Louder than words
not to be bringing this up to throw a celebration, or feel good about it, but one of my exes caught a bad one recently. she was this one who got real "busy" for over a month or so, and I found out later it was because her babys father got out from prison and she went to hook up with him. he got locked in short time because he crossed state lines, so she came running back to me blowing up my phone. I was like fukk all that. she hollers at me though on the holidays and tries to set up shyt so she can see me at functions and see what Im up to.

this was years ago when it happened, but we still have mutual friends so I see her every now and then. so anyways, I heard through a friend that she was with this new dude, and she caught him cheating on her. so, what does she do? she shoots out his car windows and tires. it was over 1000 in damages so its a felony. shes now in jail with no money, a court appointed lawyer, and couldnt even make bail. her kid is with some friend of hers. oh, and dude who cheated put out a restraining order on her. plus, she was like 140, 5'6 and thick when I knew her. now I hear shes roughly 200 lbs. and in jail. so what can I say?
times is hard out there mayne! Im glad I got out of that one, because in some ways it looks like I dodged a bullet

this was years ago when it happened, but we still have mutual friends so I see her every now and then. so anyways, I heard through a friend that she was with this new dude, and she caught him cheating on her. so, what does she do? she shoots out his car windows and tires. it was over 1000 in damages so its a felony. shes now in jail with no money, a court appointed lawyer, and couldnt even make bail. her kid is with some friend of hers. oh, and dude who cheated put out a restraining order on her. plus, she was like 140, 5'6 and thick when I knew her. now I hear shes roughly 200 lbs. and in jail. so what can I say?
times is hard out there mayne! Im glad I got out of that one, because in some ways it looks like I dodged a bullet