Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Brehs, I need guidance...

It's been months and I am still stuck on this same girl. It's the typical beta story... I didn't even get the bang... We were just friends for a very long time and I caught feelings and you know the rest...

It's been nearly 6-months since I've seen her... Don't have her on FB anymore but saw through some tagging she's with some new dude and straight away caught that :wow:. Thing is... using advice from this thread, RooshV and the manosphere in general... I've been going out and doing me... Having a great time, too... I'm in the best shape of my life and have dramatically improved my game... But I've yet to meet anyone who makes me feel the same way she did.

What messes me up the most is looking at her objectively... She's a disaster. Cheated on her long term BF, got caught, made up, then left him years later and started f'cking the same dude again. She's turning 28 and before this new dude she was getting knocked down by a dude fresh out of high school and had a pregnancy scare, too. She's fine... but she's immature, lazy and a huge attention seeker. I should be thanking the almighty that this girl is out of my life but I'm still stuck on her.

This girl represents every mistake I ever made with women in the past. She represents the old me that I'm trying to leave behind. So why can't I just leave her in the past and move on? Why is the urge to :cape: still so strong? :damn:

its called oneitis and its a sickening disease, im sure you know about oneitis, it sucks because you put say a ratchet no good chick on a pedastal and ignore her faults and think she is perfec tand her poop dont smell, but then you see the negatives and your lust is still so strong your like yeah she is horrible and no good but if she came back if she just called me i think we would have a blissful relationship :childplease:

the key is to stop checking up on her, out of mind out of sight, have zero contact, when she comes in your mind remove those thoughts, you've let to meet anyone who has that effect on you because you are stuck on her


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Brehs, I need guidance...

It's been months and I am still stuck on this same girl. It's the typical beta story... I didn't even get the bang... We were just friends for a very long time and I caught feelings and you know the rest...

It's been nearly 6-months since I've seen her... Don't have her on FB anymore but saw through some tagging she's with some new dude and straight away caught that :wow:. Thing is... using advice from this thread, RooshV and the manosphere in general... I've been going out and doing me... Having a great time, too... I'm in the best shape of my life and have dramatically improved my game... But I've yet to meet anyone who makes me feel the same way she did.

What messes me up the most is looking at her objectively... She's a disaster. Cheated on her long term BF, got caught, made up, then left him years later and started f'cking the same dude again. She's turning 28 and before this new dude she was getting knocked down by a dude fresh out of high school and had a pregnancy scare, too. She's fine... but she's immature, lazy and a huge attention seeker. I should be thanking the almighty that this girl is out of my life but I'm still stuck on her.

This girl represents every mistake I ever made with women in the past. She represents the old me that I'm trying to leave behind. So why can't I just leave her in the past and move on? Why is the urge to :cape: still so strong? :damn:

these type of women have seductive appeal. That's how they continue getting by on life. They know how to strike a chord in a man's emotions and they usually do look fine, so they strike that aspect of a man that makes a man want to save them, but in the end, they are like vampires and will use you up and discard you when it's said and done. You better keep it pushing.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
these type of women have seductive appeal. That's how they continue getting by on life. They know how to strike a chord in a man's emotions and they usually do look fine, so they strike that aspect of a man that makes a man want to save them, but in the end, they are like vampires and will use you up and discard you when it's said and done. You better keep it pushing.

the bible and all throughout history have told about these type of women

king Ahab was fascinated by Jezebels beauty and forcefulness of character and fell for her, and Jezebel, ambitious and proud, eagerly seized the opportunity of sharing the throne of a king. Any man, able to resist the wiles of a beautiful but wicked woman possesses true heroism. Joseph succeeded against the lovely yet lustful wife of Potiphar, but Caesar and Antony after conquering almost the whole world, were conquered by the fair but foul Cleopatra. Same with samson etc. all these women were beautiful and charming, had horrible traits these men knew were no good but kept falling and falling


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Pretty much man. You gain all this knowledge and you do all these different things and for what? You just come to a point and realize how backwards it all is. You have to play little games and make sure you don't take her to a restaurant, but you take her to some little cheap place so that she's not playing you out of too much money or you have to risk causing some kind of scene and make sure she's paying for herself... and you do this because you think she might play you and give you a kiss and sleep with another guy right after the date. The real question is, why should they even be taken out in the first place if that's the case? That's really despicable behavior--leeching off of someone that likes you and using them for a free meal and then lying to that person and sleeping with someone else right after the date.

Then if you manage to find a woman that appears to be decent and has a cool little personality, the 3 month rule comes into affect where you don't know if that's even her real personality or if she's just playing it cool until she can reel you in. Or you don't even know the number of men she really slept with, so she might be cool, but she was cool to 50 other guys before you. When it's said and done, it's really screwed up out there if you are trying to find a woman you can eventually build a family with.

it still amazes me to this day how men are still fighting over literally garbage


Jun 9, 2012
it's our ego man. you know she's bad news. But as Patrice Oneal once said, it's kind of like losing your favorite pen while at work and you just KNOW someone else took it and you obsess over it. deep down you know it's just a pen and its not that serious but it was yours (meaning you owned it).

maybe it's the same thing with that girl. she's a mess but you felt like you "had" her and then "lost" her. You don't really miss the chick. You miss "the feeling of having that chick". You miss the feeling of this being yours. and it's cool cause i think we all feel it. I think the best thing is to acknowledge the feeling, try to see where it truly comes from and then let it pass (all this is easier said than done but very doable.)

its called oneitis and its a sickening disease, im sure you know about oneitis, it sucks because you put say a ratchet no good chick on a pedastal and ignore her faults and think she is perfec tand her poop dont smell, but then you see the negatives and your lust is still so strong your like yeah she is horrible and no good but if she came back if she just called me i think we would have a blissful relationship :childplease:

the key is to stop checking up on her, out of mind out of sight, have zero contact, when she comes in your mind remove those thoughts, you've let to meet anyone who has that effect on you because you are stuck on her

these type of women have seductive appeal. That's how they continue getting by on life. They know how to strike a chord in a man's emotions and they usually do look fine, so they strike that aspect of a man that makes a man want to save them, but in the end, they are like vampires and will use you up and discard you when it's said and done. You better keep it pushing.

the bible and all throughout history have told about these type of women

king Ahab was fascinated by Jezebels beauty and forcefulness of character and fell for her, and Jezebel, ambitious and proud, eagerly seized the opportunity of sharing the throne of a king. Any man, able to resist the wiles of a beautiful but wicked woman possesses true heroism. Joseph succeeded against the lovely yet lustful wife of Potiphar, but Caesar and Antony after conquering almost the whole world, were conquered by the fair but foul Cleopatra. Same with samson etc. all these women were beautiful and charming, had horrible traits these men knew were no good but kept falling and falling

Solid advice. :salute:

Will keep pushing for something greater no matter what.


Playa from the Himalayas #ByrdGang
Jul 9, 2012
Had been in a relationship with this broad for over 2 years. Recently I deployed and we were already in a long distance relationship. She is a good girl for the most part. Now she is bringing things up from the beginning of our relationship where I was still talking to other girls. Claiming that since I don't have time to talk to her as much out here I "must be spending my time with somebody else". That is not the case. I'm just deployed and work 14 hour days. She had the nerve to tell me that she "almost disregarded me one night because she wanted to kiss another guy" I asked her why and she says "I'm attracted to the attention he gives me" apparently this guy has been buying her flowers and shyt. I'm thinking this is a classic case of "my boyfriend dosent give me enough attention so it's ok to do and say whatever". I think thats how she justifies it. Anyway she is about to go to Vegas for a couple days and then going to be stationed in Tokoyo so It would make sense why we just broke up. smh.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
There's just a point where you realize you are using positive euphemisms to cover up 'what it really is' because you don't really want it to be that or you're trying not to offend people... but when it comes down to it you realize there's something afoot.

You realize that no matter all this leadership you can possess, all this money you have, you can be swole, etc... all you are doing with most women is 'borrowing them.' They might enjoy your company for a while, but then they get bored and look for another guy. It's like they are at an attention buffet. They sample one guy until they get his attention and then they are off to the next one to experience the variety... and they are never at lack just because of how thirsty men are in this day and age.

