Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
not to be bringing this up to throw a celebration, or feel good about it, but one of my exes caught a bad one recently. she was this one who got real "busy" for over a month or so, and I found out later it was because her babys father got out from prison and she went to hook up with him. he got locked in short time because he crossed state lines, so she came running back to me blowing up my phone. I was like fukk all that. she hollers at me though on the holidays and tries to set up shyt so she can see me at functions and see what Im up to.


this was years ago when it happened, but we still have mutual friends so I see her every now and then. so anyways, I heard through a friend that she was with this new dude, and she caught him cheating on her. so, what does she do? she shoots out his car windows and tires. it was over 1000 in damages so its a felony. shes now in jail with no money, a court appointed lawyer, and couldnt even make bail. her kid is with some friend of hers. oh, and dude who cheated put out a restraining order on her. plus, she was like 140, 5'6 and thick when I knew her. now I hear shes roughly 200 lbs. and in jail. so what can I say?

times is hard out there mayne! Im glad I got out of that one, because in some ways it looks like I dodged a bullet :huhldup:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Mane it comes down to being too much work for no benefit. That's like being offered a job where I have to put in 80 hours a week for 2 dollars an hour and am expected to give my all every hour I'm on the job. Cats are trying to figure out the perfect combination of behavior to get a woman to act like a decent person when the woman probably got her nudes on 3 or 4 different guys phones, has a roster count of over 20, can't cook, won't clean, etc. You do all these little tips and techniques and you got yourself a lil relationship with this woman but she's still talking to all kinds of negroes, aka 'homies' and 'male cousins'. What are ya'll running this marathon race for? What kind of prize do you win at the end of the day jumping through all these hurdles to have a broad pay you a lil mind?

What I'm basically saying, is if a woman flakes, so what? You just avoided yourself a problem right there. What makes her so doggone special that you need to figure out the secret formula to make her start taking interest in you and wondering what secret technique you didn't perform correctly? And what is she bringing to the table that you even have to consider putting up with any of her nonsense, especially her little tests? You do all this, you're in a relationship, babygirl gets 'busy' out the blue and you find out she's been messing with another man, which is what 'i'm busy' or 'work and school got me so tired' is a euphenism for 8 times out of 10. You put in all that work, did all those techniques, and what do you eventually end up with? Nothing but more headaches and time and money down the drain. If she flakes, don't try to figure her out. Get at another woman. She comes with these lil games, tell her to get her mind right, and if she doesn't heed that warning, tell her to get in the wind.

That's my problem with a lot of that pick up artist stuff. Their whole existence is based upon validating themselves by how much vagina they can jump off into and they craft their whole persona around how they can jump through these little hoops women present in their path to getting them some.

Coochie hound type cats will do just anything and accept all kinds of behavior just to 'get some.' They are steady 'reacting' to women, looking for the latest behavioral modification technique they can do in reaction to what the woman is doing to slowly open her up so they can 'get the lay.' I don't have the time nor desire to play these little games to get a piece of your time. Your coochie or your attention isn't nowhere near worth the satisfaction I get from being me. If I got to craft this new persona to deal with some particular woman, I won't deal with her.

Me personally, I have a very low tolerance for dealing with people that like to screw around and play little games. To me, a woman's behavior is WAY more important than anything else. So when a question comes up of what do I do in this or that situation or how do I react to this girl? What I say is tell her to bring her little butt on, and if she doesn't get with it, boot her and keep it pushing. You don't have to put up with garbage behavior, and it has nothing to do with adopting that attitude because 'women like that! it turns them on to find a man that doesn't tolerate games!" Man who cares what she likes? Demand proper behavior because you are worthy of receiving it as a man who treats others decently.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
not to be bringing this up to throw a celebration, or feel good about it, but one of my exes caught a bad one recently. she was this one who got real "busy" for over a month or so, and I found out later it was because her babys father got out from prison and she went to hook up with him. he got locked in short time because he crossed state lines, so she came running back to me blowing up my phone. I was like fukk all that. she hollers at me though on the holidays and tries to set up shyt so she can see me at functions and see what Im up to.


this was years ago when it happened, but we still have mutual friends so I see her every now and then. so anyways, I heard through a friend that she was with this new dude, and she caught him cheating on her. so, what does she do? she shoots out his car windows and tires. it was over 1000 in damages so its a felony. shes now in jail with no money, a court appointed lawyer, and couldnt even make bail. her kid is with some friend of hers. oh, and dude who cheated put out a restraining order on her. plus, she was like 140, 5'6 and thick when I knew her. now I hear shes roughly 200 lbs. and in jail. so what can I say?

