Brehs, I need guidance...
It's been months and I am still stuck on this same girl. It's the typical beta story... I didn't even get the bang... We were just friends for a very long time and I caught feelings and you know the rest...
It's been nearly 6-months since I've seen her... Don't have her on FB anymore but saw through some tagging she's with some new dude and straight away caught that

. Thing is... using advice from this thread, RooshV and the manosphere in general... I've been going out and doing me... Having a great time, too... I'm in the best shape of my life and have dramatically improved my game... But I've yet to meet anyone who makes me feel the same way she did.
What messes me up the most is looking at her objectively... She's a disaster. Cheated on her long term BF, got caught, made up, then left him years later and started f'cking the same dude again. She's turning 28 and before this new dude she was getting knocked down by a dude fresh out of high school and had a pregnancy scare, too. She's fine... but she's immature, lazy and a huge attention seeker. I should be thanking the almighty that this girl is out of my life but I'm still stuck on her.
This girl represents every mistake I ever made with women in the past. She represents the old me that I'm trying to leave behind. So why can't I just leave her in the past and move on? Why is the urge to

still so strong?