passiveness is to have something on the side. It is very hard to have the patience and nonchalance it takes to successfully apply it if you have nothing to 'distract' you(other women, even if you are simply in the pursuit stage with them as well). That will allow you to go a night or two without hitting her up and/or being in agony thinking about her and trying to resist hitting her up. She cannot be the only one you think about, or else this tactic of passiveness will never work because you will show too much of your hand to her when you communicate with her. Long post, and there are still many important details I am too tired at the moment to mention, but I hope you get the gist of what I'm saying. Take back the driver's seat, you are the male, you control the momentum; right now she is, and the only way to get it back is to fall back. But again, it's a fine line between falling back and out of sight out of mind, so you must continue to hit her up at least every other day for casual conversation etc..just do all you can not initiate the next meet up, you have to come across as: 'Yes I would pipe you down in a heartbeat but no I don't really care if it ever happens or not.' Good luck.

Good read, I get what you're saying, basically play it cool.

The last time I texted her was thursday and that was asking if she wanted to go out next week (which is this week). So you just think it's best to text her waddup or something like that.The thing is, she has done something like this before on a few occasions and I do brush it off like nothing, I never once brought it up or anything, I just act cool like nothing happened. Right now I am definitely in the fall back stage.

Wouldn't texting her every other day come off as thirsty? especially after she deaded my last text?. That may even lead to the friend zone also right? just talking to her every other day and she may never brings up going out.


May 12, 2012
Good read, I get what you're saying, basically play it cool.

The last time I texted her was thursday and that was asking if she wanted to go out next week (which is this week). So you just think it's best to text her waddup or something like that.The thing is, she has done something like this before on a few occasions and I do brush it off like nothing, I never once brought it up or anything, I just act cool like nothing happened. Right now I am definitely in the fall back stage.

Wouldn't texting her every other day come off as thirsty? especially after she deaded my last text?. That may even lead to the friend zone also right? just talking to her every other day and she may never brings up going out.

a bytch will never tell you they dont wanna fukk with you, they're cowards when it comes to shyt like that so they'll just use subtle hints that they dont wanna fukk with you and expect you to figure it out :dahell:

tbh you sound like you hung up over her breh, im not saying go so far as deleting her number and ignoring her in public but you gotta move on nikka :beli: plenty of bytches out here that'll hit you back up without the bullshyt


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
a bytch will never tell you they dont wanna fukk with you, they're cowards when i comes to shyt like that so they'll just use subtle hints that they dont wanna fukk with you and expect you to figure it out :dahell:

tbh you sound like you hung up over her breh, im not saying go so far as deleting her number and ignoring her in public but you gotta move on nikka :beli: plenty of bytches out here that'll hit you back up without the bullshyt

pretty much. if a broad likes you, she'll find a way to be around you. that's it and that's all. Having to show a broad you're not thirsty by playing text games and this and that ain't doing nothing but trying to reel in a woman that ain't too keen on you.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
a bytch will never tell you they dont wanna fukk with you, they're cowards when i comes to shyt like that so they'll just use subtle hints that they dont wanna fukk with you and expect you to figure it out :dahell:

tbh you sound like you hung up over her breh, im not saying go so far as deleting her number and ignoring her in public but you gotta move on nikka :beli: plenty of bytches out here that'll hit you back up without the bullshyt

Yup, and believe me when I say if you ever do bring it up...theyll act as if youre some needy lunatic or something. It's just how it is.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
pretty much. if a broad likes you, she'll find a way to be around you. that's it and that's all. Having to show a broad you're not thirsty by playing text games and this and that ain't doing nothing but trying to reel in a woman that ain't too keen on you.

pretty much
if a broad like soyu she will be texting you all the time not caring if you text her first, not taking long to reply.

take it from me a few months ago i went out on a chill session with a broad, i noticed i was always texting first and the convo would dry up quickly, is topped texting, been like almost 3 months now and she hasnt said anything.

i realized she wasnt interested so :barney:, dont be that guy who is keeping on popping up, just delete her number and get on with life if she contacts you again then so be it.

as otehrs said women are cowards they will never tell you straight up they are not interested in you they will use hints like never texting or calling you, and when you do replying back with ks etc. or like hours later hoping you get the point.