Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
Casual dating

Be aware of women who casual date. These are women who are non-committal, and will date more than one dude at a time.

Let's say that you meet a chick and go out on a date with her. Just because you and her are not serious or in a committed relationship does not justify her dating multiple men.

Women will often use the excuse that we're not serious. However, we fail to understand that this behavior is not situational, but a character trait. If a woman believes in monogamy, she's never gonna date a whole bunch of dudes at one time because that's not who she is.

She's going to focus on you, and if she feels that you're not giving her the attention she needs, then she's going to date somebody else, not both of you at the same time.

You don't want a woman who feels it is okay to casually date multiple guys at a time. It might seem harmless at the time, but this character trait will come back to bite you when you get in a relationship with her. She has already demonstrated that she has the ability to focus on multiple men at one time. This goes against the principle of being loyalty.

Women show you who they are, you just have to believe them.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City


and a lot of the bad ones are like that

If you run into a broad with a few of these symptoms, watch out. BPD girls live in an unfortunate state of arrested development, as if you took a perpetually hormonal 12 year old and gave it the body and power of an adult. This is an especially dangerous combination because attractive girls, no matter how crazy, are essentially allowed to get away with anything in our society. These girls will be incredible manipulators and will turn people against you, since there is never a shortage of white knights ready to assuage a pretty girl’s perceived distress. The combination of impunity and impulsiveness makes them prime targets to throw out a false rape accusation, destroy your property, stalk you, and attempt to ruin your life from the inside out. The commonalities in the few girls I’ve encountered like this are:

Huge and unpredictable mood swings — From lovey-dovey to scary-rage in two seconds flat.

Child-like fascination with both infantile and adult subject matter — She may obsess over cute puppies and kitties, but also searches out the sensory overload like hardcore porn and gory slasher movies without batting an eye.

Risk-seeking behavior: She loves unprotected sex, gambling, and dangerous thrill-seeking. She lacks a filter before saying something or make a decision.

Deflect. She’s going to raise hissy fits about nearly everything. This will happen so often that you’ll wonder whether you’re the one who’s acting strangely. Don’t take anything she says very seriously and maintain a calm, aloof demeanor.

Ultimately no matter how attractive she is, dealing with this type of crazy is not worth it. Do not hesitate to kick these women to the curb if they exhibit this behavior. You’ve been warned.

Read More: Internet Dating Killed My Game

recommend yall check this one out


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
A chick that really digs you, you can be standing by the garbage can at work and she will have the time of her life just chatting with you. We, as men, start getting into problems because we start trying to fish outside of our pond. instead of focusing on those women that like us for us, we want to expand that criteria to choose any and all women that we find fine. When we start to fish outside of our own pond is when we start coming into trouble because we start adding additives and preservatives in the mix. A woman outside of our pond does not look at us as enough, so we figure we can impress her into liking us by bringing material items into the mix. When you start getting into this zone, you convince yourself that it is really YOU that she likes, but it's really the benefits she is getting off of you. When you catch a woman with the benefits you are providing, more than likely she has another guy on the side that she REALLY likes and is just using you up for free stuff while spending time with him for no charge.

If a woman refuses to hold some kind of conversation with me unless I'm taking her out gets crossed off the list real fast. Do not deal with women who do not consider you yourself as the treat or the prize. If she requires you to bring something other than yourself, SHE is the prize in reality, because she is saying your company isn't sufficient enough so you have to compensate/pay her to be in her presence. Do not lower your own worth to such an extent.

:ohlawd: Jesus Christ Kev, this shyt right here is GOLDEN!! I had to learn this shyt myself, These hoes won't pick up the phone and give you a call to check on you or have a conversation, but they are quick to respond for a FREE dinner.

I post pictures of myself eating great food solo on my instagram, and these biscuit head ass females love to comment or send me messages like "Wish i was invited to keep you company"..:rudy:.. I haven't heard from you in months but I'm suppose to invite you and pay for you to keep me company? Might as well call yourself a fukking escort :beli:

I swear my life has been better once I stopped falling for these hoes bullshyt.:win:
Sep 6, 2012
Chatterbox FM
Most of my daps given out occur in this thread. There's a bevy of gems in here.

The one thing I can say is though, is that I don't think I'll ever get into a serious relationship? I'm too aware of myself, and more importantly, I'm too aware of the humanistic ability to change. Women are unstable. The only type of relationship I can see myself having slight success with is an open one, and even then, I don't see any of those lasting too long.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
There is a lot of great knowledge being shared in this thread and it's all about conducting yourself with class and being you instead of trying to trick women into giving you sex by morphing into the kind of guy you imagine she would like or utilizing tactics to get her to bed by any means necessary. Just being selective about the kind of women you let into your life will improve your life dramatically. You won't realize how much drama, mental/emotional and financial duress a woman can bring onto your life until you've taken time to yourself and removed yourself from the company of women who play games. The problem is that we have so many women that play these games, we've come to accept this as a state of NORMALCY and go on to think that this is how it should be. It is only so because men accept this unruly behavior from women and even encourage it by continuing to pay that woman attention at the behest of their own ego, addictions or at the urging of their simp friends that this behavior remains so prevalent. It's sad to know that so many men willingly choose to participate in this cycle of utter nonsense.

