Well props to you for catching on early I had to go through years of the shyt in order to accept reality. It also didn't help that the women in my life were constantly feeding me the "not all women are the same" rhetoric even though I kept getting the same results and a good 95% of the chicks did the chasing, I've maybe approached 3 women in my life and I've had too many relationships to keep count of. I would have chicks chase me for months, finally wear me down only to pull the same old bullshyt. I got horror stories for days. Multiple heart breaks, hella money spent, hella time wasted. I been single 3 years and I plan to keep it that way while I grind to secure my future, ill hook up here and there but if they catch feelings after I'm up front about my intentions then they meet the bushes
The reality of the situation is that you can't wife up most of these women that you come across, nor does it pay to be in a relationship with most of them. I prefer to be a realistic thinker. I'm not an 'optimistic' or 'positive' thinker. I look at myself as someone who CAN improve on things at hand, but FIRST, I must look at it AS IS. It is critical to work within the confines of reality.
The problem with a lot of these 'positive thinkers' is that they allow their positivity to override their sense of reality and they start taking life as they WANT it to be and start overlaying it on top of life as it really is. In other words, in their mind, they transform doodoo into diamonds, but when they wake up out of their fantasy, they find out they're in a big, stinking mess.
The reality of the situation with a lot, but not all women in this day and age is that they are constantly talking to all kinds of dudes and they will continue to talk to them even while they are in a 'relationship' with you or even 'talking' to you. This is why a lot of these women simply disappear for periods of time and come back with some excuse or seem to have amnesia in regards to their whereabouts. "Oh I was just busy with a few things." The reality is that these are low moral and low quality women and you cannot change their behavior patterns with some action you are doing, so it is best to cut them off and do not deal with them. Once you've engaged in regular communication with a woman and all of a sudden she starts to give you the run-around or disappear for big blocks of time she is usually dealing with other men. It doesn't take more than 5 seconds to say, "Hey, how are you doing" in this communication age, and if you're serious about someone, why is that so difficult? It's not. She's just preoccupied with another guy who she has given priority over you, but she'll pop in every now and then to keep you on the roster to fall back on. When you and a woman have established a pattern of regular conversation, if that woman can NOT be consistent in staying in contact with you after that, do not give her the satisfaction of being in touch with you. Your value is way too high to be some back-up plan for some broad.

Very true statements kevm3, I thought it was all about putting "positive energy" out there while throwing caution to the wind. The same chick I mentioned earlier couldn't text or call me because she had a damn tooth ache

....to think my "optimistic nature" accepted that as a form of honesty