Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
yup and it has to be true indifference too. We're taking the power away from them. The hardest thing is to truly be indifferent, not just front like we are. But we'll get there...

You said it, true indifference. No point being on some pretend shyt where you know damn well you're lying to yourself, because then you'll be feeling all cut up and hurt inside while trying to put on a facade. Just like someone mentioned a few pages back of a woman who admitted that many or most broads still like to be approached for sex even when they know they'll never sleep with the guy.

It has to be genuine and it takes a lot of effort to get to that stage.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Having sluts everywhere might be cool to a young man, but when he's older, guess which stock he will end up having to choose for his wife. When you decide you want a wife and someone to build with, all you will be left with are women who will end up being your eventual baby momma because you can't build with them. In regards to being indifferent to women, the best way to do that is to realize that you have little to gain from dealing with most of these women in the first place and just focus your mind on other stuff. Stop worrying about if she's responding to your texts or microanalyzing anything. If she's not making herself available regularly, just realize she ain't worth messing with and keep it pushing.


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
WOMEN ARE NOT SPECIAL. I want anyone reading this thread to internalize that. WOMEN ARE NOT SPECIAL. This is not a chauvinist/sexist statement. Women are no more and no less imporant than Men are, we are not smarter or superior to them, but THEY ARE NOT ABOVE US. Don't ever grovel or beg for a woman's favor. It's extremely hard to actually internalize INDIFFERENCE that we have been been talking about in this thread. We are males, Human males are hunters and it is our nature to lust after the females. Thats the way of the world, I love women and sex just as much as any other man. But just as we have been talking about all throughout this thread, you are doomed for failure if women are your number one priority. The first sep in becoming truly INDIFFERENT starts with the statement WOMEN ARE NOT SPECIAL. Love them, cherish them, treat them with courtesy and respect (as you should everyone) but don't think the fact that they have a vagina makes them some kind of special entity. They are human beings that happen to be female, that simple fact seems to elude so many males today that put them on pedestals. One of the big reasons indifference is so valuable is it allows you to understand THE GAME without harboring resentment. Many women take advantage of their attractiveness to manipulate men, this is true, but that is not a condemnation of women. The world we live in is all abou survival of the fittest, if any of us were females we would be doing the exact same thing. Understand the game, understand the power balance, hate it if you want but never hate THEM. There are bad women, just as there are bad men, human beings are capable of heartless actions. Achieve this INDIFFERENCE but never let it turn to resentment, I promise that once you get to that point the way you interact with women will never be the same


Jun 28, 2012


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Sluts make bad wives and mothers, but good short-term sex partners.

For you, noble cocksmith of the internet, I give this list of slut tells to help you screen girls out (for relationships) or screen them in (for a quick dikking).

(in no particular order):
Celebrity worship
Wears Leopard print
Claims she was “abused” in the past
Has tattoos and piercings other than the ear lobe. *Higher slut points the closer it is to an erogenous zone.
Fakeness (Bleached or dyed hair, boob job, fake nails, hair extensions, penciled on eyebrows)
Frequently travels to party destinations
Moves frequently
fukks the first night you meet her (basically whatever date you fukk her on is what date guys usually fukk her on)
She doesn’t live near her family
Claims she never wants kids
Has a gay bff and/or orbits several gay guys and/or loves gay culture in general
Dates younger men (no matter what her age or how small the age gap)
Has nude pictures of herself on her phone or computer
Single mother
She’s attractive, yet goes long lengths of time without a boyfriend
Wears hoop earrings
In pictures she tries to look sexy or sultry with closed lips instead of giving a warm, geniune smile
Has a messy bedroom
Wears bright red lipstick
Loves clubbing
Is really into the concert or electronic dance scene
Sorority girl
Early virginity loss (once girls start having sex, they don’t stop)
Can’t get along with girls
Has lots of “guy friends”
Child of divorce or unmarried parents
Posts “selfies” on social media
Has male hobbies (sports, gambling, etc.)
Drinks beer
Shows little concern for condom use
Drinks to excess often
Constantly has her iPhone glued to her hands
Is on multiple social media accounts that she updates
Is passionately liberal and feminist
Gives an especially skilled blowjob (as Andrew Dice Clay says…where do you think she learned that?)
Comes from a poor or lower class family
Has an unhealthy diet
Claims bisexuality
Hates to cook. Most of her meals come from eating out or ordering in.
Her friends are sluts
Uses drugs (the words “coke” and “whore” go together like peanut butter and jelly
She did pageants
Is a bartender or (to a lesser extent) a waitress

