Rocket Scientist
Cats can drive themselves crazy with the calling back and texting game.This is why im for deleting #'s.Alot of people may say it doesnt take all that,yes it does.Let me break it down. In this day and age you barely get long MEANINGFUL coversation im talking about the hey how are you doing?Have you read anything meaningful?Im just checkin on you to make sure your ok etc...People have your #'s but when you give it to them,they already categorized you.They either want a favor or wont contact you at all.I say this if your in my phone and i havent heard from you in over 3 months (minimum) then whats the point?Yes everybody has lives but a simple how are you?Glad your alive and well Takes 3 seconds out of a 24 hr day.These women out here will hit you up on some favor tip. I had a friend who I havent talk to in months and before this year haevent seen in a decade, hit me up on some "Can I borrow some money".I tell you brothas you control your phonebook.Babygirl acts funny and hits you with "k" texts and one word answers,delete her.Real women communicate effectively.After 1 text and 1 phone call you will know the real deal and if a date isnt secured by then...move on