I broke a girls heart and i'm seriously feeling bad about it brehs... Might not sleep well tonight...
what happened?
I broke a girls heart and i'm seriously feeling bad about it brehs... Might not sleep well tonight...
Carné Asada;4464448 said:what happened?
I led her on and didn't take her serious because I didn't know how emotionally invested she was... We been talkin for a good 2-3 months hanging out doing non-romantic shyt(no sex but we did kiss) She started saying how she loved me and such but I figured it was just game... She started getting clingier and clingier so I just put her number on block for what was supposed to be a few days which wound up becoming a whole month... Now the reason this happened is because I forgot I put her number on block because I do it to so many people So me being stubborn not realizing I blocked her I'm wondering why she stopped calling. I'm like "f*ck it she don't call me then she in the bushes"... I went to put another number on block today and saw shortie's number on the list. When I realized what I did I called her today and she was broken, cursed me out and called me a womanizer and everything it hurt me because I never intended to hurt her Just needed some space... I hate when I hurt people who don't deserve it... All she did was like me...
Why didn't you tell her that you wanted some space for a minute instead of blocking her? By blocking her, it make her feel that she did something wrong or piss you off without even knowing the reason. I been on the other side, so I know why she was angry.I led her on and didn't take her serious because I didn't know how emotionally invested she was... We been talkin for a good 2-3 months hanging out doing non-romantic shyt(no sex but we did kiss) She started saying how she loved me and such but I figured it was just game... She started getting clingier and clingier so I just put her number on block for what was supposed to be a few days which wound up becoming a whole month... Now the reason this happened is because I forgot I put her number on block because I do it to so many people So me being stubborn not realizing I blocked her I'm wondering why she stopped calling. I'm like "f*ck it she don't call me then she in the bushes"... I went to put another number on block today and saw shortie's number on the list. When I realized what I did I called her today and she was broken, cursed me out and called me a womanizer and everything it hurt me because I never intended to hurt her Just needed some space... I hate when I hurt people who don't deserve it... All she did was like me...
I led her on and didn't take her serious because I didn't know how emotionally invested she was... We been talkin for a good 2-3 months hanging out doing non-romantic shyt(no sex but we did kiss) She started saying how she loved me and such but I figured it was just game... She started getting clingier and clingier so I just put her number on block for what was supposed to be a few days which wound up becoming a whole month... Now the reason this happened is because I forgot I put her number on block because I do it to so many people So me being stubborn not realizing I blocked her I'm wondering why she stopped calling. I'm like "f*ck it she don't call me then she in the bushes"... I went to put another number on block today and saw shortie's number on the list. When I realized what I did I called her today and she was broken, cursed me out and called me a womanizer and everything it hurt me because I never intended to hurt her Just needed some space... I hate when I hurt people who don't deserve it... All she did was like me...
I led her on and didn't take her serious because I didn't know how emotionally invested she was... We been talkin for a good 2-3 months hanging out doing non-romantic shyt(no sex but we did kiss) She started saying how she loved me and such but I figured it was just game... She started getting clingier and clingier so I just put her number on block for what was supposed to be a few days which wound up becoming a whole month... Now the reason this happened is because I forgot I put her number on block because I do it to so many people So me being stubborn not realizing I blocked her I'm wondering why she stopped calling. I'm like "f*ck it she don't call me then she in the bushes"... I went to put another number on block today and saw shortie's number on the list. When I realized what I did I called her today and she was broken, cursed me out and called me a womanizer and everything it hurt me because I never intended to hurt her Just needed some space... I hate when I hurt people who don't deserve it... All she did was like me...
yup, that's what i'm saying! it makes people a little nervous and makes things more intense. but i don't even mean it as a technique though. i mean it more like, if she acts like it's my job to make her comfortable then i need to make her see things differently. Just like she has the right to walk out on me if she's not feeling this, I want her to understand that i could do the same if i'm not feeling this.A guy named "60yearsofchallenge", whom I've mentioned here before, has an entire method of seduction that revolves around this. The awkwardness, uncomfortable silences etc. is actually sexual tension, and his line of thinking is that not only should you not "rescue" the girl and diffuse the silence, you should actually seek to build up the sexual tension as much as you can. Witty jokes, being "cocky and funny" and all that may seem cool, but they actually diffuse the sexual tension and ruin your rapport with the woman.
It seems counter-intuitive at first, and it flies in the face of every PUA crap there is, but it works. All of our lives we have been taught to swim against the tide when we should have been swimming with it.
When I was into game heavily I've had more success with this method than with all the other PUA stuff combined. And it's even better because you don't have to become a fukking dancing monkey(routines, canned material, shyt tests, dhv stories and all the other nonsense). It played to my strengths too, because I'm naturally calm, quiet and introverted, so on top of everything else I don't have to force myself to be something I'm not: the loudmouth, fratboy, life-of-the-party type
My homie has been dating this chick for 2 months and she wants him to meet her moms. My first response is like son...nah...way too early. He says nah she lives with her mom and it's a stepmom and they're very close so this is important.
Am I wildin? I feel like I'm trying to get this man to avoid a fatal error and he's telling me I'm using my prior situations with females and my situations with my own parents as a basis for this advice and thus I'm biased?
By all means, nothing wrong with dude apologising to the girl and for the record, I wasn't being mean when talking about her. She's probably a nice person.
But IMHO, as far as pursuing a relationship is concerned, I think that horse has already bolted out the stable. Looking at it from her point of view, I wouldn't want to get into a relationship with someone who just suddenly cut me off with no explanation at all. I'd tell them where to go.
On the other hand, I don't think such clinginess and 'I love yous' after such a short period of time is a good thing either considering they weren't even a proper item. But that's just my point of view. I could be wrong of course, cos obviously I'm not in the situation and don't know either party.
Both sides should probably just take it as a learning experience.
I block numbers if I don't Change my number beforehand. I don't view it as childish., I remember years ago dealing with a bad breakup, months went by with no contact I was starting to feel better then poof got a text message and that ish set me back. I don't like people I don't want to talk to or associate with being able to contact me.
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Way to early Imo, you know the first time I want to meet someone's parents? Is when we're about to get engaged
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