Let me put you onto something else. A lot of people have sex addiction or they've been brain washed into a sex addicts mentality, and that is the root of A LOT of problems that men have. Instead of men being taught to value themselves and only to deal with a female that has demonstrated a high level of value, they are taught to be sex hounds, aka beggars for the vagina.

Sex Hound Mentality
"Man I got to go get me some today. What woman can I call up?" This man has a high need to pursue sex at any means necessary. It becomes like a drug that he MUST have a hit of by any means necessary. Thus, he is now willing to pay any price necessary for it. He will spend some crazy amount of money on clothes, vehicles, jewels and colognes in order to step out the house to try to catch a woman's eye. Now there is nothing wrong with wanting to go out looking your best, but when you are spending 3/4th of your income on items to 'look smooth to the ladies,' your mind is in the wrong place. You could easily have used that money to build a financial structure that will make your living much smoother, but that's another topic.

Anyhow, because his desire to have sex is so high, or he's been brainwashed into the need to have sex just for having sex, when he comes across a woman, he will do any and everything to get her attention. He will accept behavior he shouldn't accept because 'he might not get none from her.' In essence, this man values his sexual release higher than his dignity and goes around in a fashion where he is nearly begging women. This is why these women continually hold power over him. They can sense his thirst and know that he is willing to do just about anything for sex and they are able to manipulate his desire by constantly waving sex in front of his face and then denying him, but in the process, ramping up their demands. The guy is unwittingly led to believe that he needs to do MORE to win her affection, not knowing that he is being manipulated. This guy is like a little dog in whom his master is waving a treat in front of him, telling him to roll over and do other tricks. You are a pet to her, not a man.

When you hold a woman above you, including her sexuality and feel you must have that element by any means necessary, you WILL get played. When you give a woman the impression that you value something about her very highly, you are opening a door for her to wave it in front of your face, deny it from you and charge you all the way home. Stop being a sex hound and ignore your simp friends that do jumping jacks and encourage that lame behavior. Stop chasing sex by any means necessary. That's how ya'll cats get caught up impregnating a woman you end up hating or buying dinners and gifts for these women and end up getting mad when you find out that she was just using you for free stuff, all the while dealing with another guy on the side.

Man of Value
On the other side of the equation, a man of value knows that he is worth much, so he doesn't recklessly spend his time and energy on women, nor does he chase them around. He deals with women who remove the barriers of interaction and keep things as stress free as possible. He offers a woman an opportunity. He isn't the one seeking to 'hopefully' get into her graces. A man of value can live a perfectly fulfilling life WITHOUT the company of a female, so thus he is in a position to only accept quality females into his life. He never begs them, but positions his life to where he is living it to the fullest, so the women want to come into HIS life.

Stop begging these women and stop trying to stick your johnson into every pretty one that passes by. Just like you never buy stocks just to buy stocks, never deal with women just to deal with a woman. She has to demonstrate VALUE. If she has none, you will be best served by staying away from her and keeping that drama out of your life. Have a standard to yourself and assess a woman's value before you deal with her and STAY IN YOUR POND. When you work on your own life and improve yourself, your pond becomes larger, so stay focused on handling the important things in life and you will be in a much better position than trying to do tricks and tap dance your way into these females' lives.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
They say that another man's trash is another man's treasure.

If another man threw it out, then it's probably for good reason.

We get fooled into believing that a woman will treat us differently from her exes, but this is far from true. Don't buy into the propaganda that men don't know how to treat women. Most men might not know how to manage the situation's properly for their maximum benefit, but best believe that they are treating her the way they are treating her for a reason.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
This is the cover of my upcoming book.

It is a fiction novel based loosely on my life and will incorporate many of the lessons we read about in this thread.


Antonio aka Cise, a blog writer for a Magazine company and a radio show host whose expertise is relationships, faces challenges in his own relationship and he has to come to grips that his wife was cheating him. So now he's back in the game, and he talks a good one, but can he walk the walk? Now that he's single, exes are coming out of the woodworks, new girls are trying to stake their claim, and Cise is trying to decide if his marriage is worth saving at the same time still helping his friends with their relationship woes: Gift, who can't stay faithful; Shorts, who doesn't know how to talk to women respectfully; and Chalk; the white boy who can't seem to get a black woman to notice him. He also takes a young lady under the wing and schools her to the game, all while keeping his nosey boss out of his personal affairs. This book is not for those who believe in fairytales. A book very deeply enriched in the psychology of human interaction, it reads as a fast pace novel, but has the scholarly attributes that you might learn something about love, life, and most importantly, yourself.


