Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Apr 18, 2013
Well props to you for catching on early I had to go through years of the shyt in order to accept reality. It also didn't help that the women in my life were constantly feeding me the "not all women are the same" rhetoric even though I kept getting the same results and a good 95% of the chicks did the chasing, I've maybe approached 3 women in my life and I've had too many relationships to keep count of. I would have chicks chase me for months, finally wear me down only to pull the same old bullshyt. I got horror stories for days. Multiple heart breaks, hella money spent, hella time wasted. I been single 3 years and I plan to keep it that way while I grind to secure my future, ill hook up here and there but if they catch feelings after I'm up front about my intentions then they meet the bushes

The reality of the situation is that you can't wife up most of these women that you come across, nor does it pay to be in a relationship with most of them. I prefer to be a realistic thinker. I'm not an 'optimistic' or 'positive' thinker. I look at myself as someone who CAN improve on things at hand, but FIRST, I must look at it AS IS. It is critical to work within the confines of reality.
The problem with a lot of these 'positive thinkers' is that they allow their positivity to override their sense of reality and they start taking life as they WANT it to be and start overlaying it on top of life as it really is. In other words, in their mind, they transform doodoo into diamonds, but when they wake up out of their fantasy, they find out they're in a big, stinking mess.

The reality of the situation with a lot, but not all women in this day and age is that they are constantly talking to all kinds of dudes and they will continue to talk to them even while they are in a 'relationship' with you or even 'talking' to you. This is why a lot of these women simply disappear for periods of time and come back with some excuse or seem to have amnesia in regards to their whereabouts. "Oh I was just busy with a few things." The reality is that these are low moral and low quality women and you cannot change their behavior patterns with some action you are doing, so it is best to cut them off and do not deal with them. Once you've engaged in regular communication with a woman and all of a sudden she starts to give you the run-around or disappear for big blocks of time she is usually dealing with other men. It doesn't take more than 5 seconds to say, "Hey, how are you doing" in this communication age, and if you're serious about someone, why is that so difficult? It's not. She's just preoccupied with another guy who she has given priority over you, but she'll pop in every now and then to keep you on the roster to fall back on. When you and a woman have established a pattern of regular conversation, if that woman can NOT be consistent in staying in contact with you after that, do not give her the satisfaction of being in touch with you. Your value is way too high to be some back-up plan for some broad.

:blessed: Yeah I_Q, that pretty much was the story of my life :what: the thing is, it doesn't prevent me from accepting the fact that there's a quality female out here, but that shyt is basically like trying to find a needle in a cornfield :mindblown:

Very true statements kevm3, I thought it was all about putting "positive energy" out there while throwing caution to the wind. The same chick I mentioned earlier couldn't text or call me because she had a damn tooth ache :heh: . Shoot she even would intentionally let her iPhone hit 1%, send me the screenshot of the battery percentage and tell me how "imma hit you up later when I get my phone charged" knowing damn well she had her charger on her and simply charged it after the fact :bryan: (i found out at a later point of time from her sister) think my "optimistic nature" accepted that as a form of honesty :wtf:

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013

I remember reading your posts from way back. I definitely see a change in your attitude and mindset. just wanted to give you props cause i love seeing brehs realize how much power they really have once they stop using this as just tactics and truly start believing and internalizing this stuff.
Ah thanks man. I'm starting to learn about that stuff. I don't think I should rush shyt anymore unless I'm out on the go.

photography class, funny thing she was all dolled up makeup, short dress etc.

i went in sme bummy jeans and a hoody, i literally didn't care. Yeah she was hot as hell all i said though was nice umbrella:notimpressed:

its funny years ago going on a chill session with a female who was beautiful id be such a simp all quiet and shy, texting did you get home ok i had a great time and all that ish.

now its :ehh:

Lol nice. Did you approach her? She approach you? Give me the rundown g.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Ah thanks man. I'm starting to learn about that stuff. I don't think I should rush shyt anymore unless I'm out on the go.

Lol nice. Did you approach her? She approach you? Give me the rundown g.

she did, i don't approach chicks:smugterror:, needed help with her camera settings and i helped her out.

Got to talking find out she doesnt live that far from me, one thing led to another just had a chill session. I would say shes a strong 9 but im beyond my simping days, it was literally just a test for me yesterday, how far ive come in life where talking to women no matter how "beautiful": they are is easy as hell, and it doesn't bother me at all.

i could care less if we never speak again or whatever, reminds mysef no matter how old i get there will always be broads that look good with no kids that are attainable if need be

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
she did, i don't approach chicks:smugterror:, needed help with her camera settings and i helped her out.

Got to talking find out she doesnt live that far from me, one thing led to another just had a chill session. I would say shes a strong 9 but im beyond my simping days, it was literally just a test for me yesterday, how far ive come in life where talking to women no matter how "beautiful": they are is easy as hell, and it doesn't bother me at all.

i could care less if we never speak again or whatever, reminds mysef no matter how old i get there will always be broads that look good with no kids that are attainable if need be
Y don't you approach chicks?

