Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The longer you're around it, you eventually come to realize that a lot of modern day 'dealing with women' revolves around men attempting to qualify themselves to women via their screwed up filters that determine 'strength,' 'leadership' and 'manhood' in their mind. I say screwed up because look at father's day. Look at how many mothers were talking about, "I play the role of the father too!" Yeah, ok. How many women do you see posting the SAME nonsense on their walls. "Don't make someone a priority if you're only an option." Their supposed filters for manhood let player after player right through the door. Let me tell you the real name of the game of these modern women. They want to ho-up until they blow-up and then they will wait for the nice guy to show up.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Now this is nowhere near the truth, but because the woman feels that I can have my pick of the litter, she plays accordingly. This is true in a relationship and if you're just dating. Girls want the guy that every other girl wants. That's why when you're in a relationship your stock goes up. You just have to keep it up. If you want your girl to stay attracted.

women can be the biggest followers on this earth, thats why. they follow one girls moves, then try to outdo them all the time. their competitiveness is based on one upping and trying to look better than others. men can be like this too, but its not to the same degree. theres not that many who are truly independant thinkers, or can live life without seeking constant outside validation for their moves.

if one woman likes something, others will too. its like a homing beacon for them. they lock onto anything that is liked, and begin to like it too. even in high or seasonal fashion, you see one famous woman wear a rediculous, gaudy outfit with terrible patterns and logos all on it, you get the stores to sell it for a lot of money, and youll see tons of women try to buy it too. its wanted because it looks like its sought out and in demand now. just because something is in the new magazines and its become the new trend women will try it. when one hairstyle is getting attention, expect women to flock to it like crazy. look at instagrams. look at all the same poses, the same food pictures, the same nerdy glasses, the same filters, the same "naughty" shorts pics, the same goofy faces, the same party pics, basically all the same shyt. its across color and age lines. if one woman starts wearing stockings and heels with shorts on and it becomes popular, all sorts of women by the end of the month will rock that exact same style. if something is popular, expect to see them all try it out at least once. anything for attention and to fit in.

(plenty of men, especially today, do this kind of following too, but women are so much more driven by their appearances, attracting attention from all the eyes they can get, and being more into fashion and style that Im not going to even get into it)

when one person has what looks like a winning formula, expect women to be all over it. they like to duplicate and jump on established things, whether its a relationship (even if from someone else), a new diet, a new game to fool men with, or a wild new clothing trend - if its gaining momentum then they will try to do it too. you dont always see them go out and make their own thing poppin. theyre more ready to latch onto something good, than to make something good themselves. remember that they want someone "better" than them. its one of their traits, they learn to read things, try to get on board, and go from there. theyre the ultimate front runners. they see a winning team, and all of a sudden theyre fans of them. a lot of times they dont necessarily invest loyalty, kinship, or real support for their "team," they just see a winner and start waving the banner going woo woo to be down.


thats a hell of a way to act, because a lot of that shine and whoopty woo might only be on the surface. women depend on appearances because theyre always worried about how theyre going to look to others. but as we know, appearances arent everything.

as men we like a womans appearances for ourselves, however, and we dont typically like a woman just because she is with someone else or because other men are jocking her. we can be real particular and like a womans looks only because we see something about her and we like it. but when it comes down to it, we learn the lesson about appearances when we're out there messing with all these pretty girls who arent worth a dime, and seeing that just because a woman is "plain" does not mean she will never do you dirty. we need to push looks to the side to some degree, and see loyalty and having a real partnership as being valuable, rather then just going around trying to bag us a female, or just being happy that we are with someone in a relationship.

theres a chance that a woman, regardless of her appearances, isnt going to be worth locking down or putting energy into. that is lost on some men. appearances and what your friends think about a woman arent gonna make your life great.


to a woman, appearances as well as outside judgements seem to constantly play a major role in their lives. we're always seeing them worry about a mans appearances, that its almost funny. like checking the shoes, what job does he have, finding out how much he makes, where he lives, what kind of car he drives, do people know who he is, etc etc off the rip ... and its so regular and expected from them that you cant help but think that the woman is more concerned with how she will look next to that man than what hes really like.


seeing someone judging a person through their power, money, clothes, popularity or whatever is really mostly a female trait. those are the appearances that THEY are drawn to. as attractive as those things are to a woman, the fact is that those are not completely indicative of a mans character or who he is. and many women actually rob themselves of making a good choice because one or two of those outside appearances werent just as they wanted it. its as superficial as leaving your girl because you think her breasts, or lips arent the way you want them to be. so really, a lot of women seem to accept men based on how great he will make her look to others around her.

