No one here is advocating that females be forced into a position where they can't get jobs or where they have no choice in society. As Turbulent said, no one is going to disagree for equal pay for equal performance in work, giving women the opportunity to work and the right to be treated respectfully.
We are against the feminism that accepts all the benefits of 'equality' while accepting none of the consequences, as well as attempting to retain traditional benefits while not having to live up to any of its tenets. You know, the kind of feminism where an 'equal woman' can punch, kick and spit in the face of men and scream 'Hit me, hit me, hit me!" over and over and continually harass and attack him even as he's walking away and if the man chooses to defend himself, he's casted as the villain... or you know the kind where women don't want to be traditional women, but still expect men to pay for their dates and reward them with other traditional benefits.
There is a HUGE difference between "PUA" and racist white supremacists. As much as I don't care for PUAs, they are in no way comparable with racial supremacists. PUA is pretty much white terminology for "player." Their whole goal is to strategize on how to get sex from a woman and many PUAs arose because they were getting treated badly by women and ignored by women. That prompted them to come together and shared knowledge on how to deal with women. White supremacy comes from a position of domination and oppressing others. Most of those PUA artists come from a position of inferiority where they weren't getting attention from women or were on the losing end of encounters by women and learned how to improve their dealings with women.
In fact, it's funny how PUAs are looked upon as slimey manipulative scumbags, which is something I can actually agree upon in many cases, but NOT A WORD is said about women manipulators. It's misogyny being spouted on PUA blogs, but it's not misandry when you have a whole industry catered around teaching women how to manipulate men for their own gain. Ever looked on the cover of cosmo magazine? How about the influx of books that show women how to 'train their men like dogs'. How about articles like '10 ways to get your man to do whatever you want' or how about a forum like baller alert where gold diggers discuss how to get with a millionaire to fleece him of his wealth?
The thing is, no one in this thread has even advocated being be a PUA. In fact, we've spoken upon how it's a shallow lifestyle to be avoided. If we were advocating that kind of behavior, we'd have much more discussions on subjects like how to have a stable of hoes, how to get a woman to buy you gifts, etc., but we willingly choose not to discuss that here. There are no musings here on how to 'oppress women.' What we've discussed here is how to improve yourself and to deal with women in such a way that both you and your woman are really enjoying life. What we've been discussing here is REALITY based. If 50/50 relationships where you never had to lead and could just sit back in a relationship and things would be cool, what man wouldn't want that? If you could go to a restaurant and not a word would be raised upon a female paying her own way and you paying your own way, not a word would be raised against 50/50/ We speak against 50/50 because it doesn't WORK. Try it out yourself and see how quick you get taken advantage of or shamed in different ways.
Men have every right to look at a female's past and choose not to mess with her. This so-called double standard only exists because women want it to exist. Women have EVERY right to look at a man's sexual history and avoid a man who is a womanizer and has a history of sleeping around... but many women prefer a player. Just because a woman refuses to take a man's sexual history into account when determining if he's worthy of being in a relationship with doesn't mean the man should. Let's be honest. What is the first thing that people will say if a man gets done bad by a woman whose sexual history he overlooked? "You KNEW she was a ho when you got with her, so why are you surprised?" If we should stop 'slut-shaming', then we should stop pua/player shaming, no?