Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
About the Helen Smith book, I've been meaning to ask you -- have you completed reading it?

If so, give a critique/review of it.. A few weeks ago, MarkyMark wrote a 3 part review on the book..

half way through it, bought it off amazon, helen smith is the ester villar of our day and age, everything in this book when you read it even if you are a white knight beta male for marriage and kids it will amke you think like damn things are really really this bad

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
ive been on a relationship sabbatical for the past two years and now even just dating or chill sessions or even pursuing :woah:

it really is incredible how exhausting dating/trying to date/looking for a new date/maintaining a relationship with the completely wrong person is.

Cannot be bothered with being bothered tbh.


All Star
Oct 15, 2012
New York
can yall let me know what/if i did anything wrong

like 2 weeks ago went on my 3rd date with this girl, she said she had a good time, we've just madeout so far. and we said we'd go out again when we both got time, texted her a few days later just to say waddup, texted and flirted and shyt, it was fine, then she texted me first the next day, it was fine again, seemed good. so then I asked her the next day if she wants to go out again next week, she just deaded that ish and it's been a few days, i know she seen the text. she has ignored stuff before but w/e i'm done with this, not even going to text her anymore, i have a feeling she's probably just talking to other nikkas the way this is happening or she's just not into me anymore, idk. just curious what yall think if it was something I did with this limited information you have


May 12, 2012
can yall let me know what/if i did anything wrong

like 2 weeks ago went on my 3rd date with this girl, she said she had a good time, we've just madeout so far. and we said we'd go out again when we both got time, texted her a few days later just to say waddup, texted and flirted and shyt, it was fine, then she texted me first the next day, it was fine again, seemed good. so then I asked her the next day if she wants to go out again next week, she just deaded that ish and it's been a few days, i know she seen the text. she has ignored stuff before but w/e i'm done with this, not even going to text her anymore, i have a feeling she's probably just talking to other nikkas the way this is happening or she's just not into me anymore, idk. just curious what yall think if it was something I did with this limited information you have

bytches change their minds every few days breh :yeshrug:

my advice would be to look at every girl as a jump-off and dont really stress over em cuz they definitely aint stressin over you :manny:

go mess with some other bytches, work out, get a hobby, just somethin else to focus on so you aint sittin around thinking about why she aint text you back, bytches can pick up when a nikka has nothing else to do but focus on them, they dont have sex with those types dudes they just use em to stroke their egos after they aint get attention in a while

dont be that nikka


May 6, 2012
can yall let me know what/if i did anything wrong

like 2 weeks ago went on my 3rd date with this girl, she said she had a good time, we've just madeout so far. and we said we'd go out again when we both got time, texted her a few days later just to say waddup, texted and flirted and shyt, it was fine, then she texted me first the next day, it was fine again, seemed good. so then I asked her the next day if she wants to go out again next week, she just deaded that ish and it's been a few days, i know she seen the text. she has ignored stuff before but w/e i'm done with this, not even going to text her anymore, i have a feeling she's probably just talking to other nikkas the way this is happening or she's just not into me anymore, idk. just curious what yall think if it was something I did with this limited information you have
what i've learned in the last few months/year is that in situations like this, if a chick treats you this way its either two things:

-either she found a better option and wants to go all in on him so she doesn't need you anymore

-or she just thinks that "she has you" and that you're more invested in her than she is in you (whether she's right or not, that's just what she thinks).She figures she can afford to treat you like this and if whatever other option she's eyeing doesn't work out, she thinks she can always come back to you.

what you did didn't do anything wrong if you acted with realness regardless of what she chooses to do. meaning if you didn't act out of character and weren't needy with her then it's on her. If she was the one who proposed to chill the first few dates then the reason she didn't reply is because you switched up on her. almost like she feel like she got the power from you. But really like i said, it doesn't even matter if you acted on your own code and she acts like this, do you REALLY want to chill with a bytch that doesn't respect you?

throw her in the bushes, charge her to the game and she'll come back in your cypher when you least expect it. then treat her accordingly and don't buy any excuses she gives. if she acts as if nothing happen, treat her accordingly as well. I've been there and trust me, it's funny how shyt turns out in the end sometimes...Trust yourself and your gut, don't be needy, focus on people that want you and act on principle. As long as you play the game right (meaning no game) you won't lose. "The only winning move is not to play". God bless breh!


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
I really hate taking women out on dates until after I have had sex with them.

I remember when I first moved to Atlanta I took a chick out 6 times(dinner twice,bowling,movies, drinks/dave and busters,concert ) and when I finally got her back to my place and tried to kiss her she gave me the "I'm not ready" speech. I stopped chillin with her after that and later found out that she had a boyfriend and was using me for attention and free meals. Spent like $400 on her and didnt even get a kiss. Ever since then I've been ruthless. Pick them up, bang them at the crib and drop them off. :steviej:

:wow: that's why I support a one date maximum until they prove themselves to you by returning the favor so you know it's real. fukk all that extra courtship.