also, a lot of times when a woman wants to determine a mans worth, you notice that she has to look at what her inner circle thinks of him. peer pressure is harder on many women because they let it be that way. they actually invite it on themselves because they live off being talked about. when a girl you like is starting to get into you, she has to have a conference with her friends, get THEIR opinion on what she is doing, let them talk to her about it (because many women have a hard time sorting reality out through their emotions, it would seem), let their gallery of friends break down a bunch of shyt they really werent even there to speak on, and basically let groupthink take over.


honestly, we all need to be able to just say fukk what does not work for us, and move on. dont tie your decisions on what others are going to think, or worry about how it might look to others. as men, we lead. we can just say forget that deal, and never stay personally invested in what we're told to do. worrying about fitting in or what something looks like is the recipe to living someone elses life.

so many men and women today are only appearing like theyre making the right decisions because theyre following a premade script. this format is the barometer for "success" and doing what theyre told. its easier to make decisions about your life when what youre supposed to do is all written out and more or less planned by others. when your life is preset and on autopilot then youre more than likely just living like a robot. its never going to be rewarding if youre not finding your own space and your own peace of mind.

avoiding outside influences is key to finding your own peace in life. you dont need to marry a harlot to prove youre a man, you dont need to relentlessly smash hoes just because you think thats what makes you look great in others eyes, and you dont need to be acting traditional if these women arent acting and treating you traditionally. your decisions in life, it doesnt have to be any of those things. your most important decision is to discard the noise and figure out what you want, then understand how youre going to get it.

you can never please everybody, all of the time. not even most of the time. so work on what you want, leave the rest alone.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
What I'm finding is that the average 'modern woman' loves getting around. It's when her attention pool starts drying up, that's when all of a sudden she becomes miss innocent that was used by those bad, conniving players. How these women think is that they always want the 'maximum attention' at any given moment. When they're young, they want the flashy attention, which is the attention they desire the most. These are your musicians, sports stars, athletes, and other rich/famous type guys. When they find out they can't get attention from the top tier of guys in their mind due to their looks fading, all of a sudden they come with the 'i'm ready to settle down' and the 'i can't find a decent guy' sob story. When they hit 30 is when they will start to 'accept' the steady attention from providerman because she can't attract that top-tier attention like she used to. She'll go with providerman then and use up his attention to 'suffice' her, but she's constantly open to attention from a man she deems on that top tier. When that guy comes around, she'll eagerly let him get it while either not telling providerman or running him some kind of story. I don't feel sorry for those 'i can't find a decent man' women in their 30s... not one iota, because they CHOOSE to get around. Women constantly put themselves in positions to be treated by jump-offs. They willingly choose men that treat them as such and chalk it up to 'it's sooo exciting.' Only when her looks fall off and she can't get that top notch treatment does she really want to 'grow up.'

You can tell this is true because how many of these women that have been so called abused by 'players' will sleep with another guy within 3 days of meeting him? And this cycle somehow mysteriously happens over and over again. If she was really that wary of players, don't you think she would get the hint after maybe the second time it happened and stop sleeping around?

When you know what these women are doing, then you stop tripping so much because you don't put nearly as much effort into attracting them, nor do you really care about what they are doing... For example, you meet this new girl, she's fine, and lucky you, somehow she is single. She gives you her number and you call and text and she never answers. What happened? You were just one of many other guys she has in her rolodex and she's single because she chooses to be. Same thing when you take this woman out on a date and then you never hear from her. You listen to her while on the date and she gives you the whole 'i haven't found the right guy... they all just want to play around' spiel and think you lucked up on the hidden gem... but next time you try to contact her, she never answers back. Hmm, wasn't this a woman that was supposedly looking for a decent dude, but she doesn't get back at you despite you doing nothing but showing her a great time and treating her respectably? Yup, you were one of many.

When you come onto the scene knowing this, you won't trip if she flakes out. You'll just immediately cut your losses and move on. Nor will you ever invest any significant money into this woman because you know her mercenary mindset and knowing that spending all that money won't produce one single extra drop of loyalty. Now there are a few decent women out there, but until then, never invest much into these women until she has proven something to you.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
Something I've been practicing as of late is "silence"

Realizing that you don't have to address everything with these women. I'm not about to waste my time explaining to a woman how something she did made me feel. If she doesn't recognize it and apologize, then I realize we have a bigger problem. You shouldn't have to train or change a person.

I no longer curse them out, make them feel guilty or disrespect them. I just end the relationship. Fighting with a woman only brings added stress to your life, and unfortunately, some women get a thrill out of it. A woman should be courteous. Why should you have to teach her?

