For those who are in relationships who are currently experiencing difficulties, I have some advice for you.
First you have to admit to yourselves that you are having difficulties in your relationship because your woman doesn't respect you as the authority figure or the "head" of your relationship.
I'm not sure how this even started, but we have conformed to the belief that it is our responsibility to make things right in our relationships.
Understand that you can't make a woman respect you. She must naturally do so, and this is done thru strong leadership and decisiveness. Your word must be your word, and you must carry out all consequences. You must establish rules, guidelines, and boundaries. Your woman must always be aware, not thru words, but actions, that being with you is a privilege.
You must also respect your woman. Don't call her out her name, belittle her, or do anything negative towards her, because after all, if she is these such horrible things, why are you still with her? You should leave. A lot of brothers will belittle a woman, and then wonders why she either blatantly or subliminally disrespects you.
The moment you feel that you can no longer treat this woman with respect, it is time to end the relationship. Nothing good can come from it.
A woman that refuses to be lead, should be left. You wouldn't attempt to domesticate a tiger would you? Some people have tried, but history proves that the tiger will be a tiger and eventually harm the owner. Why be with a woman who will eventually become belligerent and defiant. Leave her in the wild.
Also be firm and assertive with your communication. Be firm with your "yes" and "no". If woman feels you can manipulate your no into a yes, she will, and then your word will have no value.
Be loving and affectionate towards her, but be manly. She should be the one craving affection, and you should be the one complimenting it. It is so pathetic when a man is craving affection from his woman in a relationship. If she's not automatically being affectionate towards you, then her connection with you is not strong, and you should question if this is the type of relationship you should be in.
You will almost definitely be challenged by your woman during your relationship, but as long as you are firm, discipline, and keep your word, you can't lose. If the first blow is the strongest and hardest, she will think twice before she raises up again.