I used to be like that too. Taking chicks out on multiple dinner and movie dates and at the end of it all, no relationship, no nothing.

I peeped game, I'll kick it one time with you, but after that, I ain't setting nothing else up, if you don't come up with something, that's on you, I'll move on.


Train hard, fight easy
Jun 16, 2013
can yall let me know what/if i did anything wrong

like 2 weeks ago went on my 3rd date with this girl, she said she had a good time, we've just madeout so far. and we said we'd go out again when we both got time, texted her a few days later just to say waddup, texted and flirted and shyt, it was fine, then she texted me first the next day, it was fine again, seemed good. so then I asked her the next day if she wants to go out again next week, she just deaded that ish and it's been a few days, i know she seen the text. she has ignored stuff before but w/e i'm done with this, not even going to text her anymore, i have a feeling she's probably just talking to other nikkas the way this is happening or she's just not into me anymore, idk. just curious what yall think if it was something I did with this limited information you have

Don't dead it, there are too many unknown factors as to why she may have these spells of non-response; and if your main goal is just for sexual companionship then it's not worth dropping her just yet. It's simply time to fall back a little. The key is to continue pursuing her, but at a slower pace, and just as nonchalant as she is. Don't even mention the fact she never replied to you the next time you text her, and yes, I said YOU text in first. She should always, from this point forward, have the impression that you don't necessarily 'need' her and aren't some 'thirsty' brother who's desperate. So by brushing off those little games, texting her first like you were so busy with your interesting life that you didn't realize she never replied, you will come across as if you were either too confident to let it bother you or was too busy with your interesting life to notice, either way it will began to pique her interest again. And make sure you sound as happy as a fakkit in boys' town in your next message to her, as if the two of you just spoke yesterday and your life is great. It would've been better had you done all of these little things the very next day but it is still not too late. But back to the topic, from here forward do not initiate anymore meeting up. You have to remember, YOU are the male, and due to mother nature you are automatically in the proverbial 'drivers seat' when it comes to just have to play on our strengths(detachment, passive aggressiveness) and a females weaknesses (attachment, loneliness, emotional, validation). This tactic takes patience but is HIGHLY successful. The key to being successful with this tactic of passiveness is to have something on the side. It is very hard to have the patience and nonchalance it takes to successfully apply it if you have nothing to 'distract' you(other women, even if you are simply in the pursuit stage with them as well). That will allow you to go a night or two without hitting her up and/or being in agony thinking about her and trying to resist hitting her up. She cannot be the only one you think about, or else this tactic of passiveness will never work because you will show too much of your hand to her when you communicate with her. Long post, and there are still many important details I am too tired at the moment to mention, but I hope you get the gist of what I'm saying. Take back the driver's seat, you are the male, you control the momentum; right now she is, and the only way to get it back is to fall back. But again, it's a fine line between falling back and out of sight out of mind, so you must continue to hit her up at least every other day for casual conversation etc..just do all you can not initiate the next meet up, you have to come across as: 'Yes I would pipe you down in a heartbeat but no I don't really care if it ever happens or not.' Good luck.


All Star
Jun 7, 2013
Unless you find that "Lebron James" level woman, then you don't wife girls up and have kids.

You build franchises with "Lebrons"(starting a family, settling down), you bring in "Shane Battier" types for limited minutes and to hit shots. You never commit nor build anything of significance with "Shane Battier", only the superstars(women who strive for success, responsible, virtuous, etc) get commitment or kids.

That is all :jawalrus:

Had to resurrect this one for timeliness :wow:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
can yall let me know what/if i did anything wrong

like 2 weeks ago went on my 3rd date with this girl, she said she had a good time, we've just madeout so far. and we said we'd go out again when we both got time, texted her a few days later just to say waddup, texted and flirted and shyt, it was fine, then she texted me first the next day, it was fine again, seemed good. so then I asked her the next day if she wants to go out again next week, she just deaded that ish and it's been a few days, i know she seen the text. she has ignored stuff before but w/e i'm done with this, not even going to text her anymore, i have a feeling she's probably just talking to other nikkas the way this is happening or she's just not into me anymore, idk. just curious what yall think if it was something I did with this limited information you have

You were most likely one among several guys she was talking to and going on dates with and she decided to stick with one of the other guys. You didn't do anything wrong and I wouldn't change a course of action, unless you think her attention and company is worth so much that you will start tapdancing for it and start modifying your behavior so that 'hopefully' she gives you more time.

It's situations like that why I'm not too keen on putting much effort into dealing with women. The vast majority of times they are dealing with a man or other men while dealing with you and they will always try to keep a little flock around and tell the man they are currently in the presence of that the other men they are dealing with are 'friends'. When broads mysteriously disappear out the blue, especially on some 'I'm busy' tip, it's another guy in the background.