times is hard out there mayne! Im glad I got out of that one, because in some ways it looks like I dodged a bullet :huhldup:

Yeah exactly mane you dodged a bullet... and what would you have won by playing all those behavior modification games? not a doggone thing. we be trynna tell cats about when broads get 'busy' out the blue. when you start knowing the games a lot of these women pull and you know their mentality, you just get to the point where you think, what am i winning here? In fact, sometimes you actually WIN by losing, like what happened in your case. Jailbird took this grenade right off your hands, and she exploded in the worst way.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Yeah exactly mane you dodged a bullet... and what would you have won by playing all those behavior modification games? not a doggone thing. we be trynna tell cats about when broads get 'busy' out the blue. when you start knowing the games a lot of these women pull and you know their mentality, you just get to the point where you think, what am i winning here? In fact, sometimes you actually WIN by losing, like what happened in your case. Jailbird took this grenade right off your hands, and she exploded in the worst way.

thats real, brother. as close as me and her was, (I was friends with her for almost a year, we were going out for close to a year after that) she still played foul. I did check her a little bit at the start when we first went out, (before all that cheating shyt), and it was really smooth sailing. I always did do right for her, and in turn when she was on point for a minute. she helped me study and cheat on tests, she used to pay for some drinks/meals we had, gave me rides on some nights, listened to my advice, not nag, was good in bed, used to cooperate etc. her son was little mans and I was always cool with him.

I still got played :skip:

Im not even mad about the shyt now, but I can see if I had stayed with her, I would have been in a rough spot. some women you can see that they dont have real (or realistic) life goals, and in turn theyre spinning out of control. it looks calm on the surface, but if you REALLY look at what shes about and what shes doing, you can see her day to day and see that its not taking her where she should be going. and when I see that happening with a woman, I can tell that its going to end up bad for her. and Im not keen on staying around to see it all go to hell, with me tied to her. Im better off minding my own, and seeing if a woman can fall into place and not fukk my situation up.



follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
thats real, brother. as close as me and her was, (I was friends with her for almost a year, we were going out for close to a year after that) she still played foul. I did check her a little bit at the start when we first went out, (before all that cheating shyt), and it was really smooth sailing. I always did do right for her, and in turn when she was on point for a minute. she helped me study and cheat on tests, she used to pay for some drinks/meals we had, gave me rides on some nights, listened to my advice, not nag, was good in bed, used to cooperate etc. her son was little mans and I was always cool with him.

I still got played :skip:

Im not even mad about the shyt now, but I can see if I had stayed with her, I would have been in a rough spot. some women you can see that they dont have real (or realistic) life goals, and in turn theyre spinning out of control. it looks calm on the surface, but if you REALLY look at what shes about and what shes doing, you can see her day to day and see that its not taking her where she should be going. and when I see that happening with a woman, I can tell that its going to end up bad for her. and Im not keen on staying around to see it all go to hell, with me tied to her. Im better off minding my own, and seeing if a woman can fall into place and not fukk my situation up.


Yeah brotha i'm glad you're not too distraught over it because you realize it could have always been worse and you can be one of those financial slaves who are forced to pay all this money out to an ex.

But your story also goes to illustrate another point we've all been making, which is how many of these women have faulty judgment. She threw all she had away with you for a freaking jailbird, just like tim duncan's wife threw it away for a personal trainer. There's nothing tangible that you can look at that other guy and say, oh hey, he's just on another level from me. they throw away everything for some guy that's just around and gives them the tinglies. Guys pretty much gave them the world and they threw it away for a dude who is selling drugs or just got out. Which makes you think, why are you giving these women anything at all? Those same women engaging in this behavior will be popping back up on some, "Where have all the decent men went?? I just can't find them!"


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Yeah brotha i'm glad you're not too distraught over it because you realize it could have always been worse and you can be one of those financial slaves who are forced to pay all this money out to an ex.

But your story also goes to illustrate another point we've all been making, which is how many of these women have faulty judgment. She threw all she had away with you for a freaking jailbird, just like tim duncan's wife threw it away for a personal trainer. There's nothing tangible that you can look at that other guy and say, oh hey, he's just on another level from me. they throw away everything for some guy that's just around and gives them the tinglies. Guys pretty much gave them the world and they threw it away for a dude who is selling drugs or just got out. Which makes you think, why are you giving these women anything at all? Those same women engaging in this behavior will be popping back up on some, "Where have all the decent men went?? I just can't find them!"

its crazy, because some of the most important things a man can have is his freedom, his peace of mind, some time on his hands, and his money all in his control.

theres such a push to take all of those away from us, that even the prettiest of distractions can take a man off point and cost him everything. Im not advocating the abolishment of women in our lives, but they seriously need to be downgraded in the order of importance in a mans life. shes just a piece of the picture, and thats if shes able to keep up. if she cant, the rest of the pieces should still all be in place, and in the mans control. I dont want to surrender that anymore.

Im not feeling like I need to give up so much for so little. I prefer to be with peace of mind, and to do what I feel I need to, instead of listening to the static thats out there and be some kind of programmed lemming going along with the program... just because :manny:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
its crazy, because some of the most important things a man can have is his freedom, his peace of mind, some time on his hands, and his money all in his control.

theres such a push to take all of those away from us, that even the prettiest of distractions can take a man off point and cost him everything. Im not advocating the abolishment of women in our lives, but they seriously need to be downgraded in the order of importance in a mans life. shes just a piece of the picture, and thats if shes able to keep up. if she cant, the rest of the pieces should still all be in place, and in the mans control. I dont want to surrender that anymore.

Im not feeling like I need to give up so much for so little. I prefer to be with peace of mind, and to do what I feel I need to, instead of listening to the static thats out there and be some kind of programmed lemming going along with the program... just because :manny:

exactly. life has enough problems on it's own in your attempt to live it. There's no need to willingly INVITE problems into your life and there's no need to get yourself in a situation where you have to fabricate drama.

You ever notice how when things are going so smooth and seem so lovely, that's when the woman comes out with the whole 'we need to talk' thing or you discover she's not doing what she is supposed to?

If a woman is in your presence, she needs to be an asset in some way... she needs to ENHANCE your life. IF she's bringing that drama, she can save that for her momma. Negroes need to get off the chase of coochie and just live and just enjoy the life they were blessed with... and only life to the fullest. When you start chasing, you start accepting all kinds of bad behavior. You INVITE a woman into your life. You don't chase her and bring her in by any means necessary. Remember, an invitation is something that can be revoked.

God bless.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Help! I'm 30, Tamil... and Not Married -

Even the Tamil dudes recognize what this craziness is doing to their community.

The guy said, pretty much verbatim, the sentiment that's been said here and said a lot of other places.

this picture pretty much sums it up:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
just like kevm said and others, the man she is complaining about the most is the man she is giving it up to. ive seen it with my own eyes, chick complain about her baby daddy, he's horrible, hes a a$$hole, hes never there. You think wow ima treat this girl and her child good, you go the extra mile etc. that a$$hole whose never there who is so horrible pops up suddenly shes distant suddenly shes going to try again and be a family, untill a$$hole reverts back to his old wys and she comes running back like hey :childplease:, you date a chick whose been in abuse, complaining about her ex hes horrible he hit me, he put a gun to my face he punched me in the eye i ran to a womens shelter it was that bad (ive been in thsi situation) you feel bad, you hug her dont worry ill never treat you that bad, you stumble across her fb page and find out that nikka is hitting it still :scusthov:

i was cheated on numerous in my last relationship (so why did you stay :troll:), he lowered my self esteem, was always messing around with other girls i finally got the courage (:smugfavre:) and walked away


all these broads in these scenarios would sleep with that horrible a$$hole, abuser once more even if they were in arelationship with you


Jun 6, 2013
Wanted to get some feedback. I'm 25, been dating this girl for 2 months now who's 20 and is a dime piece. I'm a good looking dude and really mature for my age (graduated 4 year school, working on my career at a solid paying job, take care of myself physically and mentally).

This is where the disconnect is:

-She has a basic ass minimum wage job (so she's broke and I have to pay for pretty much everything)

-Currently in school but doesn't take it seriously and fails most of the classes. :what:

-She can't hold a convo, lacks that nuance I find sexy in grown women. :mjpls:

Am I being a simp because i'm staying with her for the sex which is on point and she's a 10 ?:takedat: