we all take Ls man. it could be from a chick you barely know and not even kissed or a chick you've been married with for 10 years and have kids with. and ven if you'll feel them differently, they'll both sting in the moment. Usually a "fling" refers to a chick you fukked. that other chick who's grandpa died, she figures she can afford not giving you any energy cause in her mind you'll still be there if she decides to come back to you (she thinks you're in her back pocket). Don't contact her for a while and watch how she'll try to come back as if nothing happened. and if she finds out you kept it moving, watch how she'll subtly try to guilt trip you. don't let women use tragedy as an excuse to act shytty. but like you said, don't be bitter about it either. Just realize it's human nature.
but if your old fukkbuddy doesn't want anything to do with you over that or if she starts acting funny because that girl told her something, is your old fukkbuddy really worth your time?Went to the gas station today saw this chick who look like old co-worker.
When she saw me she stuck her nose up at me and put on her sunglasses.
I was think she was mad i did not say hi or something because when i knew her she was very friendly even tho i stop fukking with her over some lil shyt.
I called her name after i walk past her to see if she would respond she said nothing i said o well walk in the store.
She wait till i left the store to drive off.
I'm thinking she thought i was ugly(i don't care what she thinks)
She was mad i did not say hi sooner(i have bad eyes can't see well)
She thought she was to good to talk to me(Like i said don't care)
What i do care about is her going back and running her mouth about me to my old fukk buddy who im trying to get back with.
but if your old fukkbuddy doesn't want anything to do with you over that or if she starts acting funny because that girl told her something, is your old fukkbuddy really worth your time?
Him: I want to have sex with you.
Her: Not until were married (or at least engaged).
Him: Okay, lets get on with it then.
Him: I want to have sex with you.
Her: Okay, jump on.
[ six months later ]
Her: I want to get married.
Him: Why mess up a good thing?
Her: Why are there no good men anymore?
What's up with all you males that shame women for premarital sex. Stop trying to ruin it for the rest of us
We don't like HPV/AID...........
When talking to a chick (doesn't matter if you've known her for a while or if you just approached her randomly) sometimes you'll have awkward moments or uncomfortable silences. Don't always feel like it's your responsibility to dissipate that awkwardness. I've actually learned lately to get "acquainted" and comfortable with that awkwardness. It can even help you get further at times. See a lot of us will feel that awkwardness and rush to find a way to make it go away. When you do that, the chick will automatically feel like she has the upper hand on you because from now on, it's your job to make things comfortable for her. You're basically serving her. When the weird silences come, let it marinate a little bit and be relaxed in it. Once she sees you really don't give a fukk, watch how quick she'll try to fill in the space and "make things ok again" because she'll start doubting herself and if she did something wrong. Now she's serving you...
You gotta show her that if the convo doesn't go smoothly, you're not the only person responsible for that. it's suppose to be an exchange of energy, show her she can't just take and not give. Don't always run from awkwardness. face it sometimes. it's a balance in there you have to reach (i don't think you should put it all on her either, you have to figure out your own style).
And the funny thing is that us guys are experienced at dissipating it through charm, jokes, wit, etc. So we can navigate through it. But most chicks aren't (because they never had to). Most don't have charm. Two things will typically happen. They'll either cut the interaction (and even then when they see you don't give a fukk, they'll start doubting themselves and think maybe they were the one being lame and uninteresting, and then they try to get your attention back) OR they'll just submit to you and seek your attention even more (and their main weapon is sexual energy) so the ball is in your court.
As usual, i advise not to become arrogant with it if it works for you.
This is an EXCELLENT post that might go under the radar, true gem being dropped. As men we often feel like it's our job to make the interaction go smoothly, which is why when we really like a girl we'll go above and beyond to keep the conversation interesting. Even if she likes you back, that puts the power in her hands because she can just sit back and watch while you entertain her. We often wonder why those women we are not attracted to are more persistent that than those we are, it is INDIFFERENCE. INDIFFERENCE is your greatest weapon, gentlemen, a woman will take your hatred over your INDIFFERENCE. Show her attention when YOU feel like, not when she asks for it, she'll notice the balance of power and either seek the attention somewhere else OR go above and beyond to get it from YOU![]()
yup and it has to be true indifference too. We're taking the power away from them. The hardest thing is to truly be indifferent, not just front like we are. But we'll get there...This is an EXCELLENT post that might go under the radar, true gem being dropped. As men we often feel like it's our job to make the interaction go smoothly, which is why when we really like a girl we'll go above and beyond to keep the conversation interesting. Even if she likes you back, that puts the power in her hands because she can just sit back and watch while you entertain her. We often wonder why those women we are not attracted to are more persistent that than those we are, it is INDIFFERENCE. INDIFFERENCE is your greatest weapon, gentlemen, a woman will take your hatred over your INDIFFERENCE. Show her attention when YOU feel like, not when she asks for it, she'll notice the balance of power and either seek the attention somewhere else OR go above and beyond to get it from YOU![]()
Never listen to women's advice when it comes to how to deal with them (even if you,re asking a family member). She could have the best intentions in the world and even be rooting for you but you ask them "I i want Michelle, what should i do to make it happen?" and for some reason she'll hear "I want Michelle, what should i do to make her feel good/make her happy?"![]()
This is definitely an excellent post, because I never even thought about that one before....and I've never read or heard any relationship/dating guru mention this point.
Damn near everyone will give you a million things to say or do to in order to break that awkward silence, while totally negating the very small but crucial fact that EVERYTHING is supposed to be on an even keel and that the woman is supposed to make just as much an effort as you do. No one ever says this. All these so called experts put emphasis on witty one liners and body movements to "win over" a chick as if these broads out here aren't used to damn near every tactic by now. Nearly any and everyone from your coworker to your auntie will tell you if you don't perform more tricks than a clown on a unicycle juggling balls, then the chick will see it as indifference and assume you're not interested and keep it moving. Well, tough shyt if that is the case. So someone can tell manginas like Obama to save all these Steve Urkel type stories on how he used to try and win over Michelle. FOH with that, we're a new breed of men over here.
The moment you go all out and sweat a chick just to see her smiling and get some kind of short lived validation, then you've already lost.
yup and it has to be true indifference too. We're taking the power away from them. The hardest thing is to truly be indifferent, not just front like we are. But we'll get there...
Never listen to women's advice when it comes to how to deal with them (even if you,re asking a family member). She could have the best intentions in the world and even be rooting for you but you ask them "I i want Michelle, what should i do to make it happen?" and for some reason she'll hear "I want Michelle, what should i do to make her feel good/make her happy?"