Because they know a weak dude will turn a blind eye to it and KIM.
Make no mistake, The simp mentality is the true enemy, once we eradicate a good portion of it, a lot of things will change.
@Malikthegod I think once she started saying stuff like she was previously a jump-off and cheated on other dudesthshould have shown her the door...not necessarily in a mean way or nothin but just ended it there....then the whole aquarium thing..c'mon b thats str8 disrespect to you I dont even care what she says..when my girl and I first started we would both tell ppl we were just friends coz we didnt want anyone in our was an agreement between us until we became official...what she did is basically call you a lame to another catthen the STD
naaaah breh
once you compromise on one thing its an ever-increasing shyt storm...better u rack that L and dip before you rack up more
an STD breh!!!:jojo:
You already know breh. I remember mentioning dissonance a couple weeks ago,..what was the post about again?
It's hard to avoid, i've been guilty of it in relationships myself.
never accept what your woman says on face value only, especially if its in the starting "honeymoon" phase. this is a time when you really dont know her, and can only see what she wants you to see. just be ready to ask questions to get to the bottom of things. likewise, you will have to do this for the remainder of your time with her as well, when things get rocky. remember to remain grounded in the truth. keep your common sense and wits about you, because "love" is not an answer to anything, its just an emotion.
always be ready to question what they say and or what they could mean when theyre doing something peculiar. approach the situation rationally, calmly, and do not accuse. merely question them. let them explain things and continue through your line of reasoning just to see if it smells fishy or not. the deeper you go into a lie, the more obvious it becomes and the more lies she has to make up. you dont have to hound her, but make sure you get to the part to where it starts to make sense for you. put all suspect behavior and answers through a realistic, personal scrutiny, because when it comes down to it you need to get to your own conclusion about the situation.
even if she is lying she will not own up to it until its too late. so you ultimately have to answer the questions in front of you for yourself, based on what you can put together. girls like to talk anyways, right? so ask a few questions like youre interested, and dont let her brush you off. thats bad news. if what she has told you is highly unlikely, or makes no practical sense to you, then dont trust it. remember to follow through with your questioning. simple as that.
Very sound advice. I think if you're dealing with an extremely sensitive female, however, even a calm, judicious approach to questioning will cause rifts. It sucks but, it probably just highlights that that particular partnership is not meant to be.
I want to start experiencing some older women, like 30+. I had this cougar hit on me in a community college class about three years ago and even though I turned her down because she wasn't aesthetically appealing, I still really marvel at her maturity. She had a kid already, but she kept it 100. Didn't sense a hint of childishness in her. That's just surface level stuff though. I've yet to experience multiple encounters with an older woman, but I'm guessing that the wavering, "Oh I don't know how I really feel" type of emotions that exist in privileged, young college undergrads shouldn't shine through as much with them.
I have an innate ability to question things. I ponder stuff. I'm too damn curious to sit back and let a bunch of words and actions confound me without speaking up about it. I need a sense of clarity. I feel like a lot of dudes that these chicks' are dealing with keep things bottled in, and just accept female nonsense on the basis that they're receiving sex, or a sense of companionship, but none of that stuff is grand enough for me to just ignore my instinctual receptors.