Redemption is Coming
Never Backpedal Or Explain Yourself
If you say or do something that seems to upset a woman, dont try to explain your way out of it or do something to make her feel better. Dont act like you screwed up or show her that youre nervous just because shes acting upset. Just move on as if nothing happened. Get right on to the next topic or story. If she stays on it, whines or complains, just say Get over it, it was a joke, stop being a pain, and then get on to the next topic again. If you try to backpedal or explain yourself or in any way hint that you think youve screwed up, youre DEAD MEAT. If you say something and she doesnt like it, thats not YOUR problem. Women often complain to see if they can manipulate you with their emotions, and when you show you dont fall for this, her respect and ATTRACTION for you will go through the roof.
Some chick at work pulled this on me and she been on ignore status since. They were talking about her pants and everybody was saying how they look good on her. So, I was like yeah she gonna have to wear it again cuz I like it too. Mind you that's a female who jokes with me all the time. SHe then blew off like " You not my bf to tell me such Mr. Go find your wife to tell her such". I then replied "Sorry that I used to address you cuz I thought you were more mature even though you act like you still in HS" Then all the girls got on her like he was just complimenting you, why u came at him like that ? She was like "oh if he don't like it, oh well. He too sensitive then"
So I haven't talked to her in 2 weeks and she grabbed my arm like "are we cool now ?" I said "Yeah. We are exactly where we supposed to be at. Let's work cuz that's what we're here for "
Well, she tried to get in my car and I told her "hell NAH!"