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
The outer limits
There is a lot of great knowledge being shared in this thread and it's all about conducting yourself with class and being you instead of trying to trick women into giving you sex by morphing into the kind of guy you imagine she would like or utilizing tactics to get her to bed by any means necessary. Just being selective about the kind of women you let into your life will improve your life dramatically. You won't realize how much drama, mental/emotional and financial duress a woman can bring onto your life until you've taken time to yourself and removed yourself from the company of women who play games. The problem is that we have so many women that play these games, we've come to accept this as a state of NORMALCY and go on to think that this is how it should be. It is only so because men accept this unruly behavior from women and even encourage it by continuing to pay that woman attention at the behest of their own ego, addictions or at the urging of their simp friends that this behavior remains so prevalent. It's sad to know that so many men willingly choose to participate in this cycle of utter nonsense.

Let me put you onto something else. A lot of people have sex addiction or they've been brain washed into a sex addicts mentality, and that is the root of A LOT of problems that men have. Instead of men being taught to value themselves and only to deal with a female that has demonstrated a high level of value, they are taught to be sex hounds, aka beggars for the vagina.

Sex Hound Mentality
"Man I got to go get me some today. What woman can I call up?" This man has a high need to pursue sex at any means necessary. It becomes like a drug that he MUST have a hit of by any means necessary. Thus, he is now willing to pay any price necessary for it. He will spend some crazy amount of money on clothes, vehicles, jewels and colognes in order to step out the house to try to catch a woman's eye. Now there is nothing wrong with wanting to go out looking your best, but when you are spending 3/4th of your income on items to 'look smooth to the ladies,' your mind is in the wrong place. You could easily have used that money to build a financial structure that will make your living much smoother, but that's another topic.

Anyhow, because his desire to have sex is so high, or he's been brainwashed into the need to have sex just for having sex, when he comes across a woman, he will do any and everything to get her attention. He will accept behavior he shouldn't accept because 'he might not get none from her.' In essence, this man values his sexual release higher than his dignity and goes around in a fashion where he is nearly begging women. This is why these women continually hold power over him. They can sense his thirst and know that he is willing to do just about anything for sex and they are able to manipulate his desire by constantly waving sex in front of his face and then denying him, but in the process, ramping up their demands. The guy is unwittingly led to believe that he needs to do MORE to win her affection, not knowing that he is being manipulated. This guy is like a little dog in whom his master is waving a treat in front of him, telling him to roll over and do other tricks. You are a pet to her, not a man.

When you hold a woman above you, including her sexuality and feel you must have that element by any means necessary, you WILL get played. When you give a woman the impression that you value something about her very highly, you are opening a door for her to wave it in front of your face, deny it from you and charge you all the way home. Stop being a sex hound and ignore your simp friends that do jumping jacks and encourage that lame behavior. Stop chasing sex by any means necessary. That's how ya'll cats get caught up impregnating a woman you end up hating or buying dinners and gifts for these women and end up getting mad when you find out that she was just using you for free stuff, all the while dealing with another guy on the side.

Man of Value
On the other side of the equation, a man of value knows that he is worth much, so he doesn't recklessly spend his time and energy on women, nor does he chase them around. He deals with women who remove the barriers of interaction and keep things as stress free as possible. He offers a woman an opportunity. He isn't the one seeking to 'hopefully' get into her graces. A man of value can live a perfectly fulfilling life WITHOUT the company of a female, so thus he is in a position to only accept quality females into his life. He never begs them, but positions his life to where he is living it to the fullest, so the women want to come into HIS life.

Stop begging these women and stop trying to stick your johnson into every pretty one that passes by. Just like you never buy stocks just to buy stocks, never deal with women just to deal with a woman. She has to demonstrate VALUE. If she has none, you will be best served by staying away from her and keeping that drama out of your life. Have a standard to yourself and assess a woman's value before you deal with her and STAY IN YOUR POND. When you work on your own life and improve yourself, your pond becomes larger, so stay focused on handling the important things in life and you will be in a much better position than trying to do tricks and tap dance your way into these females' lives.

Love this post breh, those are some great words.

I like your metaphor of staying in your pond...really simplifies a lot. To some that may sound like a limiting belief, but I think that there's way more to it and it's all about the mindset your in.


Jun 28, 2012
lol i mentioned earlier in thsi thread last year i went out on a date with this 30 year old broad who had her mba and lived downtown, she didnt even have a car, everythign was going great but once she went in my toyota corolla everything changed :notimpressed:

Aww naw, hoes thinking they too good out here, huh. Glad you dodged that one :whew: