to anyone struggling due to exes etc. the bond will be broken one day. Time is the best equalizer, i was once in your shoes, signing in looking at their facebook page, refreshing their twitter clicking on nikkas whose following her like whose that. Feeling liek crap when a niew nikka was dating her, knowing hes in those guts, but patience my friends there will be a day when you no longer care, when she texts you, you will be like ugh leave me be, when she wants to hang out "as friends" you would once jump at that chance now your like :woah: its ok.
be strong lads, like a super saiyan you will only come back stronger after being battle tested:swag:
lol i usually peeped their profiles or whatever for a couple of days. but after that i delete them with the quickness. and remove all their contact info from immediate reach. if i have to hunt to find sh1t, chances are i'll just be like fucck it. that's always worked. i dont have the heart to find out who someone i once loved is dating. yall n1ggas that have gone through that, i dont know. u must have a heart of steel. me, not built for that life. not knowing for sure is waaaay better lol.