There is a lot of great knowledge being shared in this thread and it's all about conducting yourself with class and being you instead of trying to trick women into giving you sex by morphing into the kind of guy you imagine she would like or utilizing tactics to get her to bed by any means necessary. Just being selective about the kind of women you let into your life will improve your life dramatically. You won't realize how much drama, mental/emotional and financial duress a woman can bring onto your life until you've taken time to yourself and removed yourself from the company of women who play games. The problem is that we have so many women that play these games, we've come to accept this as a state of NORMALCY and go on to think that this is how it should be. It is only so because men accept this unruly behavior from women and even encourage it by continuing to pay that woman attention at the behest of their own ego, addictions or at the urging of their simp friends that this behavior remains so prevalent. It's sad to know that so many men willingly choose to participate in this cycle of utter nonsense.
Let me put you onto something else. A lot of people have sex addiction or they've been brain washed into a sex addicts mentality, and that is the root of A LOT of problems that men have. Instead of men being taught to value themselves and only to deal with a female that has demonstrated a high level of value, they are taught to be sex hounds, aka beggars for the vagina.
Sex Hound Mentality
"Man I got to go get me some today. What woman can I call up?" This man has a high need to pursue sex at any means necessary. It becomes like a drug that he MUST have a hit of by any means necessary. Thus, he is now willing to pay any price necessary for it. He will spend some crazy amount of money on clothes, vehicles, jewels and colognes in order to step out the house to try to catch a woman's eye. Now there is nothing wrong with wanting to go out looking your best, but when you are spending 3/4th of your income on items to 'look smooth to the ladies,' your mind is in the wrong place. You could easily have used that money to build a financial structure that will make your living much smoother, but that's another topic.
Anyhow, because his desire to have sex is so high, or he's been brainwashed into the need to have sex just for having sex, when he comes across a woman, he will do any and everything to get her attention. He will accept behavior he shouldn't accept because 'he might not get none from her.' In essence, this man values his sexual release higher than his dignity and goes around in a fashion where he is nearly begging women. This is why these women continually hold power over him. They can sense his thirst and know that he is willing to do just about anything for sex and they are able to manipulate his desire by constantly waving sex in front of his face and then denying him, but in the process, ramping up their demands. The guy is unwittingly led to believe that he needs to do MORE to win her affection, not knowing that he is being manipulated. This guy is like a little dog in whom his master is waving a treat in front of him, telling him to roll over and do other tricks. You are a pet to her, not a man.
When you hold a woman above you, including her sexuality and feel you must have that element by any means necessary, you WILL get played. When you give a woman the impression that you value something about her very highly, you are opening a door for her to wave it in front of your face, deny it from you and charge you all the way home. Stop being a sex hound and ignore your simp friends that do jumping jacks and encourage that lame behavior. Stop chasing sex by any means necessary. That's how ya'll cats get caught up impregnating a woman you end up hating or buying dinners and gifts for these women and end up getting mad when you find out that she was just using you for free stuff, all the while dealing with another guy on the side.
Man of Value
On the other side of the equation, a man of value knows that he is worth much, so he doesn't recklessly spend his time and energy on women, nor does he chase them around. He deals with women who remove the barriers of interaction and keep things as stress free as possible. He offers a woman an opportunity. He isn't the one seeking to 'hopefully' get into her graces. A man of value can live a perfectly fulfilling life WITHOUT the company of a female, so thus he is in a position to only accept quality females into his life. He never begs them, but positions his life to where he is living it to the fullest, so the women want to come into HIS life.
Stop begging these women and stop trying to stick your johnson into every pretty one that passes by. Just like you never buy stocks just to buy stocks, never deal with women just to deal with a woman. She has to demonstrate VALUE. If she has none, you will be best served by staying away from her and keeping that drama out of your life. Have a standard to yourself and assess a woman's value before you deal with her and STAY IN YOUR POND. When you work on your own life and improve yourself, your pond becomes larger, so stay focused on handling the important things in life and you will be in a much better position than trying to do tricks and tap dance your way into these females' lives.