The guy who is enjoying the current day is the guy who is out to play because he readily has available exactly what he is looking for, which is a variety of women willing to put out... but if you're actually trying to do the responsible thing and build a family, that's where you'll start to see things for what they are and how messed up the situation is. We are living in abnormal times if you want to build something with a woman for the long-term.

Women really do respond to you not paying them attention, one-word answering them and just generally not caring. As soon as you start showing interest in them, that's when they turn cold. So pretty much you can enjoy yourself, but never too much and never be too into the woman or else she will think you are weak and move on elsewhere... and if you aren't giving her her drama diet, she will get bored and spend her time elsewhere.

It really is amazing at how much attention alone will do for a woman, especially the attention of a guy that's not paying them much of it. They will throw away solid relationships and all kinds of things for that. It's also interesting how a lot of women aren't necessarily interested in the actual guy, but it's more like 'getting his attention' that is what matters. They will be sweet and cool until they get the guy to profess how much he likes her, and then all of a sudden she will go cold and disappear or start acting funny. And it's always this nonstop juggling act. When you're in a relationship with her, she will always hold the attention issue over your head. She had to talk to another guy because 'you're giving her too much attention', but then on the other hand, she talked to another guy because you're not giving her enough attention.

Something I've found is if things are going smoothly, if there's no drama... that's when she's ready to bounce and will appear out of nowhere with the 'we need to talk' nonsense or you will find out something about her you didn't want to. When it comes down to it, you really start to wonder if these women really like you or do they like the emotional rollercoaster you are inducing in them whether you realize you are doing it or not. Something you notice that women will say is, "I'm trying to get that old feeling back." and not, "I want YOU back." It's "I want that feeling." The moment you stop providing 'that feeling', and she's off looking somewhere else for it.


May 6, 2012
There's just a point where you realize you are using positive euphemisms to cover up 'what it really is' because you don't really want it to be that or you're trying not to offend people... but when it comes down to it you realize there's something afoot.

You realize that no matter all this leadership you can possess, all this money you have, you can be swole, etc... all you are doing with most women is 'borrowing them.' They might enjoy your company for a while, but then they get bored and look for another guy. It's like they are at an attention buffet. They sample one guy until they get his attention and then they are off to the next one to experience the variety... and they are never at lack just because of how thirsty men are in this day and age.

The guy who is enjoying the current day is the guy who is out to play because he readily has available exactly what he is looking for, which is a variety of women willing to put out... but if you're actually trying to do the responsible thing and build a family, that's where you'll start to see things for what they are and how messed up the situation is. We are living in abnormal times if you want to build something with a woman for the long-term.

Women really do respond to you not paying them attention, one-word answering them and just generally not caring. As soon as you start showing interest in them, that's when they turn cold. So pretty much you can enjoy yourself, but never too much and never be too into the woman or else she will think you are weak and move on elsewhere... and if you aren't giving her her drama diet, she will get bored and spend her time elsewhere.

It really is amazing at how much attention alone will do for a woman, especially the attention of a guy that's not paying them much of it. They will throw away solid relationships and all kinds of things for that. It's also interesting how a lot of women aren't necessarily interested in the actual guy, but it's more like 'getting his attention' that is what matters. They will be sweet and cool until they get the guy to profess how much he likes her, and then all of a sudden she will go cold and disappear or start acting funny. And it's always this nonstop juggling act. When you're in a relationship with her, she will always hold the attention issue over your head. She had to talk to another guy because 'you're giving her too much attention', but then on the other hand, she talked to another guy because you're not giving her enough attention.

Something I've found is if things are going smoothly, if there's no drama... that's when she's ready to bounce and will appear out of nowhere with the 'we need to talk' nonsense or you will find out something about her you didn't want to. When it comes down to it, you really start to wonder if these women really like you or do they like the emotional rollercoaster you are inducing in them whether you realize you are doing it or not. Something you notice that women will say is, "I'm trying to get that old feeling back." and not, "I want YOU back." It's "I want that feeling." The moment you stop providing 'that feeling', and she's off looking somewhere else for it.
a lot of them are parasites/vampires but it's all good though. it's part of the game.


Pimp C said:
The game is cold but it's gravy...

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Brehs have yall heard of this site for cheating spouses?

I just saw a commercial for this shyt. :wtf:

EDIT: I'm creating a troll profile for this site. No way I believe married women are putting their faces online for a cheating site.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
so since folks were talking about hot women who are bad news etc. i was just thinking what about jlo look at all her marriages and lts

cracks knuckles

jennifer lopez 44 years old and 2 children and 3 marriages all ended in divorce, currently dating a corny back up dancer

Ojani Noa (m. 1997–1998) -

Married on Feb. 22, 1997, the couple's marriage was short-lived: they divorced 11 months later. In Aug. 2007, a court-appointed arbitrator issued a permanent injunction that forbid Noa from "criticizing, denigrating, casting in a negative light or otherwise disparaging" his ex-wife.

couldnt find anything about him recently

Cris Judd (m. 2001–2003) happily married for the past 4 years

Marc Anthony (m. 2004) currently dating a heiress Chloe Green

diddy - single with 5 kids but a multi millionaire with options

ben affleck - happily married to jennifer garner with 2 kids

so who really won in the end? jlo is a 44 year old single mom dating backup dancers

while everyoen else she was serious with/ married is in happy relationships, married etc.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
'I Went Undercover on Ashley Madison' - 2 - Lifestyle - MSN CA

^^Some woman went undercover on that site.
What's terrible is that H. isn't even married yet. The woman he is thinking of cheating on is still only his fiancée. He says she's as close to perfect as any man could hope for, but it's clear he's conflicted. He believes that marriage is a path all men must travel at some point. If they've dated a woman for X number of years, marriage comes next, an obligatory stop on the endless conveyer belt. The union is doomed before it begins.

B. didn't realize when he married her that a little under a decade later he would be bored. He knew he was smarter, but she was beautiful and kind, and that was enough for him then. We talk about books, and he says his wife doesn't excite this part of his brain. "I could never have this conversation with her," he says. "She would start talking about the baby, or moving out of the city." She does not wear lingerie for him, like she used to. He expresses whole hollows of neglect.

Got damn some dudes are pitiful. nikkas writing passionate essays to strange women online because of their failure of a marriage.

Get married brehs.

now its time to read it from a man's perspective who went undercover.
Sep 6, 2012
Chatterbox FM
Done ran into this girl for the second time now. This time it was a grocery store, tried to avoid her but was unsuccessful. Awkward conversation was had. She mentioned fluff like hanging out and texting me and right now I'm unsure as to why I didn't call her out on that shyt face-to-face :snoop:

I dunno what's up with that shyt though. Like, I'm thinking this might be a trend in my area or something where girls suggest activities and hangout sessions face-to-face, but when it comes down to it, they back out. Then, if you encounter them in person afterwards, they act as though they didn't flake on the first opportunity, and then suggest more hangouts :wtf:

I'm going to stop interacting with drunk women too. I know some women who are feverishly indecisive and flip floppy when sober, but the irrational, illogical levels of conversation when these ladies are hammered is too high for a breh.


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
Done ran into this girl for the second time now. This time it was a grocery store, tried to avoid her but was unsuccessful. Awkward conversation was had. She mentioned fluff like hanging out and texting me and right now I'm unsure as to why I didn't call her out on that shyt face-to-face :snoop:

I dunno what's up with that shyt though. Like, I'm thinking this might be a trend in my area or something where girls suggest activities and hangout sessions face-to-face, but when it comes down to it, they back out. Then, if you encounter them in person afterwards, they act as though they didn't flake on the first opportunity, and then suggest more hangouts :wtf:

I'm going to stop interacting with drunk women too. I know some women who are feverishly indecisive and flip floppy when sober, but the irrational, illogical levels of conversation when these ladies are hammered is too high for a breh.

:beli: this chick wanted to set up a lunch, and on the day of the lunch she doesn't show up and doesn't respond to text, a couple weeks later she sends another text talking about "we should link up" as if she has no memory of standing me up. I saved the text messages, screen shot the text and sent it to her.