We're taught that all relationships have ups and downs. This is bullshyt. A stable relationship may have disagreements, but they have communication and respect. If you have a woman who is loose at the mouth and says whatever she feels at any given time, this is another behavior that will cause you misery down the line. I cringe when I see women out in public acting loud, rowdy and disrespecting their man. I ask, why are these men tolerating this?

What is she bringing to the table that makes her invaluable? What makes you feel like she's worth fighting with, rather than cutting her off so that you could be in a positive space?

I don't know about you guys, but I'm trying to keep my blood pressure low.


May 6, 2012
Something I've been practicing as of late is "silence"

Realizing that you don't have to address everything with these women. I'm not about to waste my time explaining to a woman how something she did made me feel. If she doesn't recognize it and apologize, then I realize we have a bigger problem. You shouldn't have to train or change a person.

I no longer curse them out, make them feel guilty or disrespect them. I just end the relationship. Fighting with a woman only brings added stress to your life, and unfortunately, some women get a thrill out of it. A woman should be courteous. Why should you have to teach her?

We're taught that all relationships have ups and downs. This is bullshyt. A stable relationship may have disagreements, but they have communication and respect. If you have a woman who is loose at the mouth and says whatever she feels at any given time, this is another behavior that will cause you misery down the line. I cringe when I see women out in public acting loud, rowdy and disrespecting their man. I ask, why are these men tolerating this?

What is she bringing to the table that makes her invaluable? What makes you feel like she's worth fighting with, rather than cutting her off so that you could be in a positive space?

I don't know about you guys, but I'm trying to keep my blood pressure low.
she is worth fighting for to them because he gave up his soul to her and she's holding it hostage. he doesn't know how to get it back and so he stays. As bad as she treats him, if she left, he would be DEVASTATED. As another poster would say, "It's so demonic friends".


All Star
May 12, 2012
she is worth fighting for to them because he gave up his soul to her and she's holding it hostage. he doesn't know how to get it back and so he stays. As bad as she treats him, if she left, he would be DEVASTATED. As another poster would say, "It's so demonic friends".

Outstanding post


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
That's what a lot of men are finally realizing. Why in the world am I putting up with this nonsense? Take sex out the equation and what are women bringing to the table? We've asked this question numerous times, and there's not much of an answer. On the other hand, if you get caught slipping, you can be turned into a financial slave, be raising some other man's kid or just be stressed out dealing with all these antics.

Maybe you get a little conversation, maybe she'll buy you a gift or two... But in the meantime you have to put up with all her tests, drama, flaking, wondering who are all these 'friends' and 'homies' she's always texting, wondering if she's really doing what she says when she tells you she's 'busy' etc. When a woman really likes you, things flow easy, but isn't that something quite tenuous to base something off of? "Being liked" is a feeling and emotions shift like the wind. When you're liked, she's sweet as sugar... but once those emotions are gone, you are nothing but trash to her and she won't have an iota of care for you. How many guys didn't do anything but treat a woman decently, but once the woman stopped liking you and her emotions shifted, she was cold as ice, treating him in a way that enemies treat each other?

The problem is cats pay these women attention no matter what, so that's why they are justified in acting how they do. When you have 30 corny dudes talking about they will drink her bathwater or lick her toes whenever she posts a picture, she gets the idea that men are disposable, which, in her world, they really are, since when one simp is tossed to the side, another one is sliding right on in. Nobody ever checks these women and tells them their behavior is trash. Instead, cats are morphing into new dudes, jumping through all kinds of hoops and playing the game on THEIR terms. A broad tells these dudes she likes men that look like Mr. Potato Head and you'll see the landscape filled with dudes wearing a potato sack on their body. If her behavior sucks, stop rewarding her with attention. Her vagina isn't THAT important that you need to accept garbage behavior in order to try to get a dose of it. Cats have no kinds of expectations and just deal with women 'no matter what', which is why things have turned into such garbage.


May 6, 2012
That's what a lot of men are finally realizing. Why in the world am I putting up with this nonsense? Take sex out the equation and what are women bringing to the table? We've asked this question numerous times, and there's not much of an answer. On the other hand, if you get caught slipping, you can be turned into a financial slave, be raising some other man's kid or just be stressed out dealing with all these antics.

Maybe you get a little conversation, maybe she'll buy you a gift or two... But in the meantime you have to put up with all her tests, drama, flaking, wondering who are all these 'friends' and 'homies' she's always texting, wondering if she's really doing what she says when she tells you she's 'busy' etc. When a woman really likes you, things flow easy, but isn't that something quite tenuous to base something off of? "Being liked" is a feeling and emotions shift like the wind. When you're liked, she's sweet as sugar... but once those emotions are gone, you are nothing but trash to her and she won't have an iota of care for you. How many guys didn't do anything but treat a woman decently, but once the woman stopped liking you and her emotions shifted, she was cold as ice, treating him in a way that enemies treat each other?

The problem is cats pay these women attention no matter what, so that's why they are justified in acting how they do. When you have 30 corny dudes talking about they will drink her bathwater or lick her toes whenever she posts a picture, she gets the idea that men are disposable, which, in her world, they really are, since when one simp is tossed to the side, another one is sliding right on in. Nobody ever checks these women and tells them their behavior is trash. Instead, cats are morphing into new dudes, jumping through all kinds of hoops and playing the game on THEIR terms. A broad tells these dudes she likes men that look like Mr. Potato Head and you'll see the landscape filled with dudes wearing a potato sack on their body. If her behavior sucks, stop rewarding her with attention. Her vagina isn't THAT important that you need to accept garbage behavior in order to try to get a dose of it. Cats have no kinds of expectations and just deal with women 'no matter what', which is why things have turned into such garbage.
i feel you but the weird thing is that it makes it easier to get chicks. Deep down they need a dude who treats them accordingly. Those dudes are very rare nowadays. Once she meets one, she'll run her little tests and whatnot and if you don't play her game and keep it real, she will not only submit but also be super attached to you. the only drawback is that it's hard to make them wives. But these days i'm wondering if it's really a drawback...just let let them disqualify themselves with their behavior.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
i feel you but the weird thing is that it makes it easier to get chicks. Deep down they need a dude who treats them accordingly. Those dudes are very rare nowadays. Once she meets one, she'll run her little tests and whatnot and if you don't play her game and keep it real, she will not only submit but also be super attached to you. the only drawback is that it's hard to make them wives. But these days i'm wondering if it's really a drawback...just let let them disqualify themselves with their behavior.

A man has to be confident, handsome, have all this game, and bring all this to the table, but what does she have to do? Show up... and she doesn't even have to show up with anything resembling decent behavior. These broads ain't bringing enough of value to be in a position to 'test men'... main reason they can get away with it is because the overabundance of thirst wolves who come in the door and will give her time and attention no matter her behavior.

At this point in my life, I couldn't care less about what 'women want' and what particular behavior pattern I can engage in that will unlock them acting like something that resembles a decent human being. I have zero concerns with passing whatever test she throws my way. What makes her qualified to be 'testing me?' Not a doggone thing.

More than anything, I deal with them straightforward and if they don't take to that or start coming with these tests or start flaking, they get booted. i'm not going to figure out what secret trick or behavioral technique I need to apply to get her to act like she has a modicum of modesty. I'm not the one to play 'her game'. She needs to come play mine and act right. I don't 'handle women.' They better handle themselves before they get to me.


May 6, 2012
A man has to be confident, handsome, have all this game, and bring all this to the table, but what does she have to do? Show up... and she doesn't even have to show up with anything resembling decent behavior. These broads ain't bringing enough of value to be in a position to 'test men'... main reason they can get away with it is because the overabundance of thirst wolves who come in the door and will give her time and attention no matter her behavior.

At this point in my life, I couldn't care less about what 'women want' and what particular behavior pattern I can engage in that will unlock them acting like something that resembles a decent human being. I have zero concerns with passing whatever test she throws my way. What makes her qualified to be 'testing me?' Not a doggone thing.

More than anything, I deal with them straightforward and if they don't take to that or start coming with these tests or start flaking, they get booted. i'm not going to figure out what secret trick or behavioral technique I need to apply to get her to act like she has a modicum of modesty. I'm not the one to play 'her game'. She needs to come play mine and act right. I don't 'handle women.' They better handle themselves before they get to me.
i feel you and that's what i meant by "not playing her game" meaning you don't give a fukk about her tests. then she submits to you but the downside is that you can't wife her because she's the type who runs tests (meaning she plays games).

So you just straight up keep it real and let them choose.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
its fukked up, but the more you study on how to raise and handle children, the better you will be at understanding and handling women. the differences between their attitudes are so small sometimes, that you see why we're sitting here looking at grown ass women like :wtf: their entitlement, emotional needs, immature whining, discplinary requirements, effectiveness of giving them the silent treatment, etc and the fact that they really dont know what they want, begins to tell you all you need to know about them. they might be "grown" in that they may work or pay their bills, but their social behavior and elevated place in society only feeds into their delusional egos.