You met her, had a chill session that same day. You set that up I'm assuming, so you're going to allow her to set up the second date if she likes you.

Plenty fish right?

Good to hear you're not intimidated by looks tho. :salute:

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012
3 month rule mane. That first 3 months, they are sweet as sugar and putting on this hidden gem act, but then the real them pops out all the time.

The first 3 months are so dangerous man, you will be feeling blessed thanking God for this woman you been searching for all of your life, thinking she is the one:blessed:

Now I just pump the brakes and realise I need to wait till the lady is comfortable and lets her real self out


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
A little different from my usual posts, but this is something I wanted to address.

This one is for my fellas with kids or anybody planning to have kids.

This single mother sh*t is real, and it is affecting us and society overall.

Think about the implications...

good shyt. it also reminded me a little bit of



I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Daily Star: Simply The Best 7 Days A Week :: Just Jane :: She is so nasty about my looks

MY girlfriend wants me to have plastic surgery because she's ashamed of how I look.

She hates my "big nose", my "weak chin" and my "flappy ears" - all her cruel descriptions of me.

And that's to say nothing of my "receding hairline" and "small penis".

I know I'm not perfect, but I don't think I'm that bad.

I'm 25 and I have never had any trouble getting girlfriends. I even did a bit of modelling for a local business when I was a child.

Yet she seems to think I'm on a par with Frankenstein's monster.

She's always telling me that I'm ugly and a weed.

She points to guys on the telly or in the street, and goes on about how much better looking they are than me.

I can't pretend that I don't get upset by her sick jibes.

Recently we were at a party and she turned on me. She was tipsy and told her mates that we never have sex (not true) because sleeping with me is like shagging The Elephant Man.

Inevitably, her shallow mates roared with laughter as she then went on to list my numerous failings and faults.

Later I asked her why she saw fit to humiliate me like that, but she pushed me away, accusing me of not being able to take a joke.

If she had her way, I'd have to beg, borrow or steal £100,000 tohave myself made over from top to toe. I'm not a cruel person, but what gets me is that she's not exactly perfect herself.

Her weight goes up and down and she's prone to body odour - only I would never dream of upsetting HER by pointing that out.


:beli: :beli: :beli: :beli:


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Well props to you for catching on early I had to go through years of the shyt in order to accept reality. It also didn't help that the women in my life were constantly feeding me the "not all women are the same" rhetoric even though I kept getting the same results and a good 95% of the chicks did the chasing, I've maybe approached 3 women in my life and I've had too many relationships to keep count of. I would have chicks chase me for months, finally wear me down only to pull the same old bullshyt. I got horror stories for days. Multiple heart breaks, hella money spent, hella time wasted. I been single 3 years and I plan to keep it that way while I grind to secure my future, ill hook up here and there but if they catch feelings after I'm up front about my intentions then they meet the bushes

A lot of men and women play this game all the time. It's simple - you're seen as a challenge, so they won't stop pursuing you until they succeed. Once they've 'got' you then they no longer have any need to make any kind of effort at all. They will feel as if they've got one over on you, especially if you showed disinterest at first.

I personally wouldn't trust any chick that "chases" me....we're not in the wild. I know a lot of dudes would feel flattered that a woman is showing an active interest, but that initial elation eventually subsides and that's when you have to start dealing with the bullshyt. Reality always rears its head after a while.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
here is what you do

delete her number

if she contacts you she does if she doesnt no loss

remembre women deal with emotion not logic! could have had a amazing date everything went great but we didnt "click", "no butterflies"

yup same reseason why i stopped dating minute their :ahh: the next minute bytch be like :usure: im not sure if im feeling you

fukkin waste of time :ufdup:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
The first 3 months are so dangerous man, you will be feeling blessed thanking God for this woman you been searching for all of your life, thinking she is the one:blessed:

Now I just pump the brakes and realise I need to wait till the lady is comfortable and lets her real self out

damn i won this hot sexy smart girl on my arm, cant believe she was single.

month 1 :ohlawd:
month 2 :fidel:
month 3 :win:
month 4 :snoop:

I advise all men in the first 3 months of dating a chick to keep her on probation, anything you dont like make notes and when that probationary review comes up after 3 months if your not happy drop her

Also make sure
Make sure you know her family background, her attitude toward love, commitment, religious beliefs and morals. "what if you got pregnant what would you do?"

If shes in school or wokring a dead end job ask her what her goals are, gage her financial background, is her credit rating like 450

Hell even witht he chick i hanged out with yesterday i asked her about her previous relationships and what she learned, gaged her break up patterns.

see if shes bipolar or got a history of depression etc. in her life

be aware brehs