This list is by no means comprehensive but it will serve you well on your path to avoid infidelity and heartbreak, but also indulge in cost-free p*ssy without guilt.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk 4 beta


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
It reiterates why saving yourself for marriage is ideal. The fact is though, most people make mistakes in choosing partners as they grow up. We have to get over looking for perfection and beating ourselves and each other up over past mistakes. Go out and live to the best of your ability. Everybody makes mistakes.

I wish I was a virgin. One thing in my life I wish I could have kept

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk 4 beta


May 6, 2012
:ohlawd: So much truth being dropped in this thread. It saddens me that I couldn't have started reading some of this material when I was younger.

- This indifference (real indifference) is reached through self actualization. You want to figure out how to get women? Figure out you first. Your goals and ambitions should come before every woman except your mother, she is the only woman who will ever love you unconditionally. There is no more valuable knowledge than that of yourself, once you know YOU, and you become your own first priority, then everything else starts falling in to place. Your family and REAL friends should always take priority over any woman until she proves otherwise. There are billions of women in the world, there is no need for a man to EVER to sacrifice his integrity in the pursuit of ONE.

- Your second point is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT truth. Who are you going to take fishing advice from, the fisherman or the fish? :mjpls:
this whole thread could have been a sub-forum. Feeling your whole post man. Sometimes i think back of times when i put women i was infatuated with above my goals and even above family and friends. I think back and really feel like i was committing sins against myself. Two things that are hard IMO: letting go of the ego and of the feeling. And forgiving yourself for the fact that you didn't put yourself first all this time...


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Me personally, I don't hate women. I hate how a lot of women ACT in this day and age. A woman that is feminine and holds her man down, that's a lovely thing. Who has a qualm against that? Not a soul.

Now let me clarify about 'indifference'. You should be indifferent towards low quality women who play games... but when actually dealing with a woman, you should NOT be indifferent towards her and her behavior. If you can't enjoy yourself and be passionate about your dealings with her, you shouldn't deal with her at all. For example, if you come across a woman that is playing all these little games, indifference would be you cutting all interactions with her short and not giving it a second thought. But when you are actually spending time WITH a woman, you don't want to be indifferent to her, or in other words, forcing yourself to be tolerant of her bad behaviors because you feel so privileged to have her company.

Men shouldn't tolerate putting up with that trash behavior. Refuse to deal with these broads that act like that and let them know their behavior sucks. If you have to be indifferent when dealing with something that you aren't forced to deal with, then don't deal with it, point blank. If I have to force myself to be indifferent to play a certain videogame, that tells me the videogame is wack and I'm forcing myself to play it for whatever reason. I don't HAVE to play videogames, so I'm wasting my time playing a videogame I have to be indifferent towards. Same thing with a woman. If I have to 'tolerate' her behavior, I don't need it.

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
When talking to a chick (doesn't matter if you've known her for a while or if you just approached her randomly) sometimes you'll have awkward moments or uncomfortable silences. Don't always feel like it's your responsibility to dissipate that awkwardness. I've actually learned lately to get "acquainted" and comfortable with that awkwardness. It can even help you get further at times. See a lot of us will feel that awkwardness and rush to find a way to make it go away. When you do that, the chick will automatically feel like she has the upper hand on you because from now on, it's your job to make things comfortable for her. You're basically serving her. When the weird silences come, let it marinate a little bit and be relaxed in it. Once she sees you really don't give a fukk, watch how quick she'll try to fill in the space and "make things ok again" because she'll start doubting herself and if she did something wrong. Now she's serving you...

You gotta show her that if the convo doesn't go smoothly, you're not the only person responsible for that. it's suppose to be an exchange of energy, show her she can't just take and not give. Don't always run from awkwardness. face it sometimes. it's a balance in there you have to reach (i don't think you should put it all on her either, you have to figure out your own style).

And the funny thing is that us guys are experienced at dissipating it through charm, jokes, wit, etc. So we can navigate through it. But most chicks aren't (because they never had to). Most don't have charm. Two things will typically happen. They'll either cut the interaction (and even then when they see you don't give a fukk, they'll start doubting themselves and think maybe they were the one being lame and uninteresting, and then they try to get your attention back) OR they'll just submit to you and seek your attention even more (and their main weapon is sexual energy) so the ball is in your court.

As usual, i advise not to become arrogant with it if it works for you.
A guy named "60yearsofchallenge", whom I've mentioned here before, has an entire method of seduction that revolves around this. The awkwardness, uncomfortable silences etc. is actually sexual tension, and his line of thinking is that not only should you not "rescue" the girl and diffuse the silence, you should actually seek to build up the sexual tension as much as you can. Witty jokes, being "cocky and funny" and all that may seem cool, but they actually diffuse the sexual tension and ruin your rapport with the woman.

It seems counter-intuitive at first, and it flies in the face of every PUA crap there is, but it works. All of our lives we have been taught to swim against the tide when we should have been swimming with it.:snoop:

When I was into game heavily I've had more success with this method than with all the other PUA stuff combined. And it's even better because you don't have to become a fukking dancing monkey(routines, canned material, shyt tests, dhv stories and all the other nonsense). It played to my strengths too, because I'm naturally calm, quiet and introverted, so on top of everything else I don't have to force myself to be something I'm not: the loudmouth, fratboy, life-of-the-party type


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Now let me explain. I was blessed to grow in a family where much of my family ascribed and stuck with the traditional family structure. It was an utterly amazing experience going to family reunions and seeing all of my uncles, aunts and cousins and all of the love present inbetween. Just seeing stable households with the family being raised right is a blessing, so I KNOW what is going on today is screwed up. Having women with multiple kids from different dads is dysfunctional behavior. Single parent households are NOT optimal environments for kids to grow up in. A lot of kids are missing out, not only from instruction from one whole part of the equation (mother or father), but they are also missing out on family get togethers and being in presence of all of your blood. When you have all of this mixing and matching where you see numerous daddies come into mom's life, you never really get the sense of that cohesive family structure. A traditional relationship when done right and adhered to is a beautiful thing, which is why I still hold hope for it. Trust me, I could easily be using the knowledge I know to take advantage of women. Instead of me complaining about the breakdown of the family structure and the sorts of behaviors and making an attempt to turn things around, I could be spending my efforts breaking women down and playing around with them. There's a reason you don't hear me posting about player nonsense. It may be fun in the short-run having all kinds of women, but none of that really compares to having that one woman you can build a strong family with. Unfortunately, in this day and age of hoe proliferation and where people actually discourage you for calling women out on promiscuous behavior, how can you feel confident in a woman to start a family with her, especially knowing that your life can be destroyed even if you do the right thing?

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
Brothas are thinkin too hard when it comes to women/relationships.Once we start asking ?'s like "What do you see me as", "Where do we go from here". That means we are relinquishing our role as a leader.Think of it like this. When a MAN and WOMAN gets married.Usually the woman is the one planning everything,the dress,the lists,flower girls etc. As for us we just show up. Thats what we do in relationships we just show up and do our duty.Leave the planning and direction (as to where the relationship goes) to the women.


May 17, 2012
Brothas are thinkin too hard when it comes to women/relationships.Once we start asking ?'s like "What do you see me as", "Where do we go from here". That means we are relinquishing our role as a leader.Think of it like this. When a MAN and WOMAN gets married.Usually the woman is the one planning everything,the dress,the lists,flower girls etc. As for us we just show up. Thats what we do in relationships we just show up and do our duty.Leave the planning and direction (as to where the relationship goes) to the women.

i agree.

when dealing with women, be as leery as you would be if u had a snake in your backpack. but at the same time, just enjoy them. when/if they start showing signs of "emptyheadedness", you know what to do.

George Gooney

May 6, 2012
I broke a girls heart and i'm seriously feeling bad about it brehs... Might not sleep well tonight :snoop:...