yup same reseason why i stopped dating ...one minute theirthe next minute bytch be like
im not sure if im feeling you
fukkin waste of time![]()
the thing is dont care, if a chick doesnt atlk to you theres a million others who will
yup same reseason why i stopped dating ...one minute theirthe next minute bytch be like
im not sure if im feeling you
fukkin waste of time![]()
What do you do then
What do you do then
This thread is good b/c when you go out now, you're looking at women with theresponse, as opposed to the
For those posters who've been building in this thread since it's inception, you are already aware that I am in the process of finalizing my divorce. I always get asked whether I would take the risk and get married again? I say "No" very quickly which would lead most people to believe that I have made this decision without thought. But there is a lot of thought behind this decision, and I want to share it with my brethren because even though experiences are unique, outcomes are pretty much generalized.
Reason Why I Won't Get Married Again
No matter how much they try to sell marriage as the ultimate display of love and commitment, when it comes down to it, it is a law binding agreement. Unfortunately, people don't realize this until their marriage is on the rocks and they are heading for divorce. That's when they find out how dramatically divorce can change their lives, emotionally, socially, and financially.
Keep in mind, I am all for long term monogamous relationships. But is marriage really worth it? Dudes are under the impression that once I marry this woman she is mine. Well in reality it's actually the opposite. "You are hers"
Think about it....
In a regular relationship, if you find out that your girlfriend is cheating on her, you can move to end the relationship and go on with your life (unless you have children, which I'm going to get into as well).
When you're married, if you find out that your wife is cheating on you, if you move to get a divorce, there is the high risk of financial and social penalties that you will incur. This is why most men stay married even after their wife commits infidelities. On the other hand, a woman will get divorced if a man cheats because she benefits just as much from the divorce as she benefits from the marriage.
Now I'm not implying that all women are untrustworthy. What I'm saying is that marriage puts you in a situation when you are brainwashed to believe that this person is your soulmate and you have to work it out no matter what. Even if you are unhappy in marriage, she stops having sex with you, cooking, cleaning, showing affection, stops working, etc.... the concept of marriage will make you believe that you have to work through all of this.
In a relationship you would have easily kicked this woman to the curb because you would have determined that she provides no benefit or satisfaction to your life.
Simply put, we can't determine the future, so why would you commit yourself to anybody or anything for life? And think about it... the longer you are married, the more severe the penalties are if you ever get divorced.
People are quick to say, "I want a family", "I want kids". That's cool. I have kids too. Let me tell you this. As much as I love my kids, and deep in my heart I want more, but I will never have anymore kids for the following reasons:
1) The whole concept of a happy family is solely determined on your relationship with that woman. If she leaves you, you're not having a happy family. So you'll be in a position where you have to kiss her a$$ in order to make it work.
And this has nothing to do with marriage, just having kids in general. Being married with kids is a double dilemma in the sense that your reasons for staying married have less and less to do with your affinity for your wife.
Now I've been told that I'm bitter and that men who have happy marriages don't think like this. Babyface, the man who sang the most simpest song in history "As soon as I get home from work", has gotten divorced after 15 years from his wife Tracey Edmonds. And she's all over hollywood messing with everybody. Last week I heard she was dating Primetime. This should speak volumes.
So ask yourself? How does marriage benefit you?
Sure, you love her... and sure at the moment you want to spend the rest of your life with her.
But what happens 6-10 years into your marriage and you're no longer happy because she changed or is not doing the things she once used to do? What are your options? If you divorce, she most likely will get the house, the kids, child support, and depending on financial status, she may be entitled to alimony. This is not to say that all woman are scandalous. This is just to show you might not feel the same way in 7 years that you feel now. But you signed that lifetime commitment. No matter how great a product is, would you allow the distributor to deduct the costs of it from your bank account monthly for the rest of your life? No, you want to have the choice to stop paying for the product after it's usefulness has run it's course. Relationships are no different. Why keep paying for something that has already run it's course? That's why marriage isn't for me anymore.
damn i won this hot sexy smart girl on my arm, cant believe she was single.
month 1
month 2 :fidel:
month 3
month 4
I advise all men in the first 3 months of dating a chick to keep her on probation, anything you dont like make notes and when that probationary review comes up after 3 months if your not happy drop her
Also make sure
Make sure you know her family background, her attitude toward love, commitment, religious beliefs and morals. "what if you got pregnant what would you do?"
If shes in school or wokring a dead end job ask her what her goals are, gage her financial background, is her credit rating like 450
Hell even witht he chick i hanged out with yesterday i asked her about her previous relationships and what she learned, gaged her break up patterns.
see if shes bipolar or got a history of depression etc. in her life
be aware brehs
What I don't understand is why in this modern era is a woman embracing her feminine nature looked upon as weak? They've been sold this false bill of goods that feminism has been promising them. They've been promised some sort of fantasy utopia that they will enter after 'smashing the patriarchy' and through poorly emulating men. What is hilarious about these women clamoring to smash the patriarchy is that they are also the first ones to tell a man to 'man up' if he exhibits some sort of behavior unpleasant to her. I thought you hated the patriarchy, so shouldn't the man 'woman up'?
The sad thing is, this vision of manhood modern women have been given by feminists is a very poor, extremely cartoonish caricature. They get this impression that being a man is being some liquor swilling, cigar smoking, whore chasing ruffian that does what he wants and tells women what to do while giving nothing of value in return, and thereby 'imprisoning women' in the 'patriarchy'. They seem to think that by emulating this cartoon characiture of manhood, that they will finally be liberated...
"Why can't I sleep around 'like a man' (who said it was ok for men to sleep around? women CHOOSE experienced men of their own volition and could easily turn down male players, but they don't). Why can't I get tattoos like a man? Why can't I curse like a man? Why can't I get rowdy like a man? Why can't I be career-oriented like men?" But never do you hear, "Why can't I get shot like a man for saying something unpleasant? Why can't I get stomped into a coma if I hit the wrong person like a man? Why can't I have my feelings completely ignored and be told to 'man up' like a man?" Why can't I lose my life on the battlefield like a man? Why can't I undertake jobs that completely break me down physically like mining or construction like a man? Why can't I be forced to pay child support for children that aren't mine like a man?" I can go on and on.
These feminists have incubated a permanent victim status into these modern women and have them constantly believing that they are slaves of a sort being chained by 'the patriarchy.' Little do these modern women know that this is pure delusion, and once rolled back, women will be pleading to return to a more traditional structure.
Who in the world taught them that mentally and spiritually supporting and encouraging your man was wrong? That listening to the guidance and instruction of your decent man was a bad thing?
Females have gotten so brainwashed by feminism that they are now surprised when men aren't chasing after them due to them advertising masculine characteristics such as their degree and high-paying job. Men don't seek out providers. They attempt to BE the provider. You notice how a lot of these single women will say, "I'm a STRONG and INTELLIGENT woman, so men are intimidated by me." How often do you hear a single woman say, "I am a caring, nurturing woman who always looks out for my man"? Those women usually aren't single for long because they have FEMININE characteristics and men actively seek those women out.
Men and women simply aren't built the same. Men aren't messing with these self-proclaimed 'bold, strong, intelligent' women because we do not desire masculinity in our mates. If a man desired that, he'd simply be gay and deal with other men instead of seeking out a poor emulation of that. A man that sought a woman with masculine characteristics would be like a woman seeking out a caring, sweet, nurturing man who wears a g-string and jeggings. No, all of those tattoos, all of that cursing, that liquor swilling, that belligerent attitude is NOT attractive to men. No, that competitive attitude, placing your career above the family, the amount of money you make, etc., are NOT that attractive to men. No, men do not want 'sexually liberated' women who have slept with the whole block to wife up. They like those women for sex, but not for relationships. Men simply do not want women who attempt to be like men. Feminists and simp negroes who placate anything a female thinks will tell you otherwise, but reality will show quite different results.
A truly strong woman isn't one who seeks to play a role she isn't built for, but is rather one who can embrace her God given nature and live up to that role to the fullest. The strongest women are those grandmothers and mothers who've remained loyal to their husbands throughout all of the years, caring and nurturing for the kids...
A wise woman will attempt to roll back her feminist brainwashing and embrace her feminine nature... and thus, she will find her interactions with men start turning out VERY different and for the better.
this is true
theres times if I visit my girl she'll be on some so what do you have planned shyt. Is it every weekend that we have to go out and do some shyt? I say, we cant just chill? The way I see it.... why does there always have to be an event...why cant we just bask in each others presence. Girls find that kinda shyt boring. She also thinks I'm unromantic and antisocial (one of the most overused words in history). They wanna shop, eat, walk aimlessly in the mall/downtown strips etc etc.These women are idiots.
Times i'm at home on the weekend being a slob and just relaxing watching football. She's cool with it, but if she starts texting me and I aint showing her the most attention/being the most talkative cause I have the itis from eating a medium pizza with garlic bread or have stuff on my mind (mostly career related)...she'll catch feelings on some, "Anyways, enjoy the game."
This shyt happened yesterday.
yup. but most girls only hobbies are going out to dinner, parties or shopping. I hope i aint generalizing but thats how it appears for the AVERAGE chick. Even the ones who "like" sports it doesnt seem genuine and theyre bandwagoners.
It gets to the point sometimes where if I know shes home alone with nothing to do I feel bad naturally. But eff it, why cant she go to the gym and work out like she's been meaning to or something. (Thats a whole nother post though...girls who want something but never want to do the work necessary to achieve it) Or find a website with good interesting articles like the coli but not the coli. Thats her problem not mine, we cant be together or talking 24-7
. I'm happy she realizes that and will fall back when necessary...but i just wish she knew how to have fun by herself in case I'm unavailable and so are her friends. I dont like feeling guilty.
Cause I tell you guys...all I need is the Coli, a game on TV (especially when its sunday for nfl game threads), some food and beverage...and I will have the time of my life.
like said multiple times elsewhere in this thread and as you are well aware nudie, a chick shouldn't rely on where you can take her to appease her...if she likes you, you can take your girl to Sesame Street and she'll be delighted...as kev said, we shouldn't be trying to "deal" with women on some "damn what rabbit trick should I pull out of my ass next" tip