George Gooney

May 6, 2012
Don't dead it, there are too many unknown factors as to why she may have these spells of non-response; and if your main goal is just for sexual companionship then it's not worth dropping her just yet. It's simply time to fall back a little. The key is to continue pursuing her, but at a slower pace, and just as nonchalant as she is. Don't even mention the fact she never replied to you the next time you text her, and yes, I said YOU text in first. She should always, from this point forward, have the impression that you don't necessarily 'need' her and aren't some 'thirsty' brother who's desperate. So by brushing off those little games, texting her first like you were so busy with your interesting life that you didn't realize she never replied, you will come across as if you were either too confident to let it bother you or was too busy with your interesting life to notice, either way it will began to pique her interest again. And make sure you sound as happy as a fakkit in boys' town in your next message to her, as if the two of you just spoke yesterday and your life is great. It would've been better had you done all of these little things the very next day but it is still not too late. But back to the topic, from here forward do not initiate anymore meeting up. You have to remember, YOU are the male, and due to mother nature you are automatically in the proverbial 'drivers seat' when it comes to just have to play on our strengths(detachment, passive aggressiveness) and a females weaknesses (attachment, loneliness, emotional, validation). This tactic takes patience but is HIGHLY successful. The key to being successful with this tactic of passiveness is to have something on the side. It is very hard to have the patience and nonchalance it takes to successfully apply it if you have nothing to 'distract' you(other women, even if you are simply in the pursuit stage with them as well). That will allow you to go a night or two without hitting her up and/or being in agony thinking about her and trying to resist hitting her up. She cannot be the only one you think about, or else this tactic of passiveness will never work because you will show too much of your hand to her when you communicate with her. Long post, and there are still many important details I am too tired at the moment to mention, but I hope you get the gist of what I'm saying. Take back the driver's seat, you are the male, you control the momentum; right now she is, and the only way to get it back is to fall back. But again, it's a fine line between falling back and out of sight out of mind, so you must continue to hit her up at least every other day for casual conversation etc..just do all you can not initiate the next meet up, you have to come across as: 'Yes I would pipe you down in a heartbeat but no I don't really care if it ever happens or not.' Good luck.

A lot of truth here...


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
Don't dead it, there are too many unknown factors as to why she may have these spells of non-response; and if your main goal is just for sexual companionship then it's not worth dropping her just yet. It's simply time to fall back a little. The key is to continue pursuing her, but at a slower pace, and just as nonchalant as she is. Don't even mention the fact she never replied to you the next time you text her, and yes, I said YOU text in first. She should always, from this point forward, have the impression that you don't necessarily 'need' her and aren't some 'thirsty' brother who's desperate. So by brushing off those little games, texting her first like you were so busy with your interesting life that you didn't realize she never replied, you will come across as if you were either too confident to let it bother you or was too busy with your interesting life to notice, either way it will began to pique her interest again. And make sure you sound as happy as a fakkit in boys' town in your next message to her, as if the two of you just spoke yesterday and your life is great. It would've been better had you done all of these little things the very next day but it is still not too late. But back to the topic, from here forward do not initiate anymore meeting up. You have to remember, YOU are the male, and due to mother nature you are automatically in the proverbial 'drivers seat' when it comes to just have to play on our strengths(detachment, passive aggressiveness) and a females weaknesses (attachment, loneliness, emotional, validation). This tactic takes patience but is HIGHLY successful. The key to being successful with this tactic of passiveness is to have something on the side. It is very hard to have the patience and nonchalance it takes to successfully apply it if you have nothing to 'distract' you(other women, even if you are simply in the pursuit stage with them as well). That will allow you to go a night or two without hitting her up and/or being in agony thinking about her and trying to resist hitting her up. She cannot be the only one you think about, or else this tactic of passiveness will never work because you will show too much of your hand to her when you communicate with her. Long post, and there are still many important details I am too tired at the moment to mention, but I hope you get the gist of what I'm saying. Take back the driver's seat, you are the male, you control the momentum; right now she is, and the only way to get it back is to fall back. But again, it's a fine line between falling back and out of sight out of mind, so you must continue to hit her up at least every other day for casual conversation etc..just do all you can not initiate the next meet up, you have to come across as: 'Yes I would pipe you down in a heartbeat but no I don't really care if it ever happens or not.' Good luck.

:ohlawd: Science


May 26, 2012
San Diego
That's really good the person with the original scenario, it's not unique...and it's probably not you at all, same thing happened to me a few months back...she asked me out, texted me, and as soon as I asked HER out, a week after a date, she backed off, gave me the run around. I don't feel I made a mistake, I could have been more strategic, perhaps..but fukk it, I just asked her out, casually, there was no neediness, no desperation in my asking.

I imagine it's something like they wonder about your feelings, and when they get that validation of 'he likes me enough to ask me out', they get wishy washy....'Do I really like him...I don't know, maybe I'll see whats up with ___' and from there it goes..

Maintain you're respect and dignity, and you're always good. Saw her the other day, I'm certain I could hit her up tomorrow and she'd respond back quickly, like dude above was saying, but knowing her personality is like that, I can't help but think it's not worth the hassle.